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Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There — Anime ReviewBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There — Anime Review

Now and Then, Here and There — Anime Review

In this endeavor Now and Then, Here and There does not pull any punches. It is a thoroughly miserable anime.

Reasons to Anime

Featured image for Fall 2025 Anime Season: What Will I Be Watching?Background image for Fall 2025 Anime Season: What Will I Be Watching?

Fall 2025 Anime Season: What Will I Be Watching?

FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEASONAL IMPRESSIONS PARTY!!! PATREON: TWITTER: ~MUSIC~ Cardcaptor Sakura OST - Shopping Chainsaw Man Opening K-On! OST - 03 急げや急げ Now and Then, Here and There OST - The Bottom The Melancholy…


Featured image for Anime OVAs You Missed: Animation Runner KuromiBackground image for Anime OVAs You Missed: Animation Runner Kuromi

Anime OVAs You Missed: Animation Runner Kuromi Special Shout out to Lord Cobi for the Recommendation! If I was to ask most of you which anime did a great job of giving an insightful experience on…


Featured image for This is why I STILL hate you guysBackground image for This is why I STILL hate you guys

This is why I STILL hate you guys

The comments got worse. Patreon: Twitter: ~music~ Mario Party 1 Mini-Game Instructions 08 星をつむぐよ Cardcaptor Sakura OST - Roller Blade Lupin III OST - TORNADO The Caretaker - It's just a burning memory Melty Blood…


Featured image for What Actually IS Squid Girl?Background image for What Actually IS Squid Girl?

What Actually IS Squid Girl?

This is by far the scariest video that I have ever created (probably). PATREON: TWITTER: ~music~ Cardcaptor Sakura OST - Yume ni mita date Umineko OST - Dead Angle Hotel Dusk OST…


Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There Anime Review 71/100 – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There Anime Review 71/100 – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There Anime Review 71/100 – Throwback Thursday

There are few anime that I’d describe as profoundly “uncomfortable”. I’m not talking about rampant pedophilia or the questionable relationship with the word “consent” in some series. I…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 13 [Now and Then, Here and There]- Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 13 [Now and Then, Here and There]- Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 13 [Now and Then, Here and There]- Throwback Thursday

This is it everyone, we have made it to the end of Now and Then, Here and There. It’s been a wild ride, a tragic one to. Without…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 12 [This Bloody Earth]- Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 12 [This Bloody Earth]- Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 12 [This Bloody Earth]- Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone, to the penultimate episode of Now and Then, Here and There! This week sees… well, it sees a lot. Bullets fly, people die and Hamdo re-enters…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 11 [Eve of Destruction]- Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 11 [Eve of Destruction]- Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 11 [Eve of Destruction]- Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone, to what is inevitably going to be a late post about Now and Then, Here and There! How do I know it will be late? Because…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 10 [Prelude to Chaos]- Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 10 [Prelude to Chaos]- Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 10 [Prelude to Chaos]- Throwback Thursday

Welcome back everybody, to another (late) week of Now and Then, Here and There! This week Hamdo starts to go on the offensive, Lala Ru gets found out…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 9 [In The Chasm] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 9 [In The Chasm] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 9 [In The Chasm] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone, to another week of Now and Then, Here and There! This week Lala Ru stumblse upon paradise, Hamdo escalates the situation and Shu learns that war…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 8 [Two Lone Souls] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 8 [Two Lone Souls] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 8 [Two Lone Souls] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone, to another week of Now and Then, Here and There! This is a big week for me. Not because the episode was pretty good, though that…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 6 [Disappearance in a Sandstorm] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 6 [Disappearance in a Sandstorm] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 6 [Disappearance in a Sandstorm] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone, to the halfway point of Now and Then, Here and There! We have a big week ahead of us, lots to talk about, and basically all…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 5 [Murder] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 5 [Murder] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 5 [Murder] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone to another week of Now and Then, Here and There! This week Hamdo see’s some action, Shu figure’s out we aren’t in Kansas anymore and Nabuca…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 4 [Discord] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 4 [Discord] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 4 [Discord] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome back everyone to another episode of Now and Then, Here and There! This is normally where I say something snappy like, “You won’t believe how dark this…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 3 [A Feast in the Dark] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 3 [A Feast in the Dark] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 3 [A Feast in the Dark] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome everyone to what is a very late episode of Now and Then, Here and There! The only excuse I have is Elden Ring which, in my defense,…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There – 1 [A Girl Admiring The Sunset] – Throwback ThursdayBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There – 1 [A Girl Admiring The Sunset] – Throwback Thursday

Now and Then, Here and There – 1 [A Girl Admiring The Sunset] – Throwback Thursday

Welcome one and all to another season of Throwback Thursday! We’ve been on a run of good shows recently, what with Haibane Renmei and The Vision of Escaflowne,…

Star Crossed Anime

Featured image for Sunday Select: 7 “Political” Anime seriesBackground image for Sunday Select: 7 “Political” Anime series

Sunday Select: 7 “Political” Anime series

Discussion of 7 anime series with political topics

Anime Rants

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There: The Promised Neverland of the ’90sBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There: The Promised Neverland of the ’90s

Now and Then, Here and There: The Promised Neverland of the ’90s


Hanime on Anime

Featured image for Who is That and Why Should I Care #9 – Lala-RuBackground image for Who is That and Why Should I Care #9 – Lala-Ru

Who is That and Why Should I Care #9 – Lala-Ru

Now and Then, Here and There is without a doubt one of my all time favorite anime series. It’s truly a heartbreaking and emotional masterpiece, with a perfect…

Prede's Anime Reviews

Featured image for The Otakusphere: Cheese and what am I doing with my life?Background image for The Otakusphere: Cheese and what am I doing with my life?

The Otakusphere: Cheese and what am I doing with my life?

Good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are in Internet-land. It is Sunday out here in my corning of the hinterlands, so it’s time for another trip around…

In Search of Number Nine — An anime blog

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There ReviewBackground image for Now and Then, Here and There Review

Now and Then, Here and There Review

“Now and Then, Here and There makes you feel hopeless. Its existential treatment of terror leaves a hole in the stomach that cannot be filled, one that cannot…

SpaceWhales Anime Blog

Featured image for Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku)Background image for Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku)

Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku)

Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku) 1999 This was no walk in the part – equal parts compelling and disturbing. And if you…

The Review Heap

Anime Series Like Japan Sinks 2020

On a day just like any other in Tokyo, a devastating earthquake rocks Japan. Separated by the activities of their daily lives, the Mutoh family struggles to find…

Recommend Me Anime

Easter: Ten Anime for the Ten Commandments (III)

Easter is already halfway to Pentecost, and the myriad colors of a Your lie in April-style spring shine in the Northwest Spain countryside where I live. We have…

Beneath the Tangles

Featured image for 2014 Secret Santa–KaibaBackground image for 2014 Secret Santa–Kaiba

2014 Secret Santa–Kaiba

Once again, I threw my hat into the ring, and participated in the Reverse Thieves Secret Santa Project. It’s a great opportunity to try out something that you…

Anime Audiolog

OtakuGeneration (Show #213) NWYWE

  NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 213) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With "Not What…

otakugeneration's Podcast

Spiraken Manga Review Ep 39: 7 Seeds (or Cold Storage Is Not Good For The Complexion)

In this episode of The Spiraken Manga Review, Xan reviews 7 Seeds. ----more---- Xan's allergies are acting up again, so he sounds very throaty. Also I would like to say…

Spiraken Review Podcast