MICHELLE: I’m reluctant to tout anything from TOKYOPOP, given that I am still bitter about past deeds, but I must admit that Ossan Idol! looks really fun. I’m worried they’ll abandon this series midway, like so many others, but I shall cautiously award it my pick of the week. SEAN: This week’s pick is Easy Breezy for me: it’s the first volume of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken, which if it’s even half as good as the anime will be very good indeed. ASH: I’m certainly interested in Eizouken, too, but this week I think I’ll be focusing on catching up on Viz series, probably starting with JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure before pivoting to shoujo. MELINDA: Okay, I’ll be honest, folks. I don’t have a pick this week, because I can’t...

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