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5 results

Ai to Ken no Camelot

Some anime is great; some is awful. And some just leaves you scratching your head, not in confusion (like Genji, Part 1 ), but in bemusement...

Collectr's Blog

Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama: Konpeitou no Ryuu

Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama: Konpeitou no Ryuu ( Kosuke and Rikimaru: The Dragon of Konpei Island ) is a 1988 OVA from Toriyama Akira, the cr...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Kageyama Tamio no Double FantasyBackground image for Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy

Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy

Kageyama Tamio was a Japanese actor and writer. He is probably best known to anime audiences for his book Coo: Tooi Umi Kara Kita Coo , whic...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Ohoshi-sama no RailBackground image for Ohoshi-sama no Rail

Ohoshi-sama no Rail

I'm not sure how I feel about the 1993 movie Ohoshi-sama no Rail ( Rail of Stars ). Based on a 1983 autobiographical novel by Kobayashi Chi...

Collectr's Blog

Redshift #27

This post is late—too late—but on the plus side, it exists, which is the preferable option if you have to choose between the two! We’ve once again gathered…

Anime Redshift Chronicle