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3 results

Featured image for The 18th (and Final) Day of Christmas - Resolutions for 2008Background image for The 18th (and Final) Day of Christmas - Resolutions for 2008

The 18th (and Final) Day of Christmas - Resolutions for 2008

I'd like to hear a song put to the Eighteen Days of Christmas, especially with a random smorgasboard of themes like this. Unfortunately, lik...

What is eternity doing tonight? - an anime blog

Featured image for The 17th Day of Christmas - Ten Neglected Hero(in)esBackground image for The 17th Day of Christmas - Ten Neglected Hero(in)es

The 17th Day of Christmas - Ten Neglected Hero(in)es

'Rooting for the underdog' is something that a lot of people can sympathize with. There's something enchanting about watching a scrappy litt...

What is eternity doing tonight? - an anime blog

Featured image for The 16th Day of Christmas - Ten Facepalm MomentsBackground image for The 16th Day of Christmas - Ten Facepalm Moments

The 16th Day of Christmas - Ten Facepalm Moments

"I have no idea if Hisui is saying anything relevant, but she looks angry...and hey, it's Hisui." Now that the last fifteen days have convin...

What is eternity doing tonight? - an anime blog