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21 results

Get Your Gender On: Jaden Yuki and Yubel
With Jaden (Judai) Yuki, Yu-Gi-Oh as a franchise began its tradition of male protagonists, but he has more going on with gender than meets the eye. Although Jaden…

Get Your Gender On: Jesse Anderson
The third season of GX introduces Jesse Anderson, one of four international transfer students to Duel Academy. In the Japanese version Johan hails from Northern Europe, while in…

Get Your Gender On: Chazz Princeton
Where Alexis represents the female students of Duel Academy, Chazz Princeton (Jun Manjome) initially epitomizes the male students of Obelisk Blue. As a scion to an organization run…

Get Your Gender On: Atticus Rhodes
You can’t discuss Alexis without discussing Atticus Rhodes (Fubuki Tenjoin in the Japanese version), her older brother who disappears before the events of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Alexis spends half…

Get Your Gender On: Alexis Rhodes
Alexis Rhodes, also known as Asuka Tenjoin in the Japanese version, resides as the only female character present in the main cast for all four seasons of GX.…

Get Your Gender On: Blair Flannigan
Blair Flannigan (Rei Saotome)’s debut in episode 20, in which she lies about her age to enroll and meet dueling prodigy Zane Truesdale, provides some insight into the…

Get Your Gender On: A Yu-Gi-Oh GX Deep Dive
Last time on Coherent Cats, we discussed how many people in the United States wrote off Yu-Gi-Oh as a mere fad in the early 2000s. This proved untrue,…

The Kappa Kappa Butthole Musical Changed My Life!
It’s been a while! This post is not an article, but an announcement that I was part of a Sarazanmai zine arranged by Tomatobird: “Well, we didn’t get…

Demystifying the Link Between CLAMP and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Across the Internet, people often describe the relationship between the manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and the mangaka collective CLAMP thusly: CLAMP got their start making JoJo dounjinshi, w…

Asexuality in Manga and More: 2022 Addendum
Although anime conventions have re-opened their doors (with or without COVID-19 policies in place), we at Coherent Cats currently have no plans for future in-person panels. In lieu…

For the Love of the Game: Yu-Gi-Oh Parody Now and Then
At one point in the early 2000s, Yu-Gi-Oh (“The King of Games”) permeated United States popular culture. The average person may not have comprehended the characters or story,…

Mr. Osomatsu Acquires a Taste for Respect Women Juice
To say Osomatsu has gone through many changes since 1962 would be an understatement. Originally a gag manga by Fujio Akatsuka, Osomatsu-kun has been adapted twice to anime…

Rainbow Releases: Spring & Summer 2020
In 2018, we introduced an anime convention panel called Rainbow Releases to highlight LGBTQ-related anime and manga coming to the United States in English. With anime conventions on…

Where to Find Gay and Bisexual Male Characters in Recent Children’s Cartoons: An Incomplete Overview
It feels like every time two female characters become a couple in a cartoon for children, some people steer the conversation toward (the lack of) gay male characters…

Rainbow Releases: Winter 2020
In 2018, we introduced an anime convention panel called Rainbow Releases to highlight LGBTQ-related anime and manga coming to the United States in English. As of this post’s publication,…
Rose of Versailles, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard, Tokyo Godfathers

Fruits Basket Episode 28: Oh Brother
The third episode of the second season of Fruits Basket backtracks to chapter 36 of the manga, in which Tohru Honda and Yuki Sohma visit Ayame’s costume boutique.…

Fruits Basket Episode 27: The Evolution of Kyo
The second season of Fruits Basket continues with its second episode “Eat Somen with Your Friends,” and so does this weekly recap and analysis series. With anime production…

Fruits Basket Episode 26: The Evolution of Yuki
The first episode of the second season of Fruits Basket, the series about a teenage girl named Tohru Honda who befriends members of a mysterious family cursed to…

Rainbow Releases: Autumn 2019
In 2018, we introduced an anime convention panel called Rainbow Releases to highlight LGBTQ-related anime and manga coming to the United States in English. Thank you to everyone…

Rainbow Releases: Summer 2019
In 2018, we introduced an anime convention panel called Rainbow Releases to highlight LGBTQ-related anime and manga coming to the United States in English. We plan to continue…

12 Days of Anime: Ash Lynx is Dead, Long Live Ash Lynx
On this day last year, the awaited final episode to Studio MAPPA’s anime adaptation of Banana Fish aired. Some viewers had dreaded it ever since the anime’s announcement,…