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10 results

Whoa, you’re all still here? (UPDATE)
So it’s been 3 years since this blog ended, and to my surprise I still get traffic from all the posts we’ve made. I’m truly thankful for all…

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Welp, 18 months have passed since I last posted anything and my only excuse is a lack of motivation. Ever since exploring TV shows, cartoons and ESPECIALLY older…

Battery – Review
Battery isn’t a great show. In fact, I think saying Battery is a good show might be stretching it a little, because out of the all the anime…

Kiznaiver – Review
Kiznaiver was probably the most controversial show of the Spring 2016 season, and for some pretty obvious reasons. Not only is it the product of the divisive studio…

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime S2 – Review
Back in the summer season of 2015, I was absolutely in love with Akagami no Shirayuki-hime. I adored its characters, relationships, setting, animation, basically everything it had to…

ERASED – Overall Impressions
Disclaimer: This post contains some very, very minor spoilers. Also in case you need a brief plot summary, I’ve linked one in the opening paragraph. Just click on…

Ushio and Tora – Overall Impressions
Modern day adaptations of very 90’s material have become increasingly popular over the past few years of anime. Ever since the release of the new Hunter x Hunter…

Winter 2016 Decisions
Ok, we aren’t gonna try to even excuse our output lately. With school starting up again and other interests on the side, we just haven’t found the time…

Shokugeki no Soma Really Quick Wrap Up
To be honest, my plan was to make this longer. but due to time restraints (and my personal laziness included), I decided to just wrap this up. I…

Tsukimonogatari + AssClass ep 12-22 impressions
Happy New Year to you all! Hope you’ve all had a great time with family and friends, and hope you’ve all seen STAR WARS! We’re truly thankful with your patience thus…