012 Battle Royale vol. 5 The chapter begins with Yutaka in a street fight. Mimura saves him from the attack and the two become friends. When Mimura questions Yutaka he finds that his fight was made so to protect a stray dog from bullies. The two decide on working together to help the dog find a home. Fast forward to their Battle Royale and they are still working together. This time making a bomb with the intentions to attack their captors and escape the Battle Royale program. Since the game began Sho Tsukioka has been spying on Kiriyama. Sho is waiting until he is strong enough to win the end game. However, he struggles to keep up with Kiriyama since they are loitering in a soon to be no man’s land. Meanwhile Noriko wakes up from her fever dream. Hirono is dehydrated after being shot by Nori. Eventually she finds a well only to be pushed down it. Her attacker having played dead thanks to his body armour. Mimura appreciation: ·    Dale Carnegie's 'How to win friends and influence people' ·    Positive reinforcement and apologies. ·    Mimura can fight? We also talk about the importance of having a mental/psychological crutch for when times get tough. Product Placement in the manga includes Audi Volkswagon and Party/Helium Spray

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