If you’re planning a trip to San Francisco this year, be sure to check out The Art of Manga, a new exhibition hosted by the deYoung Museum. The show will feature over 700 illustrations by imp…
Feb 1, 2025 • Subscribe
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Day Twenty-Two: Night at the Museum (Mot 2020)
This got two sequels. I find this fact pretty amusing. Many years ago, I held a grudge against Ben Stiller. I thought he was a dumb actor that…

Ameku MD Doctor Detective Episode 2 Review – A Night At The Museum
So Takao is just Maomao, Ron Kamonohashi and Phoenix Wright meshed into one.
Travel log: Godzilla at the Museum (Nagoya)
Amanda wasn’t able to make it to G-Fest this year, so she did the next best thing: Went to check out the “Godzilla at the Museum” exhibit in…
Future Boy Conan at the Ghibli Museum
By Andrew Osmond. For all fans of Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki, we’d like to remind you that Miyazaki’s first anime, the adventure series Future Boy Conan, is available…

CFP for May 2023 conference at the Kyoto International Manga Museum: Aftermath
Mechademia x Kyoto International Manga Museum 2023 May 27th-29th, 2023 at the Kyoto International Manga Museum CFP: Aftermath Keynote Speaker: Jaqueline Berndt The extended COVID pandemic h…

Japan as Continuity: the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford
“Wow! It’s so dark in here.” “Yes. Yes, it is.” We had arrived at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Anthropology, the University of Oxford’s official university mu…

Dracula's On the Night Shift Manga Review
Despite ostensibly being a manga about a vampire working a night shift, DotNS isn’t the What We Do in the Shadows-esque comedy/slice-of-life series you might expect at first…

‘Tokyo: Art and Photography’ at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
29 July 2021 – 3 January 2022 Ahhh… Edo, Edo, Edo… …city of dreams, and occasional nightmares… …as Kumagai Jiro Naozane in the final part of the Kabuki…

Hirohiko Araki Talk Show to be Held at Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum
For the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum's 30th anniversary, Hirohiko Araki will speak about inspirations, memories of Tezuka, and how JoJo is made.

Gaza Photo exhibit at Ritsumeikan Peace Museum
The Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, recently hosted an exhibition on Gaza. Sadly, ironically for a Peace Museum, I think the exhibit did little to counteract…

The Manga Review: Turnover at Tokyopop
In a recent interview with ICv2, Tokyopop's Kae Winters confirmed that Stu Levy is transitioning out of his long-time leadership role at the company. "Stu’s been a major…

Episode 573, "Night at the Lawpera"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach , Ed , Steve & Alex on with special guests Stephen Paul (translator for One Piece in …
Episode 573, "Night at the Lawpera"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve & Alex on with special guests Stephen Paul (translator for One Piece in…
The Ocean At Night is Terrifying
1. It’s like demons might live in there. 5. I feel the same. 6. I wonder if Leviathan lives there? The post The Ocean At Night is Terrifying…
Episode 573, "Night at the Lawpera"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve & Alex on with special guests Stephen Paul (translator for One Piece in…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 481: Call of the Night
In this episode, Xan reviews a romantic comedy romance between a vampire and an insomniac. How is it? Well, sit back and find out as he reviews Call of…

Hundred (Episode 8) – Night at the Lake
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A Night at the Kabuki Streaming Details
Fans of Kabuki, Shakespeare and Queen are in for a real treat as Sadler's Wells, A Night at the Kabuki is to be streamed live on Friday 17…

At Least it’s not Collect – Call of the Night Spoiler Review
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Manga of the Month: Fool Night
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CULTURE: A Visit to Tokiwa-so Manga Museum
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Hokusai: The Great Picture Book of Everything – The Master Arrives at the British Museum
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Spiraken Manga Review Ep 562: Night of the Living Cat
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Manga Review: Sadako at the End of the World
Sadako at the End of the World is a new, one volume manga series from Yen Press. You might recognize the name of the titular character—yes, it’s Sadako,…

