It’s not about jokes revolving End Of Service, or retirement or graduation, even. It’s just the pronouncement of a pause, a well-deserved break, a long vacation maybe. Well, nobody is going on vacation except me, writing this up within a sun-lit villa on the islands of Hawai’i. I was just musing with other Ps in […]
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Here is another topic that I have a million takes and I have to time box to get this out. And I did it in only three hours.…
THE IDOLM@STER Million Live 10th Tour Act 1 Saitama Super Arena
Trying a new format to better condense? I say this every time but had I? I guess this is the product review format of event review, because, “producer”…

First Impressions: The iDOLM@STER Million Live!
Mirai Kasuga is seeking direction in her life. She’s in at least eight different clubs, trying to find something she wants to do, when she happens to get…
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE Anime and the Meaning of Spoilers
I have a lot to say about the Million Live TV anime, as you could imagine. I think the thoughts will not make it as blog entries unless…
The IDOLM@STER Million Live! anime is finally here
I sort of wish they had gone with this anime idea instead.
THE IDOLM@STER Million Live! 9th Live Impressions, Thoughts
After the missing years of COVID, I was able to return and attend a Million Live solo show. Before 9th, I attended stops of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and…

End of an Era: RightStuf Closes its Doors October 10th…
Wow…if you haven’t heard the news, this one’s gonna hit you hard if you’re an anime fan. Breaking around 11am this morning from Anime News Network, RightStuf has…

The iDOLM@STER// An experience similar to drowning.
I’m frightened by this show. If you were to take the experience of a visual novel and turn it into an anime, it would be The iDOLM@STER. Boasting…

r#88 – the idolm@ster
Hello hello and welcome back to another review on #moe404! After writing my first review for the blog last week, I’m slowly starting to get the hang of…
IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors: The Animation
This is really a first-impression piece. I’m talking about my own impression but more like how a nice meal tastes, but with the right wine pairing. You can…
I probably left my AX2023 writeup in the trash somewhere, and between then and now was a very fun AWA2023, but let’s not let it get in the…
On Cons, Japan, IDOLM@STER
Rather than the usual newsletter I just want to throw this out there to organize some thoughts and info. It’s also an update on my personal leisure time…
Protected: IDOLM@STER Streaming Picks
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Gakuen Idolm@ster has Dropped
Everything that needs to be said about Gakuen Idolm@ster can be found on Twitter/X. There’s also this wonderful thin slice on the visual contents side from Sakugabooru–feeding us…

First Impression: The iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors
At 283 (pronounced “tsubasa”) Productions, several idols prepare to challenge W.I.N.G., a major competition for new idols. While many of the idols are in established units already, two…
IDOLM@STER 18th Stream, SideM Thoughts
This is just the thoughts from this particular Producer, so take it as you will. Just reacting to some other folks from this morning (evening JP time on…
Framing IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149
As I was watching the final episode of U149, I thought back to how a lot of the core concepts of Cinderella Girls come down to pretty silly,…
Celebrating the End of an Era: Millennium Actress Revisited
The life, death, and legacy of an artist.

Reflections on… The Idolm@ster – Performance and Potential
The iDOLM@STER franchise originally started as a series of video games, back in 2007 it received an anime with a complete re-imagining of the characters as mecha pilots, in…

First Impression: The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149
At a certain idol production agency, a new division is created, and several promising elementary school girls are selected to be in this division, while a hot-blooded staff…

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149 First Impressions
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149 is an anime that not a lot of people are hyped about. It’s part of The iDOLM@STER franchise, which has been going on…

Bad Lands, The IDOLM@STER Million Live! Third Act, The Silent Service, Kon Kon, Japanese Film Trailers
Bad Lands, The IDOLM@STER Million Live! Third Act, The Silent Service, Kon Kon, Japanese Film Trailers

The End of an Era — A Thank You! (#Negima #UQHolder)
AstroNerdBoy looks back at the days of "Negima!" and "UQ Holder" and its impact on the blog. Then he thanks readers for the long journey.
IDOLM@STER vα-liv, Launch, Famitsu Interview
Simps know where to find the “goods” so instead I’ll dive right in to the meta. For starters, despite all the funny things they may have mentioned in…

Anisong World Matsuri – Japan Kawaii Live Concert with idolm@ster, Wake Up Girls, Walkure, and Love Live’s Aquors
A lifetime of listening to classical and jazz has ingrained within me the idea that concerts function as a forum for artists to practice and refine their craft.…
Anisong World Matsuri – Japan Kawaii Live Concert with idolm@ster, Wake Up Girls, Walkure, and Love Live’s Aquors
A lifetime of listening to classical and jazz has ingrained within me the idea that concerts function as a forum The post Anisong World Matsuri – Japan Kawaii Live…
Fifteen Years of The iDOLM@STER – Carrying a Legacy Forward to the Future
With fifteen years officially in the record books, it’s safe to say that The iDOLM@STER has made its mark within the plethora of industries it’s now attached to.…
Million Live 10th Tour Act-4 Recap
The feeling seeing Machico randomly confessing to Ueshama. The chill of the Tokyo Bay wind hitting your face as you’re teeing up GenP for a friend behind you…

Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (Episode 27) – An Era of Humans
Twelve mages passed the second round of the First-class mage exams, which is unprecedented. To counter that, Serie has stepped in to conduct the third round herself. No…

Naoko Yamada’s Departure From Kyoto Animation And Science Saru’s Painful Reinvention: End Of An Era, Start Of An Era?
KyoAni’s most renowned director Naoko Yamada left the studio she had dedicated her entire career to and is now directing Heike Monogatari at Science Saru—a studio in the…

A quintet of C-list Idolm@ster characters star in one of the most bonkers anime shorts ever put to screen.
The iDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors is only medium shiny so far
What's the matter, Juri? Don't you LOVE MEAT?
The Great Pause of 2020
Pandemics strike about once every 100 years, just beyond the memory of most people. The last happened in 1918, and I know of only one person who remembered…

All Summer Long, SAND LAND, The IDOLM@STER Million Live! First Act, 1.4BILLION, Okashiratsuki, Oji-san Gekidan Hajimemashita Japanese Film Trailers
All Summer Long, SAND LAND, The IDOLM@STER Million Live! First Act, 1.4BILLION, Okashiratsuki, Oji-san Gekidan Hajimemashita Japanese Film Trailers

Shiny Feelings (iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors, Shirase Sakuya/Tsukioka Kogane)
Shirase Sakuya is an idol, who is also in love. With the center of her own unit! Also available on Archive of Our Own and

#132 - The IDOLM@STER (2011) feat. Kory (Taiiku Podcast & Manga In Your Ears)
An episode in which Bill finally gets to gush about his undying love for The IDOLM@STER (2011), a show a bit ahead of its time for the mid…
The best Love Live! and the worst iDOLM@STER are both running this season
Kaho being energetic all the time is particularly notable because Shiny Colors has so many Ambien idols.

Mayonaka Punch – Episode 2 – Masakichi and Live’s Quest to Gain 1 Million Subscribers
Episode impressions of Mayonaka Punch Episode 2 as a drunk Masakichi who just got kicked out of Hyped-Up Sisters made a promise with Live. Yes, she can have…

Rainbow Gala 30 and the End of an Era: Hong Kong's Biggest Doujinshi Convention Set to Shutter
Future of Hong Kong's creative scene “pathetic,” says organizers, as venue shuts down.
Putting the blog on pause
A blog about manga, anime, books, yuri, music, and cute things with reviews and an LGBTQ perspective.

The YokoyaM@ster
The IdolM@ster #18I was wondering whether or not Makoto Kobayashi was involved in the newest Last Exile anime out of Gonzo, because I didn’t catch his name in…

Third Impact Anime Episode # 132 – The IDOLM@STER (2011) feat. Kory (Taiiku Podcast & Manga In Your Ears)
An episode in which Bill finally gets to gush about his undying love for The IDOLM@STER (2011), a show a bit ahead of its time for the mid…

EP 78: Almighty Pause
Im back! This week on the podcast I catch up on life, anime, manga, gaming and more from the last month. Timestamps (00:00) Intro (01:30) Life Talk (12:30)…

Seraph of the end manga – An epic continuation
Hey guys what is up welcome back to my blog I’m so thankful that you guys took the time out of your day to read my blog post.…

Seraph of the End: Touched by an Angel
I have never been on the Attack on Titan thing. I’ll probably get into it at one point, but it’s just something that I have no interest in…

The End of Vinland Saga: An Inevitable Tragedy
In the end, Askeladd dies in Thorfinn's arms, urging him to look beyond the battlefield and become the "true warrior" that he could not.
‘Madoka Magica’ Launches 10th Anniversary EventTo celebrate the 10th anniversary of...
‘Madoka Magica’ Launches 10th Anniversary EventTo celebrate the 10th anniversary of Shaft’s Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Magica Quartet and Aniplex are hosting a special event on April 25…

Overlooked Licenses of the NES Era
Just about anything could become a game on the Nintendo Entertainment System. By the early 1990s the NES dominated the console market, and e...
Dragon Ball, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, Golgo 13: The Professional, Golgo 13, Mouse

In the Era of Reiwa Yuri
In recent years, the yuri genre has been undergoing something of a renaissance, or going through a golden age. This has come hand in hand with an explosion…