By Kamihara and Shiro46. Released in Japan as “Tensei Reijo to Sūki na Jinsei o” by Hayakawa Shobo. Released in North America by J-Novel Heart. Translated by Hengtee Lim. This was a title I’d been waiting for with great anticipation. I’d heard about it before it was licensed, as people on Twitter were discussing this series as “Oh my God… oh my God!” and noting not to get too attached to anyone in the cast. It’s also by Hayasaka Publishing, and one thing I’ve learned about them is that when they go into a common genre, like isekai/reincarnation books, there’s a very good reason and the book is going to be something else. Fortunately, all my anticipations were met with a remarkable book. Now, that’s not to say that it’s...

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