I'll be damned if they didn't kind of get it done. Read more
Sep 27, 2023 • Subscribe
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Suki Na Ko Ga Megane Wo Wasureta
When you keep forgetting stuffs, there must be something wrong with your brain, right? Oh, who am I to say? I keep forgetting many things my whole life!…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #13
It’s time for the penultimate episode of Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta where Kaede Komura and Ai Mie are pondering about their future careers after middle…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #13
It’s time for the final episode where Ai Mie is wearing glasses this time, but why is Ai-chan is squinting like she’s near-sighted? Turns out that Mie is…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 05
I find myself in an odd position with this show. Read more
Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 01
「好きな子がめがねを忘れた」 (Suki na Ko ga Megane o Wasureta) "The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses" I don't think Mie was the only one who forgot her glasses-there were some pretty…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 04
The narrative here is from Komura-kun's perspective, and it's like a "best of" compilation. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 12
The density of the story increases pretty exponentially in later chapters, but we're reaching the point where progress is a real thing. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 11
It's not what a 14 year-old boy wants to hear, but Kaede should take that as encouraging. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 06
This week is back in slice of life mode, despite once more diving into some standards of the romcom genre. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 03
If you'd told me this is what GoHands' Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta would be after three episodes, I'd have taken it so fast it'd snap…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 10
It's almost as if those seizure-inducing first three minutes were kind of a reverse bait-and-switch. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 02
Middle school romances and not like high school ones in real life, and they shouldn't be in animanga either. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 07
What's becoming apparent here is that the hook isn’t so much Mie-san forgetting her glasses. Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – 08
Are people just writing this show off based on low expectations? Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #05
On this episode, it’s Valentine’s Day as Kaede Komura is pretty hesitant to buy chocolates for Ai Mie. I think he should save that for White Day but…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #04
Well everyone, here’s Ai Mie where she’s about to choose a drink from a vending machine, all while having Kaede Komura as the witness. How can she choose…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #07
Let’s begin this episode where Ai Mie draws a cute portrait of Kaede Komura. Sure that it’s not realistic, but it’s the thought that counts!

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #11
Let’s begin with Narumi Someya where she’s still nagging towards Kaede Komura on whether he finally kissed Ai Mie or not. Oh Someya, I think it’s best for…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #01
GoHands, the anime studio that brought you Seitokai Yakuindomo and K have returned for a new anime series based on a manga by Koume Fujichika. This is “Suki…

First Impressions – Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
Is there no one at any step of the process to step up and say "For the love of God, just stop!"? Read more

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #06
Hey everyone, it’s Ai Mie where she got a campaign card from a confectionary shop. How nice! Now, Ai-chan needs to put into the mail box upon collecting…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #02
Let’s begin this episode with Ai Mie where she’s on serving duty today. Wait, is Mie wearing contacts today? Why is Ai-chan squinting like she has difficulty in…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #10
Let’s begin with Narumi Someya and Yuika Hibuchi where they asked Kaede Komura if he managed to kiss Ai Mie. Oh my goodness, that’s a straight-forward question there…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #09
Here’s Ai Mie where she brought her glasses today, but she’s not wearing it right now. I wonder why Ai-chan is- Oh, her glasses broke in half as…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #08
It’s a rainy day today as Ai Mie forgot her glasses again. Of course, I’m worried about her as she might not reach the school building during a…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #03
Well then, here’s Ai Mie where she becomes a cat for once. Oh, and she lost her glasses again. At this point, Mie losing her glasses is a…

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta Episode #12
It’s time for the penultimate episode of Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta where Kaede Komura and Ai Mie are pondering about their future careers after middle…

Summer 2023 Impressions: Genjitsu no Yohane, Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta, Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha
Genjitsu no Yohane: SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Short Synopsis (Anichart): The story reimagines Yoshiko Tsushima, the school idol afflicted with chuunibyou (adolescent delusions of grandeur), as a magical…
YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR-, The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses, The Dreaming Boy is a Realist

Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru. – 13 (End) and Series Review
Akane and Taiyou were the sleeper killer couple in a season fit to bursting with them. Read more

Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work) – 12 (End) and Series Review
There's definitely an audience for smart anime about adults - if there weren't, they'd never get made.

Horimiya – 13 (End) and Series Review
Horimiya is a series with a big spread of options, but Ishihama loaded up on too much dry chicken and stale bread and left the carving station and…
Pet – 13 (End) and Series Review
That was certainly a suitably WTF ending for this series - anything less would have been a letdown I suppose. Read more The post Pet – 13 (End)…

Noblesse – 13 (End) and Series Review
Noblesse kind of limped across the line if we're being honest. Read more

Okitsura: Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru – Series Review
This series has as much heart as anything I've watched in ages.

Megane na Kanojo
Megane na Kanojo is a 2010 OVA from AIC Takarazuka. It’s based off of a manga by TOBI. So, I’ve never heard of the studio or the mangaka…

Odd Taxi – 13 (End) and Series Review
Well, that was certainly something. Read more

Mars Red – 13 (End) and Series Review
Mars Red was a great series and its finale was an abject masterpiece, and it doesn't really matter who believes that and who doesn't. Read more
Appare-Ranman! – 13 (End) and Series Review
If there was ever a show that qualified as a tweener, it's Appare-Ranman!. Read more

Godzilla Singular Point – 13 (End) and Series Review
There'a always another Godzilla somewhere, in some medium - the real question is whether we'll see a sequel in the Singular Point universe. Read more

Isekai Ojisan – 12/13 (End) and Series Review
Slow and steady wins the race. Read more

Migi to Dari – 13 (End) and Series Review
This wrapped up the story in a manner it deserved, and it paid tribute to Sano Nami is a very profound and moving way.

Yofukashi no Uta – 13 (End) and Series Review
Society is like a box that not everyone fits inside - so what of the ones who don't? Read more
Munou na Nana – 13 (END)
「リバイバル」 (Ribaibaru) "Revival" Tragedy at its finest.

Nomad: Megalo Box 2 – 13 (End) and Series Review
It seems to me that this is the sort of finale that's going to evolve in my mind long after it's finished airing. Read more

Tsurune: Tsunagari no Issha – 13 (End) and Series Review
This was Tsurune at its most Tsurune. Read more

Tonari no Youkai-san – 13 (End) and Series Review)
There was definitely a core of something profound here.

Undead Girl Murder Farce – 13 (End) and Series Review
Anime is many things but none more rewarding than a celebration of great individual talents. Read more

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! – 13 (End) and Series Review
If indeed 2023 is to be the year of the romcom in anime, winter got it off to a good start. Read more

Fruits Basket the Final – 13 (End) and Series Review
If you were to ask for my feelings about Fruits Basket, I could only answer "it's complicated". Read more