By Fuyutsuki Koki and Haduki Futaba. Released in Japan as “Higeki no Heroine Buru Imōto no Sei de Konyaku Hakishita no Desu ga, Naze ka Seigikan no Tsuyoi Ōtaishi ni Karamareru you ni Narimashita” by Overlap Novels f. Released in North America by Airship. Translated by Sarah Moon. Adapted by Veles Svitlychny. This is a classic example of a sequel that manages to do some things right and some things wrong for the second book. Much to my relief, a lot of the broad humor that felt out of place in the first volume has disappeared, which is good, as there’s a very real threat to the kingdom going on here. That said, the tendency of the author towards writing ridiculous cartoon villains has not gone away, and I ended... The post I Abandoned My Engagement Because My Sister is a Tragic Heroine, but Somehow I Became Entangled with a Righteous Prince, Vol. 2 first appeared on Manga Bookshelf.

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