A girl makes bishoujo games (and travels through time).
Jan 5, 2024 • Subscribe
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16bit Sensation: Another Layer
Oh wow. That 2D bishoujo art and drawing sure does make your heart squeal, eh? Oh yeah! 2D lovers are going to love the tons and endless forms…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
16bit Sensation: Another Layer
16bit Sensation: Another Layer is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Anime Like 16bit Sensation: Another Layer
Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves drawing cute anime girls and bishoujo games. While she works in the video game industry making bishoujo games as
ReLIFE, Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend, The World God Only Knows, 16bit Sensation: Another Layer, Comic Party
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode #02
Well then, looks like it’s time for Konoha Akisato to explain to everyone that she came… from the future! A girl living in the Reiwa Era went back…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode #09
We’re done towards the final stretch as Alcohol Soft is finishing their latest game, from making music to promoting the entire game. I’m surprised that Masaru Rokuda lend…
First Look: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer
Konoha is a struggling illustrator who longs for the glory days of bishojo games back in the 90s and 2000s. After visiting a mysterious used game store, she…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer – Episode 1
16bit Sensation offers a time-travel story for viewers who love bishoujo games and long to see their well-crafted heyday return.
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode #13
Well everybody, it’s Echo Two and it’s time to start the final episode of 16bit Sensation: Another Layer with a bang!
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode #10
Well, seems that Konoha Akisato is still shell-shocked after arriving at the alternate version of 2023 as Mamoru Rokuda explained that Akihabara has become a gentrified place while…
First Impression: 16bit Sensation – Another Layer
All you 90s kids, have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel back to that time? Konoha Akisato gets the chance and is now stuck…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode #08
Well, looks like we’re in for a ride… to the Twilight Zone. Anyways, Mamoru Rokuda traveled back to 1985 after opening a bishoujo game and met these two…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode #01
Well everyone, this is an interesting anime show based on a manga by Tamiki Wakaki, the author behind The World God Only Knows. But instead of adopting the…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episodes #05 – #07
It’s back to 2023 again for Konoha Akisato as she transported to a park somewhere in Tokyo. She could have stayed in the past, but Konoha still needs…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episodes #03 & #04
Well, we’re back to the usual boring job for Konoha Akisato as she really wants to return to the Heisei era, the golden age of bishoujo games where…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episodes #10 & #11
So, let’s continue where we left off as Konoha Akisato is tasked in creating a game that would counter her famous creation in 1999, The Last Waltz. While…
16bit Sensation - Another Layer - Episode 3 - Mysterious Loli
A mysterious pettanko in a school swimsuit and interlaced scan lines appears to control Konoha's time leaping. 16bit Sensation - Another Layer
Fall 2023 Impressions: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer, KamiErabi GOD.app
16bit Sensation: Another Layer Short Synopsis: Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves beautiful girls and bishojo games. Her dream is to become a super-popular illustrator, so she…
First Glance: 16bit Sensation: Some other Layer
Manga Adaptation by Studio SilverStreaming on Crunchyroll
Kaiseki Anime Podcast Episode 135 – Good Night World, & 16bit Sensation: Another Layer
00:00 Intro 01:08 Good Night World 15:55 16bit Sensation: Another Layer 22:17 Outro You can find Kaiseki Anime Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Subscribe to…
16bit Sensation: Another Layer, GOOD NIGHT WORLD, Night World
16bit Sensation: Another Layer – Do You Even Anime if You Don’t Watch This?
If I thought OVERTAKE! worth an AOTY nomination, then I’d prop up 16bit Sensation for the most anime to anime this past year. Akihabara? Check. Video game design?…
16bit Sensation #01 — Why Elf Went Bankrupt
It's definitely not the mismanagement and only making garbage for twenty straight years. Impressions: And now after listening to this nasally yelling for twenty minutes, I profoundly…
16bit Sensation, or The Value of Skills
Konoha is an artist, and she’s popular enough. She ranks in the Pixiv rankings sometimes, she has all the skills you’d expect of a modern-day artist, and yet……
Uncle from Another World Review — B+
An uncle who loves SEGA goes to another world.
Quality Assurance in Another World Review — B+
A debugger is trapped in another world.
Restaurant to Another World S2 Review — B
People from a fantasy world eat at a modern Japanese restaurant.
Autonomy, aliens, and a study in female character agency with 16bit Sensation
16bit Sensation is (unfortunately) a useful case study for what we talk about when we talk about character autonomy, active versus reactive characters, and how a narrative suffers…
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement Review — B-
Like the title says, except the main character is maybe 12 years old.
Sakugan Review — B
A girl and her dad go on adventure.
The Cutest Battlebots – Angelic Layer Spoiler Review
I’ll be honest, fighting games have never exactly been my scene. I’ve played a fair bit of Smash Bros., and that’s about it. I can see the appeal,…
Tesla Note Review — B+
I was so wrong about this anime.
Engage Kiss Review — B
A harem where everyone is trash and wants to murder each other.
Mayonaka Punch Review — B
Vampires become youtubers.
Tearmoon Empire Review — B+
Fleeing the guillotine, living your best life.
Stardust Telepath Review — B
Cute girls form a rocketry club.
Under Ninja Review — B+
I have no idea what happened.
Astro Note Review — B-
An alien moves to a shared home.
Zom 100 Review — B+
The world is overrun by zombies. It’s the perfect time to take a vacation and accomplish your life goals.
Love Flops Review — B-
Four girls move in with the main guy and want to marry him.
Machikado Mazoku Review — B+
Go, Shadow Mistress Yuko! Ganbare!
Tribes Nine Review — B
A sports anime that I liked? What is the world coming to?! What’s more, it’s about baseball!
Mushoku Tensei Review — B+
A loser is reincarnated, and molests his mother and a variety of underaged girls.
Orbital Children Review — B-
Children on a space station avert a disaster.
Overlord IV Review — B-
Our favorite evil undead overlord is back.
Chainsaw Man Review — B
There is a man who is a chainsaw.
Romantic Killer Review — B+
A magic blob forces a girl to be in an otome game in real life.
Heavenly Delusion Review — B
Kids wander around after the apocalypse.