The Brand New Tsushima Museum
Tsushima 対馬 is a really interesting place. Halfway between Korea and Japan, it was ruled for hundreds of years by the Sо̄ samurai house 宗家, retainers to the…

Visiting the Sailor Moon Museum
Travelouge with me to the magical land of Namba Station in Osaka and let us geek out over plastic transformation items and merchandise. Edited by Savior44 on Discord

Your Treacle Affects at Night GN
As a middle entry to a series that isn't fully available in English, Your Treacle Affects at Night's narrative is hard to fully grasp.
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 574: Friday At The Atelier
In This Episode, Xan reviews a slice of life manga that is about love, coincidences and fish? Is it a good manga? Well, sit back and find out…
![Featured image for Friday at the Atelier Manga Volume One Review [NSFW]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240521/1716250529.84468.123751.jpg)
![Background image for Friday at the Atelier Manga Volume One Review [NSFW]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240521/1716250529.84468.123751.jpg)
Friday at the Atelier Manga Volume One Review [NSFW]
Mangaka: Sakura Hamada Publisher: Yen Press Genre: Slice-of-life, Romance, Josei Tropes: Clueless Heroine, He Falls First, Food, Eccentric Artist * I was provided an advanced copy of this…

A Night Of Flamenco At Tokyo American Club’s First Embassy Night
The Savvy Team had the honor of experiencing a night of Spanish culture and culinary at Tokyo American Club’s first Embassy Night.

ANU Museum of the Jewish People
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AVAHS – Bump in the Night: Twas the Night Before Bumpy Review
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Love at Fourteen volume 11 (manga review)
Review of "Love at Fourteen" volume 11 by Fuka Mizutani
Manga Pulse 505: Night Bully
Line up folks. It’s episode five hundred and five. Which is always a bit awkward to type out. We were once told that the and in number was…

First Impression: Jellyfish Can’t Swim at Night
Shibuya is at its best at night, when the neon signs and fashionable clubbers sparkle like costume jewelry and the traffic thins out enough to pulsate like a…

5 At-Home Fall Girls’ Night Ideas
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Love at Fourteen volume 12 - the final volume (manga review)
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Gazing at the Star Next Door Volume 1 Manga Review
Gazing at the Star Next Door takes on a coziness and warmth that many other series lack. If you like sweet shoujo goodness, this is a series to…

Phantom Tales of the Night – Manga First Impression
Phantom Tales of the Night is a goth teenage girl's fantasy! And although I may not exactly fit the bill on the outside, I will always be a…

Otherside Picnic (Episode 7) – Resort Night at the World’s Edge
Sorawo and Toriko escaped from the Otherside and found themselves in Okinawa. And since they’re there they might as well go to the beach and blow off some…

This Week in Anime - An Anime Night at the Movies
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About Sunday Night… (the drama review!)
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Call of the Night Review — A-
A boy wanders around town at night.

The Shape of Night (1964) review
This filmic narrative needs to be counted among the classics of Japanese cinema
Review: Tale of the Night (2023)
Tale of the Night 长沙夜生活 China, 2023, colour, 16:9, 105 mins. Director: Zhang Ji 张冀. Rating: 7/10. All-through-the-night ensembler, set in Changsha, has involving performances and plenty of…

Kaoru Mori & Aki Irie Exhibit: Intricate Worlds Drawn in Pen at the Setagaya Literary Museum
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Tezuka Museum Tourism Video
The Hyogo Tourism Association and the Let's JAPAN Channel have put together this video look into the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum in Takaraz...

Manga Review | Having My Favorite in the Middle of the Night by Tsutako Tsurusawa
Grim is a radio host. He spends his evenings reading letters over the airwaves, answering questions, and sharing stories of his own life. He’s perfectly content with the…

Manga Review | He Calls Me Every Night by Bond Mitsuya
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