Fragile masculinity and male failure bring about tragic consequences in Sophon Sakdaphisit’s possibly ironically named psychological horror
Jan 23, 2025 • Subscribe
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The Great Protector (2014)
This is another example of great Chinese drama. I personally rank this below the Disguiser but it’s on top end of my list still. This drama is ……

AOTY 2014
Thought I’d throw this up on here instead of twitlonger. For me, 2014 means it either first screened in 2014 (so no Kaguya-hime) or it finished broadcasting in…
OSMcast! Godzilla (2014 Movie) 5-26-2014
I GUESS you could see it in 3D but we didn’t! So. Podcast. Gozilla. 2014. What else is there to say? Well a bunch actually as this is a pretty packed…

Anim’Archive 2014–21
I thought someone should mark the end of the Anim’Archive project, a collector’s effort to scan and upload their collection of anime ephemera. They kept methodically at this,…

Anim’Archive 2014–21
I thought someone should mark the end of the Anim’Archive project, a collector’s effort to scan and upload their collection of anime ephemera. They kept methodically at this,…

Threshing Winter 2014
From Wikipedia: “Threshing is the process of loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crop) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it. It is the…

Threshing Summer 2014
From Wikipedia: “Threshing is the process of loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crop) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it. It is the…

Happy Thanksgiving 2014!
Welcome to DubSub Anime Reviews Blog - Your source for anime reviews online! Search our reviews for suggestions on what to watch next!

April 2014 Order
This is the last order for now… Well, second to last xD

Winter 2014 Manga
I’ve had some new manga for a few weeks, but have been too busy to really dive into them yet. So by default, this is my annual spring…

Threshing Spring 2014
From Wikipedia: “Threshing is the process of loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crop) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it. It is the…

Merry Christmas 2014!
Welcome to DubSub Anime Reviews Blog - Your source for anime reviews online! Search our reviews for suggestions on what to watch next!
![Featured image for Gunshi Kanbei [2014]](
![Background image for Gunshi Kanbei [2014]](
Gunshi Kanbei [2014]
Gunshi Kanbei is NHK’s 53rd taiga drama. This one portrays the life of Kuroda Kanbei.

Barakamon Review (2014)
NOTE: This is a rewrite of something I did many years ago. Barakamon is an easily endearing show. It’s a series brimming with warmth and passion, one that…

April 2014 Manga
There were a few “must have” manga released, so I placed a small order. I’ve actually had a little free time to read manga this past week. How…
Anime Expo 2014
So this past weekend has been spent on my yearly Anime Expo trip, and I could definitely say it was a largely enjoyable experience. Truth be told, I…
Gatchaman, Gatchaman Crowds, K: Missing Kings, Kill la Kill, Blue Exorcist
#3 — Ping Pong the Animation (2014)
There is likely to be a lot of Masaaki Yuasa’s work in decade top tens, especially if they include films (which mine does not). Beginning with The Tatami…

Anime Secret Santa 2014: The Tatami Galaxy
After nearly 5 years, I finally decided to muster up the wherewithal to participate in the Anime Secret Santa project by the fantastic folks over at Reverse Thieves. In…
OSMcast? The Wind Rises 3-3-2014
Look, any landing you can walk away from… So this past weekend the OSMcast decided to hit up our local cinema, and see the latest (and perhaps last) film…

2014 Secret Santa–Kaiba
Once again, I threw my hat into the ring, and participated in the Reverse Thieves Secret Santa Project. It’s a great opportunity to try out something that you…
Review: Cherry Goddess (2014)
Cherry Goddess 9号女神 China, 2014, colour, 2.35:1, 99 mins. Director: Zhang Ming 章明. Rating: 4/10. Commercial outing by arty director Zhang Ming is hampered by a bumpy script…
Top Anime of 2014
Here’s the second half of the Top Things of 2014 podcast series from the Taiiku Podcast. This...
Spiraken's Review of 2014
Happy New Year Everyone! In this great Supplimental Episode of the podcast, Xan and Baz talk about last year and debate on what was the best and worst of…
Top Anime of 2014
Here’s the second half of the Top Things of 2014 podcast series from the Taiiku Podcast. This...
Top Movies of 2014
Another year is over, but the Taiiku Podcast is but fledgling. We take a short break from...
Akuma No Riddle (2014)
AKA Riddle Story of Devil (that english) The manga is currently on-going, however I do assume that the series has ended (at least this Arc). This review will…

Just Dance 2014 Review
Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well! As promised, I said that I would discuss Just Dance 2014 once I finished it in my initial coverage of…
Top Movies of 2014
Another year is over, but the Taiiku Podcast is but fledgling. We take a short break from...

