Rabby Johnson is one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy... at least, in his own mind. He also believes he's got one of the most delectable behinds around. While he isn't a complete virgin, he's protected his backside for the perfect partner. Rabby has strict requirements for the man that would deflower him, and at the top of the list is someone exceptionally hot. The next most important quality is the size of their naughty bits - the bigger, the better. He's in the middle of sharing his wants and dreams for his prospective partner over some drinks when he blacks out. The next time he wakes up, he's inundated with hazy memories and a literal pain in his ass. Rabby's precious backdoor was opened, and by who Rabby can't even remember. Furious, Rabby is determined to find the criminal at large. Conveniently, a top-tier bounty gets put out, and it just so happens that face brings back all of Rabby's missing memories. Everyone is going after this guy, Kylot Hugo, but Rabby is determined to be the only one to capture this ass thief. But as this game of cat-and-mouse begins, it becomes more of a fox-and-rabbit chase, with Rabby being repeatedly fooled by the crafty Kylot. Rabby isn't dissuaded, even as Kylot's intentions become less about getting away and more about playing with his precious rabbit.

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