In 365 Days to the Wedding Episode 1, socially awkward coworkers Rika and Takuya find themselves in a fake marriage to avoid a work transfer. With adorable characters, office drama, and plenty of laughs, this rom-com is a must-watch for fans of heartwarming anime. Here are my thoughts on the episode and predictions for future episodes.
Oct 8, 2024 • Subscribe
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365 Days to the Wedding – Episode 1
365 Days is a cute, classic fake dating caper with room for some deeper social commentary.

365 Days to the Wedding
365 Days to the Wedding is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

First Impression: 365 Days To The Wedding
Takuya Ohara and Rika Honjoji are coworkers at a travel agency, but despite working in the same office, they don’t often talk to each other. You see, they’re…

365 Days to the wedding: First Impression
365 Days to the wedding is an adult romance that has two office workers fake a wedding, but will the two actually fall for each other

Anime Like 365 Days to the Wedding
Takuya and Rika are co-workers and desk neighbors at a travel agency in Tokyo. While they work closely to each other, they each have their own fulfilling
365 Days to the Wedding, Horimiya, My Senpai is Annoying, Nisekoi, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

First Look: 365 Days to the Wedding
A travel agency in Japan is looking to open a branch in Alaska but can’t find any volunteers to move there. They announce mandatory transfers with priority on…

First Look: 365 Days to the Wedding
A travel agency in Japan is looking to open a branch in Alaska but can’t find any volunteers to move there. They announce mandatory transfers with priority on…

365 Days to the Wedding Review — B-
Two people decide to get married to avoid being transferred to Alaska for work. :: (Show #1020) 365 Days To The Wedding
Shownotes :: (show 1020) :: () :: () :: () :: () With 365 Days To The Wedding, recorded live December 22nd, 2024. This week I think…

Predictable and not up to expectation: 365 days to the wedding
365 days to the wedding didn’t live up to expectations as it is a predictable adult cast rom-com
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 542: 365 Days To The Wedding
In this romantic episode, Xan reviews a romantic comedy about having to get married fast or else being sent to Siberia. Is it a fun manga? Well, sit…

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 10
My reaction to the events of this episode is "it annoys the hell out of me but I get it".

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 09
If there's one takeaway from this episode - even if it's more reinforcement than revelation - it's that Rika is a mess.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 08
Wakaki was my biggest cautionary note going into this sleeper series, and all concerns there have been put to rest.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 06
You can't do a series about marriage without covering the subject of divorce. Not if you want to call it in any way comprehensive.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 11
You know it's a weird relationship with the girl is the one pitching a tent.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 04
It would be ironic (though not coincidental) if the two best examples of marriage anime in the modern era were both directed by the same guy.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 03
I continue to be pretty impressed by 365 Days to the Wedding.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 07
There have been very few anime that so accurately depict the agony of romance for those who aren't good at it.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 05
This show just has a phenomenal vibe, so easy to love, so relaxing and natural. It's like a girl who's beautiful without wearing any makeup.

Fall 2024 Impressions: 365 Days to the Wedding, NegaPosi Angler, DanMachi S5
365 Days to the Wedding Short Synopsis: Two awkward co-workers decide to pretend to be married to avoid having to move to Alaska. Amun: This was certainly a…

Second Impressions – Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding)
A good story works on multiple levels, and after this episode I'm convinced Kekkon suru tte has the potential to be a very good story indeed.

First Impressions – Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding)
Six premieres off my preview list on one day, including three big horses and probably my two main sleepers, is brutal.

Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding) – 12 (End) and Series Review
As logical and obvious as it is, the fact that someone else was going to get screwed because of Rika's plan never really occurred to me.

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