1972 turned out to be a momentous year for anime, due to the debut of Mazinger Z, a pioneering mecha program; the series focuses on the young pilot Koji Kabuto, who receives the giant mecha Mazinge…
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Mazinger-Z 01
Well folks, here’s my first release. Mazinger-Z Episode 01 The releases use ordered chapters. If you don’t know what that means, the ending and opening sequences are in…

Mazinger-Z 02
And here’s episode two. I realised one genuine complaint from all the comments related to my initial release – I’m depriving new viewers of the hilarity of the…

Mazinger-Z 03
Episode 3 has arrived, with added Boss Borot. This weeks image was a no brainer. Although, I’d already taken two others before I got to it. As you…

Mazinger-Z 04
Well, this episode has simultaneously amused and annoyed me the most out of any so far. But here it is in all its glory(?). There wasn’t much gold…

Mazinger-Z 05
And we’re back! In style? Maybe, you decide. This episode’s been a long time coming, so have some links, and I’ll save my ramblings for after the release…

Reordered a Figure Because of This: The Robot Spirits ⟨Side SUPER⟩ Spazer & Mazinger Z (Grendizer U)
I previously placed a pre-order for The Robot Spirits Grendizer (Grendizer U) figure back when it was announced, but ultimately decided to cancel it since I thought that…
Guest Spot: Giant Robot FM
Hi friends! If you love Gunbuster , I have a treat for you: I was a guest on the most recent episode of Giant Robot FM…

Shin Mazinger Z - Greatest Anime Ever Made
Tastes in anime, as in all things, can vary widely from person to person. It is with this universal truth in mind, that I try not to judge...

Robot Girls Z: Comedic Chaos
Welcome to the world of the weebs where anything can be turned into an anime girl and I mean everything. Thanks to things like Cells at Work, blood…

Scrander Cross… Literally: The Robot Spirits ⟨Side SUPER⟩ Mazinger X
In December 2024, Tamashii Nations opened pre-orders for The Robot Spirits Spazer & Mazinger Z set from Grendizer U. And if you saw the preview video from…

Taekwon V: Not Just a Korean Mazinger Z Knockoff
Well, technically it still is. But there’s more to it than your average low budget knockoff. Thanks to the pandemic, most of us were stuck at home and…
OSMcast: Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen 11-16-2009
This is the REAL Mazinger, MAN. For this TWO HOUR BEHEMOTH of an OSMcast_!_, we are once again joined by Daryl Surat of Anime World Order and Otaku USA…

Giant Robot Anime Through The Ages is now on Youtube!
I presented a bunch of panels this year at Virtual Naka Kon 2021! One of them, Giant Robot Anime Through The Ages, didn’t have any copyrighted clips to…
from Zuba-ban (1971) by Go Nagai The post GIANT ROBOT JOAN OF ARC vs. FLYING SAUCERS appeared first on AWESOME ENGINE.

Shin Mazinger Zero Volume 1
I don't even know what to say other than I'm tired and no, I'm not dead. I've been scanning a lot, and I'll be doing some more scanning…

Why do We Love Giant Robot? (Food for Thoughts)
Giant robot illustration for the purpose of SEO I was watching the episode 5 of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken the other day and it got me really…

Giant Beasts of Ars – Episode 1
A paladin named Jiro meets a strange girl named Kuumi being chased by soldiers and together they decide to stop the monsters attacking their town.
Maser Patrol podcast episode 38: “Giant Robot Movies” at G-Fest XXV
The other panel from this year’s G-Fest is up on YouTube now. While it was certainly a bit more slapdash than the other one, hopefully it’ll help you…

Interesting, They’re Not Gokin Figures? Mini Action Series Mazinger Z & Aphrodite A
As I’ve yet to get myself a copy of the Mini Action God Sigma set, the amazing folks over at Action Toys has announced the next figures in…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 118: Mazinger Z & Rave Master (or Mazin Go!!!)
In this action packed episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Deke review the vastly popular Shonen Series, Groove Adventure Rave/Rave Master by Hiro Mashima, while Xan proves his…
Rave Master, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Mazinger Z, Mazinkaiser
[Review] Z/X Code reunion – Episode 1
You ever watch something and then thirty minutes later realize you’ve forgotten almost everything about it? That’s where I am with Z/X Code reunion right now. The post [Review]…

Shin Mazinger Zero Volume 3 Chapter 1
And so begins volume 3! Shin Mazinger Zero Volume 3 Chapter 1 The usual thanks goes out to this series' translator OtherSideofSky and ou...

