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Featured image for (#MechaMarch2023) Armored Fleet Dairugger XVBackground image for (#MechaMarch2023) Armored Fleet Dairugger XV

(#MechaMarch2023) Armored Fleet Dairugger XV

A Second Voltron Series and Localization Stuff Yeah, this series immediately followed Beast King Go Lion which became Lion Voltron in the United States. Dairugger was localized in…

Mechanical Anime Reviews

Featured image for Why Anime Sci-Fi Space Wars are so InterestingBackground image for Why Anime Sci-Fi Space Wars are so Interesting

Why Anime Sci-Fi Space Wars are so Interesting

I talk about Space Wars as shown in anime. Strategy, Villains, Space Combat, Sci Fi Weapons, Mecha, and I kind of just go off the cuff about what I…


“It Would Be Nice If These Damn Aliens Stopped Attacking Us So We Could Colonise This Planet” – It’s Dairugger XV

I was interested enough in Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV to keep watching past a point I’d usually give up a series that was not interesting me. It was…

Ideas Without End