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91 results, page 1 of 2

Sesame Seed, or The Time Before
I run my fingers through his baby curls, so much like mine, and I remember. We sat in the loft, looking down over the gardens. We tucked into…

That Tiny Thing
You toddle away from me, little soles pounding a staccato rhythm on the laminate in our home. You—spicy, sweetest baby with angel eyes and wild curls, but only…

You will be okay. ❤️ (a letter to those in the thick of PPD)
You will be okay. ❤️ My son studies my feet as we walk hand and finger through the hallways of our home, and it occurs to me to…

“Oh my God, Karen! You can’t just ASK someone why they like the Kelvin Timeline!” A Brief Commentary on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
I *clears throat confessionally* was a Kelvin Timeline girlie. (iykyk; I can’t explain the CHOKE HOLD Spahura (Spock + Uhura) had on me–SEND HELP; I read the entire…

Things I Learned Last Year
Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. You always hear about how sleep deprivation is a form of torture. This is an accurate statement. (I slept for about…

Poems for my son, #1
“Holding Hands Through Crib Slats”by a very tired me I love you more than my own life, and words can never sayThe depth of what I feel for…

This Won’t Last Forever
Rocking him in the dark at 4:45 AM and smelling his sweet baby breath as I cradle him so closely, I desperately want this moment to last forever.…

Moments that Shape Us (Our First Christmas as Three)
While finishing my BA in English, I worked as a TA for a Christian preschool class. While I never anticipated teaching preschool myself, through a series of events…

Boy or Girl?
I made a neutral cake! Boy or girl? Cast your votes in the comments below!

“Pasta!” Adventures in Making Homemade (and Homegrown) Pasta Sauce
We’ve been talking about it for a year, ever since our lovely neighbors gave us a jar of homemade pizza sauce for no other reason than to be…

To quote SpongeBob, “I’m already half way there!” *Record Scratch*
This post is going to talk about our baby! It’s going to talk about pregnancy and about the uncomfortable physical complaints that sometimes accompany it and all the…

A Man Called Otto — Short Report (Film)
Every Saturday at 1:00 PM, Otto and Sonya visited a little café in town and ate eclairs, which were messy but very tasty. At 2 o’clock, they left.…

This is a mole.
Husband found him in our yard. Now he has been migrated to the farm field out back. LOOK. AT. HIS. NOSE! 🥺😭🥰 This is a mouse. He is…

✨And now, an announcement from the Thoughts household:✨
Are you ready? It’s been a rough few months (sickness and such), but I can now share that we’ve got our own little Christmas miracle coming this winter!…

✨Guest Post!✨ Blueberry Bread (BBT challenge) by AS101
Blueberry Bread (BBT challenge) Blogger’s Note: This delicious looking post was written by Anime Science 101 as a continuation of the BBT Challenge! AS101 has tagged Moya from…

Chocolate Calico Bread 🍞🍫 (BBT Challenge)
Baking Bloggers Telephone Challenge — Instructions Post these instructions at the top of your blog post.

Resolutions & Reflections
These are the things I want to accomplish in 2023, and some of them have already been implemented these past few weeks or so. These are the days…

Tomorrow, Surgery
I have surgery early tomorrow. I’ve never had actual surgery before, and I’m scared. This is the whole post, because there isn’t much more I can say. I…

The Good, the Bad, and the Photo Montage: a life update
It’s been a while, I admit. These past few months have been full of work, doctors appointments, tests, urgent care/ER visits, tests, medication, pain, sickness, and—as of this…

Windows in the Dark
You know that feeling when you’re a little kid and you need to use the restroom in the middle of the night, so you slink down the unlit…

Mini Makeup Review: Ilia Skin Tint Serum 💁🏻♀️
Obligatory Disclaimer: I’m not a beauty guru, but I am a girl who has spent too much money on makeup in her life that made her look like…

We’re going to talk about “Sasaki and Miyano” today because I’ll keep making angry duck sounds of excitement if I don’t share my feelings.
[Minor spoilers ahoy, but we all know generally how this show has to end, right? I mean, it’s a romantic, feel-good slice-of-life.] Okay, let’s be real; we love…

“Bats in the Belfry” and “When Crossovers Break Fourth Walls:” Adventures in Frantic Fanfic
Frantic Fanfic (@franticfanfic on Twitter) is a browser-based, free-to-play cooperative fanfiction writing game. In the basic mode, each player nominates ?five? characters suitable for fanfiction. …

I finally (sort of!) understand what it’s like to think (a bit!) in another language — a revelation via Nightshade (Hanzo’s route)
When I play localized otome, I’ve gotten to the point where I ✨automatically✨ start shifting bits of unvoiced dialogue back into Japanese, which sounds vague, but it feels…

