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Hotarubi no Mori e
To the Forest of Firefly Lights This short 45min anime movie was sweet. I had wanted to watch it for quite some time but kept putting it off.…

Anime Review #79: Hotarubi No Mori E
Some anime movies are just so simple, yet so profound that they can tell a story better than a single novel could. In preparation for last week’s post,…

Amongst the Forest Spirits -Hotarubi no Mori e Movie Review
After revisiting this film a decade later, I can’t help feeling like Gin is Natsume Takashi in an alternate timeline. Or even his reincarnation in the future, perhaps?
Natsume's Book of Friends, Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light

Hotarubi no Mori e - A Beautiful Tragedy (Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light)
Time can be a beautiful thing. Life can be a beautiful thing. But not all things that you think are beautiful remain beautiful. Time can be a cruel…
Citrus, Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light, Violet Evergarden, Bloom Into You
Episode 533: Handa-Kun no Mori e
You know what sucks? This new Skype. God it sucks so much. Joseph and Andrew talk about how bad it is and a bit about Microsoft in general,…

Miyori no Mori
Plot: After being deserted by her parents, 11-year-old Miyori shuts her heart from the rest of the world and denies any form of human relationships. She was entrusted…

Hotarubi no Tomoru Koro ni Prologue Translated
The short story prologue of Ryukishi07’s new manga series, Hotarubi no Tomoru Koro ni, has finally been translated! Big thanks to the translator, because it’s quite well done.…

Mori: The Artist’s Habitat (Mori no iru basho)
There are actors who have to do very little to be captivating on screen, who are a joy to watch even when they’re simply sitting silently and staring…

Chapter 0 of Hotarubi no Tomoru Koro ni Translated
Chapter 0 of the Hotarubi no Tomoru Koro ni manga has now been translated, and can be downloaded here. The translation was done by Tarable Translations, who also…
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 05
「揺蕩いの鳥」 (Yurai no Tori) "The Wandering Birds" While we've had our occasional scares, it's about time that a truly life-threatening situation was put onto the table.
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 10
「幼子と緑の砦」 (Osanago to Midori no Toride) "The Infant Child and the Green Boulder" The bond between Somali and Golem is so frickin wholesome and it hurts my heart to think…
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 01
「旅する親子」 (Tabisuru Oyako) "Journeying Parent and Child" Golem for best dad 2020.
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 03
「ほら穴の底の海」 (Horaana no Soko no Umi) "The Sea at the Bottom of the Cave" All good things come to an end.
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 07
「魔女に縋る足取り」 (Majo ni sugaru ashidori) "The Footsteps That Stalk the Witches" Unlimited Penguin Works...?
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 06
「息の根はる花は鳥を仰ぐ」 (Ikinone Haru Hana wa Tori wo Aogu) "Dying Flowers Look Up at the Birds" That was quite a reality check for people who thought this series wouldn't get so…
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 09
「祈り語る出会いと絆 / 小さな日々の思い出」 (Inori Kataru Deai to Kizuna / Chiisana Hibi no Omoide) "Meetings and Bonds Prayed For / Memories of Minor Days" I'm sure glad that there weren't any…
Somali to Mori no Kamisama – 04
「叶える花と願う約束」 (Kanaeru Hana to Negau Yakusoku) "The Wishing Flower and the Promise Request" The golem learned an extremely valuable lesson. Sometimes, the journey can matter more than the destination.
Sacrificial Princess Tutu
Princess Tutu is a dark and complex anime hidden behind the guise of a childish magical girl show. Initially, it tells the story of a duck who is…
Fuchi no Mori – Meeting with Hayao Miyazaki
The cleaning of Fuchi no Mori, a forest located near Hayao Miyazaki’s residence, gathers volunteers to help the director maintain the place, ensuring its cleanliness
First Impressions – Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Nothing is ever as easy as it should be. Read more The post First Impressions – Somali to Mori no Kamisama appeared first on Lost in Anime.

