In the not-too-distant future, the earth has gotten into World War 3 and has become so corrupt it’s basically no longer inhabitable by humans. Because of this everyone has moved into space st…
Sep 12, 2022 • Subscribe
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RPG Review: Star Ocean -The Divine Force-
And so we finished the last Star Ocean game we will ever play (and probably the last Star Ocean game ever because TriAce is bankrupt again.) Warning: I…

The RPG Chronicles: Phantasy Star 2
Welcome to the RPG Chronicles, a series where I share my tales from RPGs, be they single player or MMOs. Today I wanted to talk a bit about…

Star Ocean: The Divine Force Review – A Divine Fart
I’m always up for trying out a new JRPG franchise. While I have technically played a Star Ocean game, it was only a few hours of The Last…

RPG Review: Persona 4 Golden
So I finally decided to play my first Persona game and since it was basically $15 on sale on STEAM I figured why not? Minor spoilers ahead and…

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
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Star Ocean: First Departure R
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The RPG Chronicles: Phantasy Star Part I
Welcome to the RPG Chronicles, a series of writings where I talk about my favorite RPG series. This entry will discuss my first exposure to RPGs, Phantasy Star…

First or Last: RPG Fudousan
Airship, check. Castle town, check. I remember reading the premise of this series and thinking it sounded unusual enough to give it a shot. Who wouldn’t want to…
How to fix Star Ocean: The Divine Force
Are you one of those unlucky PC players like me suffering from horrible lag and stuttering? Suffer no more with this quick tutorial! Honestly, Star Ocean has…

Hope and Wonder in Girls’ Last Tour
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The Mecha Who Were Humanity’s Last Hope of the 90s
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Even the Ocean Review
Note: PS4 Review Code provided by Ratalaika Games Released in 2016 this game was the second project from a duo whose first led project was Anodyne. 4 years…

Interview: Star Ocean 6: The Divine Force's Character Designer Akiman
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RPG Review: Eternights
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Izetta: The Last Witch Episode 10: A Slight Glimmer of Hope?
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Star Driver – Episode 4
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Arpeggio of Blue Steel (Volume 1) – Humanity’s Last Hope
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Star Ocean 2 Second Story R Review: An Incredible Story, Bit Challenging at the End
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Fist of the North Star Volume 4
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![Featured image for [Context Needed]: 4 Controversial Anime From the Last 4 Years](
![Background image for [Context Needed]: 4 Controversial Anime From the Last 4 Years](
[Context Needed]: 4 Controversial Anime From the Last 4 Years
The anime community is wide, varied, and growing all the time. Every couple of years a significant tentpole anime comes out that brings in a whole new crop…
Citrus, GOBLIN SLAYER, Interspecies Reviewers, Redo of Healer

One Last Scene || JoJo: Stone Ocean "What a Wonderful World"
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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Episode 4
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Rail of the Star Review
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Review: Izetta the Last Witch
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Review: The Last Frenzy (2024)
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RPG Review: Persona 3 Portable
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RPG Review: Horizon Forbidden West
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RPG Review: Final Fantasy VI
So on my apparent quest to play every Final Fantasy game, after ragequitting FF3, I decided to try FF6 because I heard great things about the story. Fortunately…

RPG Review: Final Fantasy V
It’s been a while, but I finally finished a Final Fantasy game that made me cry like a little babby. Also as usual, the characters in this CGI…

RPG Review: Tales of Berseria
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RPG Review: Persona 5 -Strikers-
I hate you KOEI even more than your insane otome game stat raising systems. moar liek POOsona 5 SHITTERS amirite So we had the misfortune of playing this…

RPG Review: Tales of Arise
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RPG Review: Final Fantasy VII
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RPG Review: Final Fantasy 8
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RPG Review: Final Fantasy XVI
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RPG Review: Tales of Zestiria
I want those 28 hours of my life back. ( ´_ゝ`) We had the displeasure of playing this god awful game that I want to erase out of my…