NEW HAKUOKI CONTENT!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! Anime News — Hakuoki OVA (2021)
Crunchyroll is NOW streaming episodes 2 of 3 new and currently airing Hakuoki (2021) OVA with the last to release in Japan later this month and assumedly on…

Sometimes I Think, “I Need One of These” — or, a fundamentally broken thing
There are days, weeks really, when I argue with myself. As I get older, I feel more and more that time isn’t going to wait for me. I…

“Gosh, I was so emotionally invested in these cells.” — Episodic Commentary on “Cells at Work”
Cells at Work is all about the daily lives of busy cells within a body (“the world”). These cells don’t always understand the whys of their world or…

Apparently the Midwest is a Different Experience
Author’s Note: Apparently, I didn’t post this it’s just a bunch of Tweets I saw on Buzzfeed and thought were absolutely hilarious. As stated in the header, I…

So Far I’ve Come, and Gratefully — a reflection 1.5 years post-injury
Author’s Note: This was a post in my backlog of drafts written 1.5 years after my back injury. I don’t know why I didn’t post it, except maybe…

Ridiculously Random Anime Awards, 2016-17
Author’s Note: This post is from *checks notes* 2017. I never published it assumedly because there were categories I never finished writing for, and at this point I…

Gingerly: In Response to the WordPress Prompt
Author’s Note: This short post from the backlog was written in 2017 when Wordpress used to provide single word prompts for bloggers to fill. Do they still do…

Shoujo’s Shojo “Tells & Tropes” Master List
You’ve probably never looked at a title and wondered, “Is this shojo?” and let’s be honest; you’ll also probably never need to ask. The hallmarks of shojo are…

“Things Harada Says That Make My Chest Tight,” a listicle*
Short, sweet, and to the point: these are things that Harada says that make my chest feel tight.

A Love Confession: The End –MDZS S3
“Lan Zhan. Back then, inside the Xuanwu Cave, did you create that song you played?”

I kinda watched “Sweet Tooth.” – a short review
If you are of a mind to watch the Netflix original* show Sweet Tooth, you may be tempted to think it a fantasy based on appearance alone. The…
“A Gift Wrapped in Pandemic Paper and Offered in Pieces,” or “Meaning without Consequence: My Pandemic Experience with Fruits Basket”
It’s finally time to sit down (or lie down as the case may be since I’m laying in bed while typing this paragraph) and try to tie my…

“Like the pottery scattered about in pieces” — an excerpt of “1863, December”
Full fic here. 1864, December pt 2 “There’s nothing in my books about it,” Susumu says in report. The lights are low, and Harada’s eyes dance beneath their lids…

They’re not really talking about algae. — Dramatical Murder’s “Slip on the Pumps” by GoatBed (English Version)
Let’s pretend for a minute I haven’t gone AWOL from the blog for like… a month now… with this next post, which isn’t an explanation of absence or…

“Love me cancerously… She moves through moonbeams slowly. She knows just how to hold me.” — CMV/AMV Saturday (04/10/21)
Svattii and her girlfriend Mishkali are professional cosplayers (and, in Svattii’s case, a photographer as well) with oodles of talent and abundant creativity. They’ve done TONS of awes…

“That Time I Learned that Co-Washing with a High-Moisture Shampoo will Make Me Lose My Hair,” a Shoujo’s Tale & Other Updates
Like any good light novel or any good Shoujo (me, not the anime genre), I begin with a rambling title and an adventure in capitalization. If you recall…

“Just a little more, Sano. It’s gonna be okay.” – an excerpt of “1863, December”
Full fic here. 1864, November In the end, they don’t do anything. Further integration of Itou’s forces into the Shinsengumi ranks continues to challenge, and Sannan’s change has necessitated&n…

What are the ends and means of honor? — A Case for “Hakuoki Reimeiroku”
Hello! If you’re new here, welcome! If not, you may already know all this, but I’m a lover of reverse harem romance. I mean, honestly, what’s not to…
Shoujo Thoughts: ☆ ~('▽^人) Otaku Ramblings
Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom (2010), Hakuoki: Record of the Jade Blood

Still Drawing Some Things ™, Getting that Good Internet ™ and Restarting the 31 Day Anime Challenge
As stated on Twitter, I stopped doing the 31 Day Anime Challenge because my back decided it was 2019 instead of 2021; sitting at the desk to type…

Anime I Wish Had Another Season — 31 Day Anime Challenge (Day 13)
There are several anime I wish had another season, chief among them both “Given” and “Skip Beat.” While we have some hope of more “Given” media to come,…

Character You Wish Never Existed — 31 Day Anime Challenge (Day 12)
A good character or character addition can make or break a program. This is especially true when the character is given a major role. However, not every character…

Most Traumatizing Anime Scene — 31 Day Anime Challenge (Day 11)
This post will have two answers. Firstly, going back to day ONE with this prompt, the most traumatizing anime scene to which I’ve ever been exposed has to…