Glass no Mori// All Routes and Thoughts
I originally picked this game because of CV Koyasu and the reviews saying it was short, but who could have foreseen that a game released specifically for D3P’s…
Episode 667: Pupipo to Mori no Kamisama
This week on Anime Pulse we got Tsukimi sandwiches, why Westerners hate sugoi dekai, and adopting an imaginary monster friend. Up first IRL news goes in with Joseph…
Memento Mori
365 days after we started, it’s time to say goodbye.
Fumetsu no Anata e – 13
「高みへの意志」 (Takami e no ishi) "Aspiring to Go Higher?" What really strikes be about this episode – and it’s a major element of this series’ appeal – is the quiet…
Fumetsu no Anata e – 08
「怪物兄弟」 (Kaibutsu kyoudai) "Monster Brothers" “Kaibutsu banzai!” indeed.
Fumetsu no Anata e – 06
「私たちの目的」 (Watashitachi no mokuteki) "Our Purpose" Now that was more like it.
Fumetsu no Anata e – 11
「過去からの贈り物」 (Kako kara no okurimono) "Gifts From the Past" You'd think Gugu would know to steer clear of Cliff-kun by now...

Fumetsu no Anata e – 16
What sort of a universe is it where Gugu and Parona are dead, and Tonari lives on? Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 02
While this episode is not close to the masterpiece the premiere was, it has a different job to do and it does it well. Read more
Fumetsu no Anata e – 04
「大きな器」 (Ookina utsuwa) "Large Vessel" World building involves a lot of heavy lifting, and that isn’t always the most gripping or elegant part of a story to watch play out.
Fumetsu no Anata e – 16
「子どもたちの夢」 (Kodomo-tachi no yume) "Children's Dreams " What sort of a universe is it where Gugu and Parona are dead, and Tonari lives on?

Fumetsu no Anata e – 09
It really is funny how there's an inverse relationship between how hard Fumetsu no Anata e tries to be heartbreaking, and how heartbreaking it actually is. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 18
We're gonna need a bigger doodle wall. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 10
Fumetsu no Anata e reaches its anime halfway point with a remarkably eventful episode. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 03
I'd have taken one look at that battleship with hair and decided by arrows weren't going to do any good whatsoever. Read more
Fumetsu no Anata e – 15
「トナリという名の少女」 (Tonari to iu na no shoujo) "The Girl Named Tonari" It’s rather ironic that Gugu always went barefoot, because he left some mighty big shoes to fill.

Fumetsu no Anata e – 08
"Kaibutsu banzai!" indeed. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 14
Tonally speaking, you could hardly ask for a greater contrast than last week's episode of Fumetsu no Anata e and this one. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 15
It's rather ironic that Gugu always went barefoot, because he left some mighty big shoes to fill. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 12
There's a larger arc to To Your Eternity, one that transcends all the supporting characters. Read more

Fumetsu no Anata e – 06
Now that was more like it. Read more
Fumetsu no Anata e – 14
「自由の島・ジャナンダ」 (Jiyuu no shima jananda) "Jananda: Island of Freedom " Tonally speaking, you could hardly ask for a greater contrast than last week's episode of Fumetsu no Anata e and…

Fumetsu no Anata e – 04
World building involves a lot of heavy lifting, and that isn't always the most gripping or elegant part of a story to watch play out. Read more
Fumetsu no Anata e – 12
「目覚め」 (Mezame) "Awakening" There's a larger arc to To Your Eternity, one that transcends all the supporting characters.

Fumetsu no Anata e – 13
What really strikes be about this episode - and it's a major element of this series' appeal - is the quiet dignity with which is approaches deep emotional…
Fumetsu no Anata e – 10
「新しい家族」 (Atarashī kazoku) "New Family" Fumetsu no Anata e reaches its anime halfway point with a remarkably eventful episode.

Fumetsu no Anata e – 07
Fumetsu no Anata e has a strange and often wonderful way of looking at the world, and the less hard it tries to be ingratiating the more charming…
Fumetsu no Anata e – 17
「先覚者」 (Senkaku-sha) "Forerunner" What’s with all the licking, for crying out loud?

Fumetsu no Anata e – 05
The contrast between permanence and impermanence is very much at the heart of this story, and that's a subject inherently laden with melancholy. Read more