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Featured image for A Studio Not Ghibli Anime About a Boy And His CelloBackground image for A Studio Not Ghibli Anime About a Boy And His Cello

A Studio Not Ghibli Anime About a Boy And His Cello

Cello Hiki no Gauche is a 1982 film about a kid who plays the cello. I mean it’s as simple as that but let’s keep going anyways. He’s…


Featured image for The Beauty Of Anime BackgroundsBackground image for The Beauty Of Anime Backgrounds

The Beauty Of Anime Backgrounds Instagram: Twitter: Shoutout @inakyu for the collab shoutout to for the decades of the backgrounds pixel art map! A very short analysis deep dive into anime background art and…

Internet Pitstop

Dallos (Blu-ray)

It's been more than ten years since Orphan first released Dallos . After release posts for the DVD version , the HD web version , and the la...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for 2nd Anniversary of Isao Takahata's PassingBackground image for 2nd Anniversary of Isao Takahata's Passing

2nd Anniversary of Isao Takahata's Passing

Ghibli Blog is the home for fans of Studio Ghibli, animation and the movies. We feature the latest news, reviews, essays and more.

Ghibli Blog: Studio Ghibli, Animation and the Movies

Kenji Miyazawa in Anime and Manga

This is the second out of three planned post about Kenji Miyazawa. 1) The Life, Works and Themes of Kenji Miyazawa 2) Kenji Miyazawa in Anime and Manga:…
