Taiki and Chinatsu's final days in the gymnasium are upon us, Loki brings ruin to Elbaph, and Astro Royale skips straight to the final round! For those not watching the video, this episode was recorded while Nik was visiting Quinn. There will be some inconsistencies in volume from the set-up, but thankfully no connection issues! 5:53 - Ichi the Witch 25 25:08 - Blue Box 187 41:03 - Chainsaw Man 196 50:17 - Dandadan 185 59:50 - Astro Royale 44 1:15:05 / 75:05 - Embers 6 1:27:01 / 87:01 - Hima-Ten! 33 1:45:18 / 105:18 - Syd Craft: Love is a Mystery 15 1:59:32 / 119:32 - Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 35 2:08:20 / 128:20 - Nue's Exorcist 89 2:24:23 / 144:23 - Marriagetoxin ex 2:25:00 / 145:00 - Akane-banashi 149 2:36:16 / 156:16 - One Piece 1142 2:44:55 / 164:55 - Favorite Series and MVP
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