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LiA Bespoke Project: Short Subjects – Anime’s Best Vertically Challenged Characters
Let's complete the short trifecta.

Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work) – 12 (End) and Series Review
There's definitely an audience for smart anime about adults - if there weren't, they'd never get made.

LiA Bespoke Project: Automatic For the People – The Japanese Vending Machine
Not all the legends are true, but the true ones are amazing enough.

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 – 11
It just seems like there are no "wasted" visuals with Hanako-kun - no throwaway shots.

Okitsura: Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru – Series Review
This series has as much heart as anything I've watched in ages.

Ao no Hako (Blue Box) – 25 (Season Finale)
To paraphrase George Costanza, I could use the break.

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) – 35
We passed the point a while ago where Xiaomao's cluelessness about all this stretches my credulity.

Patron Pick Winter 2025: Trillion Game – 24
Seriously, this guy is the nitrogen of Japanese actors.

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan – Kyoto Douran – 23 (Season Finale) and Series Review
This announcement is obviously no surprise, but it's still a very significant moment in anime history.

LiA Bespoke Project: Good Things Come in Small Packages – Top 5 Short Anime
This is a format anime can do extremely well.

My Taste is Better Than Yours Episode 28 – The Elusive Kaijuu: What Makes a Big Shounen Hit?
There are hits, and then there are kaijuu.

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 – 10
One can't really fault Hanako's motives here I suppose, or doubt his affection for Nene.

Chi.: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite (Orb: On the Movements of the Earth) – 25 (End) and Series Review
Maybe the whole with Chi Chikyuu was less than the sum of the parts , but the parts were still awfully good.

Spring 2025 Preview and Video Companion
it's kind of a wonky, hourglass-shaped preview.

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) – 34
If I've learned anything after 34 eps of this show it's that the more "one-off" something seems, the more you should be paying attention.

Patron Pick Winter 2025: Trillion Game – 23
This is Haru time, make no mistake.

Ao no Hako (Blue Box) – 24
There are certain things I have to address after that one.

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan – Kyoto Douran – 22
It's finally obvious (in the nick of time) where Rurouni Kenshin 2023 is going to leave things in the finale.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 10
"Tuning mana" has a distinct air of Human Instrumentality Project to it...

Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work) – 10
So, is it a problem if the B couple overtakes the MCs in a romcom?

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 – 09
There are a lot of fate threads tangled up here, and a lot of hands involved in painting this picture.

Ao no Hako (Blue Box) – 23
It strikes me that the things I like about this series are the things that drive most fans crazy. And the things that drive me crazy are the…

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) – 33
Much will be made of this story, surely.

Patron Pick Winter 2025: Trillion Game – 22
Trillion Game has a secret weapon - Haru and his balls of steel.

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan – Kyoto Douran – 21
What with Episode 20 being almost entirely off-script, we were at a bit of a crossroads.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 09
Sincerity seems to be a key for me in whether a mecha series works or not.

Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work) – 09
I really think Yui and Masugu ought to just spill the beans.

My Taste is Better Than Yours Episode 27 – Hourou Musuko (Wandering Son)
Who does a story, once written, belong to?

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 – 08
Sousuke is very close to being a "hungry ghost".

Chi.: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite (Orb: On the Movements of the Earth) – 23
Any series that can deliver moments like that cannot be dismissed out of hand, no matter now much it stumbles on the road between them.

Ao no Hako (Blue Box) – 22
Ayame is that most unbearable of combos - she never shuts up and she almost never listens.

Patron Pick Winter 2025: Trillion Game – 21
You know it's a momentous episode when you get an eleven-"bababa" exclamation as we did this week.

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) – 32
The big question is, how much has Anshi been driving events all along?

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan – Kyoto Douran – 20
What we have here is, for all intents and purposes, a 95% anime-original episode.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 08
Sci-fi anime I can't fully make sense of have been one of the reasons I love anime since my very earliest days as a fan.

Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work) – 08
I've enjoyed Somei-san and Hayakawa-san every time the spotlight has shifted to them.

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 – 07
Nene Through the Looking-Glass

Ao no Hako (Blue Box) – 21
Karen is right that Chinatsu is the cautious type, at least on the romance front.

Chi.: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite (Orb: On the Movements of the Earth) – 22
I sure as hell wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me a couple of months ago this is where we'd end up.

Patron Pick Winter 2025: Trillion Game – 20
Not for the first time I think Trillion Game is a pretty un-Japanese story in many ways.

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) – 31
When Maomao figured this out, it was such an aha moment that I actually shouted "Aha!".

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan – Kyoto Douran – 19
Shishhio may not be the most honest boss around, but he certainly knows how to delegate.

Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 07
MOE does a good job of making sure every major character gets plot service.

Beastars Final Season (Part 1) – Series Review
Still needs moar Haru.

Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work) – 07
For me, pair rings on a six-month anniversary would be way too high-leverage.

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 – 06
This is the second real cracker of an episode already this season, right there with the series' best so far.