By Touko Amekawa and Kuroyuki. Released in Japan as “Shiitagerareta Tsuihou Oujo wa, Tenseishita Densetsu no Majo deshita: Mukae ni Koraretemo Komarumasu. Juuboku to no Ohirune wo Jamashinaide Kudasai” by Overlap Novels f. Released in North America by J-Novel Heart. Translated by Kashi Kamitoma. I have fantastic news. The main thing that stopped me really enjoying this series is now gone. Claudia is now eight rather than six, and while she still tends to act like a small cute child when it serves her purpose, she no longer talks like Elmer Fudd. As such, the book is much easier to read and we can concentrate on the mystery aspect of it. Because, despite the reincarnated aspect of it, this is essentially a mystery. Claudia accepts a marriage negotiation, but has... The post The Legendary Witch Is Reborn As an Oppressed Princess, Vol. 2 first appeared on Manga Bookshelf.

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