Winter Anime 2014 begins
After the initial misfire, I believe I’m back on track to enjoy the best of anime ending in Winter 2014. Here’s my picks based on peer reviews and Amazon blu-ray…

Spring 2014 ~ Sports Anime
While I’m still working on the Alpha Project, I have been watching several shows from the new season, as well as a couple of carry overs. As it…
Spiraken Book Review: November 2014- The Great Gatsby
Welcome to the another installment of THE SPIRAKEN BOOK CLUB. In this episode, Xan reviews an American Classic, so sit back and enjoy as we talk about F. Scott…

Episode 74 – The Unofficial Gintama Character Poll 2014
The countdown is back with a whole new list of stuff to talk about. On this episode, we list our top 10 characters in Gintama and, as a…
OSMcast! The Great Muppet Caper 7-14-2014
You probably watched this a bunch when you were kids, but you may discover that you never truly watched it at all! Ooooo deep. So our last “normal” podcast…

Anibros Podcast Episode 72 – Kumoricon 2014: The Coverage
This week, one of the Bros was the victim of that thing when you say “Okay, 3, 2, 1, now!” and everyone else…
OSMcast! Guardians of the Galaxy 8-25-2014
That’s them, alright. Another podcast, another episode where we talk about Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun. We mean Marvel’s latest movie, Guardians of the Galaxy. Which once again proved to us here at OSM…
OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!
Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka, Listeners, Sword Art Online
OSMcast! Chihayafuru 2-3-2014
Even in the age of ancient gods, I have never heard that the Tatsuta River dyed its water in autumn red. Like the salt sea-podcast, Recording in the evening calm. On OSM’s shore, All my…
OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!
Chihayafuru, Chihayafuru 2, Fighting Spirit, Fighting Spirit: Rising

Minisode 18 – Anime Boston 2014
We finally got a new minisode out. Like we mention in the last episode, Anime Boston was going to be a thing. Turns out, we ended up having…
Episode 108 - December 15, 2014
The podcast is haunted. It turns out that we have had a ghost hiding in our studio. We welcome back one of our old friends, Josh Dunham. Aft...

Weekly Roundup – 2014/03/16
Shows discussed: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren; Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha; Kill la Kill; Mikakunin de Shinkoukei; Noragami; Sakura Trick; Space Dandy.
Nora, Space Dandy, Witch Craft Works, Kill la Kill, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb -
Episode 109 - December 30, 2014
Unless something gets recorded within the next couple of hours of this episode getting posted, this will be our last episode of 2014. A lot ...
Episode 106 - October 18, 2014
We are here again. Another new season of anime. We are back to talk about some of our first impressions and what we expect from the Fall sea...

Spring Season 2014 Preview Podcast
Welcome to the Fall edition the Anime Audiolog Audio Season Preview! The Fall season is just about to start, and we’re giving you the valuable information you need to…
Knights of Sidonia, Roughneck Sumo Wrestler!! Matsutarou, Captain Earth, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Kamigami no Asobi

My Favorite Anime of 2014
It has been quite a while since a post appeared on the blog, hasn’t it? Hopefully there are still some readers out there eager for some more stuff!…
Barakamon, Hanamonogatari, Knights of Sidonia, Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea, Sword Art Online
Episode 102 - April 19, 2014
The trio is still here and we a bunch of new anime to talk about. Yes, the return of actual anime talk as well as our coverage of…

Weekly Roundup – 2014/03/01
Shows discussed: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren; Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha; Kill la Kill; Mikakunin de Shinkoukei; Noragami; Sakura Trick; Space Dandy; Witch Craft Works.
Kill la Kill, Nora, Noragami, Space Dandy, Witch Craft Works

Summer 2014 Anime: Halfway Impressions
Summer’s really been flying by for me, and before I knew it, the halfway point for the summer anime season came by. I guess maybe it’s not my…
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Sword Art Online II, Terror in Resonance, Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei!, Glasslip

Favorite Manga Reads for 2014
2014 was a very busy year for me. The bulk of my research was done during this year and in terms of manga reading, I actually spent more…
Spiraken Con Review: Otakon 2014
In This awesome episode of Spiraken's Con Review, Xan tells you about his experiences and adventures attending the 21st OTAKON at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD from…
Episode 107 - December 1, 2014
Oh no. I finally have an excuse to talk about wrestling on the podcast. I'm sure I've been bugging everyone on Twitter every Monday, and oc...
Top 5 Movies of 2014
Another year is over, but the Taiiku Podcast is but fledgling. We take a short break from sports anime talk to round up the year in two –…