Sorawo and Kozakura are on the search for Toriko in the fourth volume of Eita Mizuno’s manga adaptation of Otherside Picnic. This volume contains chapters eighteen to twenty-four.
Jul 7, 2023 • Subscribe
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Thoughts on Otherside Picnic Volume 8 (Manga)
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Thoughts on Otherside Picnic Volume 1 (Manga)
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Thoughts on Otherside Picnic Volume 9 (Manga)
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Thoughts on Otherside Picnic Volume 6 (Manga)
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Otherside Picnic, Volume 4
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Otherside Picnic Manga, Volume 5
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Otherside Picnic Manga, Volume 3
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Otherside Picnic Manga, Volume 8
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Otherside Picnic Manga, Volume 9
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Otherside Picnic is a yuri science fiction novel series written by Iori Miyazawa and illustrated by shirakaba. The first omnibus contains volumes one and two: “Their Strange Exploration…

Otherside Picnic Manga, Volume 4, Guest Review by Sandy F
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Otherside Picnic, Volume 3
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Otherside Picnic, Volume 8
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Otherside Picnic, Volume 5
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Otherside Picnic, Volume 11
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Otherside Picnic, Volume 7
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Otherside Picnic, Vol. 4
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. Last time…

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Otherside Picnic Episode 4 Discussion & Gallery
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Otherside Picnic Anime
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Otherside Picnic, Vol. 2
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. The second…

Otherside Picnic GN 1
Otherside Picnic creates a creepy world that gives a sense of vast, unexplored space and dangers lurking just below your line of sight.

Rory’s Reviews: Otherside Picnic
Otherside Picnic is a twelve episode anime adaptation of the yuri science fiction novel series written by Iori Miyazawa. It was directed and written by Takuya Sato, though…
Otherside Picnic, Vol. 7
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. If Otherside…
Otherside Picnic, Vol. 3
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. I’ve talked…
Otherside Picnic, Vol. 9
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. It’s been…
Otherside Picnic, Vol. 6
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. After starting…
Otherside Picnic, Vol. 8
By Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba. Released in Japan as “Urasekai Picnic” by Hayakawa Bunko JA. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Sean McCann. For the…

Anime Review: Otherside Picnic