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77 results, page 1 of 2

DLC Review: Tales of Arise -Beyond the Dawn-
Where the FU** is my Alphen x Shionne proposal and wedding scene?? Hello?! tfw not “Intended for Certain Audiences”.

RPG Review: Eternights
I came here for the RPG romance but instead I got a basically unplayable battle system and degenerate teen pervs. Youkoso, kono Velvet Boat he~

Otome Game Review: Puss in Combat Boots
Primula decided it wanted to do its own rendition of Nier Replicant but with cat people instead of robots. Unfortunately it went as “great” as Miqo’te players dancing…

Otome Game Review: Shuen no Virche -EpiC:lycoris-
In hopes of seeing some actual good endings, I decided to get the Virche FD. 🤡 And yea it’s impossible to talk about this game without spoilers so…

Otome Game Review: Radiant Tale -Fanfare!-
This is the fandisk that follows the first game but trying my new otome game review format, I will keep the review spoiler free (although it may have…

Final Fantasy Ever Crisis is Bad and Square Enix Should Feel Bad.
But they won’t and they will continue their bullshit as long as the gacha whales keep throwing money at them. 🤪

RPG Review: Persona 3 Portable
I didn’t want to play this game twice so I decided to play the female MC route and shortly thereafter they announced the remake “Persona 3 Reload” coming…

RPG Review: Persona 5 -Strikers-
I hate you KOEI even more than your insane otome game stat raising systems. moar liek POOsona 5 SHITTERS amirite So we had the misfortune of playing this…

RPG Review: Final Fantasy XVI
I was planning on waiting for sale on this game but my entire timeline was filled with “I’m playing FF16!” and to avoid spoilers I decided to just…

Music Game Review: Persona 5 -Dancing in Starlight-
And so continuing from P4D we completed P5D! Finally the songs don’t sound like some god awful dubstep remix!!!! Now with 50% more wah-wah funk guitars!

Music Game Review: Persona 4 -Dancing All Night-
Ayy time to shake your booty to that awesome Persona 4 OST! (Except when they turn the songs into dubstep.)

Otome Game Review: Bustafellows Season 2
The story takes place right after the true ending of the first game where Adam has returned to Russia for treatment and Teuta and Luka have made up…

RPG Review: Persona 5 Royal
After holding a twitter poll of whether I should tackle my Trails backlog or dive back into Persona, Persona 5 Royal won so I decided to give my…

RPG Review: Horizon Forbidden West
So in a surprising turn of events, I decided to play an American RPG but only because it came free bundled with my PS5. 😂 As usual Kanade’s…

RPG Review: Star Ocean -The Divine Force-
And so we finished the last Star Ocean game we will ever play (and probably the last Star Ocean game ever because TriAce is bankrupt again.) Warning: I…

RPG Review: Valkyrie Elysium
So because it was finally on sale during the holidays I decided to buy Valkyrie Elysium as I enjoyed the tutorial demo I played last year. Unfortunately I…

How We Ragequit 3 Sonic Games in a Row
So I decided to finally tackle my steam backlog and to take a break from otome/rpg I decided to jump into the 3 sonic games I had purchased…many…

Otome Game Review: Majestic Majolical
Lapis Idocrase is a rich faildaughter witch from the demon world sent to earth to take an exam which requires her to collect gems from humans filled with…

RPG Review: Final Fantasy 7 -Crisis Core Reunion-
So after completing FF7R earlier this year, I was really excited to finally play a remaster of Crisis Core with the same new graphics. (Except the CGI scenes…

RPG Review: Legend of Heroes -Trails in the Sky 3rd-
Unfortunately this cool opening movie was not in the Steam edition but hey why not? 😂 Anyway this game concludes my Trails in the Sky (空の軌跡) adventures so…

Music Game Review: Taiko no Tatsujin ~Rhythm Festival~
So finally this game was on sale so I decided to pick it up and give it a shot because who doesn’t love some taiko drumming?

Happy 14th to Bread Master Lee! (/🥐・▽・)/🥖
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa can you believe it, I’ve been blogging for 14 freaking years!!!!!!!! ₍₍◝((((΄◞ิ(΄◞ิ(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)◟ิ‵)◟ิ‵))))◟⁾⁾ Time to look back at the past year of games I’ve finished and …

Otome Game Review: Birushana no Senki ~Ichijuu no Kaze~
So after playing Birushana and feeling like I need to see more nice romance with the characters I decided to get the fandisk. Unfortunately my expectations were crushed…

Otome Game Review: Birushana ~Rising Flower of Genpei~
Shanao is the heir to the Genji clan which was just defeated by the Heike clan. Everyone keeps trying to fight her but she just wants to live…