Shin Mazinger Zero Volume 4 Chapter 1
And so begins volume 4 of Shin Mazinger Zero! In this chapter, Minerva's world keeps tumbling down, tumbling down and tumbling down. Will it...
Anime Secret Santa 2019: Giant Gorg, Zombieland Saga, and Robot Carnival
I usually talk about sports to lead into the rest of the post, because I have a...
Anime Secret Santa 2019: Giant Gorg, Zombieland Saga, and Robot Carnival
I usually talk about sports to lead into the rest of the post, because I have a lot of random quick thoughts about sports that I want to…
390 – Blue Giant part 1
This week we start our Retrospective on Shinichi Ishizuka’s jazz manga Blue Giant! We discuss its blend of kinetic line art with the romanticization of the power of…

Episode 69 – Z
We got plenty of afroz to go around on thiz episode of the podcast. We will be going over chapterz 487-489. Download here Show Notes A zinc Lake…
NieR:Automata Ver1.1a - Episode 1 - 2B Dodges Big Robot
2B handled the mob of small robots handily, but then a brute of a robot showed up. She'll need to hit harder! NieR:Automata Ver1.1a - Episode 1

The Island of Giant Insects (Volume 1) – Lost
Mutsumi finds herself washed ashore after her plane crashed. Now, she had to find her classmates and find a way off. However, she’s not the only thing looking…

Kingdom of the Z (Kingdom of Z)
This manga is about a group of high school students surviving in a world going through a zombie apocalypse. It has most of the standard story elements you…
Episode 248, "The Super Z Cast"
On this incredibly super-sized, super-fun, super-informative packed episode of The One Piece Podcast we have special guest Patrick Seitz, Franky on the FUNimation dub of One Piece. We…
Episode 248, "The Super Z Cast"
On this incredibly super-sized, super-fun, super-informative packed episode of The One Piece Podcast we have special guest Patrick Seitz, Franky on the FUNimation dub of One Piece. We…

Mars (Mitsuteru Yokoyama Manga): This Giant Robot Will Self-Destruct in Five Volumes
Born on June 18, 1934, Mitsuteru Yokoyama would be inspired to become a mangaka after reading Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis & would make his de...
A sports manga about Japanese slugger Mitsugu Kyoho who makes one last ditch effort at becoming a professional baseball player by entering the minor leagues. Continue reading →

Thinking About Mazinger Legs
I’ve been looking at the Kakumei Shinka Mazinger line from Soul of Chogokin, and the first thing that stood out to me was the legs. They’re slimmer than…

The “Blocker Corps IV Machine Blaster” Crowdfund: Help Preserve a 45-Year-Old Giant Robot Anime!
Blocker Gundan IV Machine Blaster is a 1976 super robot anime that most people have probably never heard of. It doesn’t have a long and storied legacy, and…
The Robot God Cries
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GIANT SIZED Yu Yu Hakusho Review Vol. 1: The Beginning
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A-Z Challenge: “Z” is for Roujin Z (Rōjin Zetto)
I think I’ve seen Roujin Z described a dark comedy fairly often, but one that is set within the plot boundaries (I guess) of a science fiction film.…
Episode 564: DearS Ball Z
We got technical problems galore this week, as Garageband has decided to rebel against Joseph and fights him to work correctly. After duking it out with his iMac,…
#MechaMarch Giant Robo: The Animation – Familial Problems and Giant Robots
Another shout out to Discotek for this blu-ray. They put so much hard work and effort into their releases and since I’ve wanted to watch this one for…

Shin Mazinger Zero Volume 2
The release you doubted would ever happen! After much time, Shin Mazinger Zero Vol 2 is finally finished. Sorry, everyone! As you can see, I...

Blue Giant
Blue Giant is one of those films you'll either fall in love with or be bored to tears by, and much of that hinges on your appreciation for…
Blue Giant
By Shelley Pallis. Country boy Dai Miyamoto (voiced by Yuki Tamada) moves to the big city of Tokyo in the hope of making it big as a jazz…

Shintoho’s SUPER GIANT (スーパージャイアンツ) (Starman) became Japan’s very first movie hero. With the success of the 1957 release of SUPER GIANT-KOTE...
Giant Killing
A manga about a former ace soccer player, Takeshi Tatsumi, who becomes the coach at his the club he once abandoned, East Tokyo United. ETU is one of…
A manga about Dojuku Academy where the top student of each grade level are inducted into a secret investor club that is in charge of funding the school.…

Hello peeps! I wish I wasn’t ashamed of my face so I could open the post with an apology video, mega celebrity-style. You know, with all the learning…