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10 results

Manga Wet-Spells
It’s already March and things are starting to pick-up in my classes. I just have a ton of papers left to write (-_-), but once I’m done with…
Computer back from the dead
Last week my laptop motherboard when kaput and it took with it my entire top. Luckily it’s still under warranty until July 2011 which is good since they replaced…
Eight Anime of Spring Break
It’s finally Spring Break and with the days off from classes I plan on doing some relaxing (alas my professors did assign homework over Spring Break). I was…

A Monkey High Review and more
I’ve been thinking of changing my blogs title for a while. Right now it’s Yokihana’s blog and I’m still trying to decide on a better title. It might…

The Pokemon Craze continues
Pokemon was never expected to become the craze it became, but Satoshi Tajiri’s brain child has evolved into one of nintendos biggest franchises. It’s been fourteen years since…

S.A. Review and nerdy rambles
I wrote a review for S.A. vol. 1 and it can be read here; Overall I thought it was average, but you can read more about it in…

10 Manga in the year 2010
I remember when I first started reading manga. There weren’t a lot of series out and Viz was still printing their manga in giant books. In would be…
The Devil Does Exist Review and random blurbs
I recently wrote a review of the first volume of The Devil Does Exist. It’s a really great manga and the first volume is no exception. I like…

Revamping-soon to be a more updated blog
Sorry I kind of neglected this blog because I’ve been working on making it look nicer. I like the theme I have now and a lot of other…

At Long Last a break from college
As of Thursday morning I had turned in my last paper and I was officially free for three weeks! I’m still waiting to hear back from most of…