RPG Review: Stranger of Paradise -Final Fantasy Origin-
Because it was on sale and to celebrate me finally getting a PS5 (thanks to the PS5 in stock reddit) I decided to try out the Stranger of…

RPG Review: Legend of Heroes -Trails in the Sky- (FC & SC)
After my friend had been hounding me to play this game for years I finally cleared out my backlog enough to have it next on my play list.…

RPG Review: Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
In the not-too-distant future, the earth has gotten into World War 3 and has become so corrupt it’s basically no longer inhabitable by humans. Because of this everyone…

Visual Novel Review: Yumeyu Senkyo Romanesque -Chronicles of Refugia-
Lured in by Kazuki Yone’s illustrations, I decided to check out this indy game on Steam as it was available in both Japanese an English.

Visual Novel Review: Shinigami to Shoujo
Using the PS Vita opening because F Lambsoars shitty cover lmao. I’m 10 years too late, but now that it’s been ported to the switch I finally decided…

Otome Game Review: Tengoku Struggle -Strayside-
Enma Rin is the adopted daughter of the ruler of the underworld, Enma Daiou. She was a soul that committed a sin to be sent to hell but…

Cat RPG Review: Stray
So because I love every kind of cat and I just want to hug every cat, I decided to get Stray on Steam as it got released this…

JRPG Review: Tales of the Abyss
And so after like 14 years of not watching the anime and being that I’m playing a bunch of Tales games now, I finally decided to jump into…

Otome Game Review: Radiant Tale
Tifalia is an orphan who works with her aunt at an inn. One day a circus group comes to town but their first show is a massive failure.…

RPG Review: Tales of Berseria
Honestly I wish I had played this before Zestiria but well it’s too late to change my decisions from 2 months ago. Kanade’s thoughts in blue as usual.

RPG Review: Tales of Zestiria
I want those 28 hours of my life back. ( ´_ゝ`) We had the displeasure of playing this god awful game that I want to erase out of my…

RPG Review: Final Fantasy 7 Remake
This is a Cloti shipping zone Well finally that they ported FF7R to PC and there was a sale I decided to buckle down to play the last…

Otome Game Review: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! ~The Pirate Who Summons Trouble~
Our heroine Catarina Claes just freed herself from the bad end by friendzoning everyone in the anime and decides to go on a cruise with her step-bro Keith…

Otome Game Review: Haitaka no Psychedellica
Are you ready for another round of being dead but also in limbo and not yet reborn? Welcome back to another round of Psychedellica, where our heroine Jed…

Guest Review: Bustafellows
Alrighty, so this time there’s no snide comment like “siiiiiigh, well at least this was in the Christmas sale so I was only forced to pay a dollar…

Otome Game Review: Kokuchou no Psychedellica
Minato Ai wakes up to find herself in a spoopy abandoned butterfly themed mansion with butterfly monsters attacking her. Out of nowhere some caped ikeman appears and they…

Thoughts on Endwalker
Well it’s been nearly 2 months since Endwalker hit and I had some stuff on my mind I wanted to write somewhere that wasn’t going to spoil it…

Happy 13th Bread Master Lee.
When this post publishes I’m probably sitting in a queue for the FFXIV Endwalker expansion waiting to finally turn my husband into a male viera. But for the…

Guest Review: 7’sCarlet
Well well well, you know what time it is! It’s time for the Steam Halloween sale, and that means time to get some more otome games on sale!…

RPG Review: Tales of Vesperia -Definitive Edition-
So after playing Tales of Arise I got sucked into the Tales universe after another crazy Steam sale where these games, normally $50, were like $8 lol. I…

Otome Game Review: Hyakka Hyakurou ~Sengoku Ninpoucho~ (Nightshade)
Enju is kunoichi who’s been training for years and is now set to go to her first mission in Kyoto. Little did she know that she would be…

Otome Game Review: Spade no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful White World~
Sooo after Quin Rose died, many dark days have passed until Otomate picked up their assets and released a brand new game under the label “QuinRose Reborn”. This…

Otome Game Review: Shuuen no Virche ~ErroЯ:Salvation~
There exists a small island called Alpeciel in which the government is ruled by a royal family – the Revpowells. However it’s not a regular island – as…

Guest Review: Taisho Alice: Epilogue
Okay, that was a looooooooooot faster than I thought. It’s only one route, but seeing how much of a slog it took me to get through the previous…

Guest Review: Taisho Alice: Tokyo Drift
As I mentioned before, I grabbed all the rest of the Taisho Alice games when they got released before the Steam Summer sale. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut then we got sidetracked…

FFXIV Cosplay Glamour: Part 4
Apparently it’s been like 2 years since I made a post with all my recent glam cosplays so I decided it’s time for an update! Warning this post…