For thirteen years, I lived with Grendel, a smart, stubborn Australian shepherd who treated me and my husband like a pair of unruly sheep. She woke us up at 5:45 am every day, herded us to the park, and marched us around until we were exhausted. She nipped our ankles when we left for work—we weren’t supposed to leave the farm, I guess—and had strong preferences about everything, from which routes we walked to which brand of kibble we bought. When she wasn’t trying to bend us to her will, she applied her formidable intelligence to foraging for snacks; she had a black bear’s talent for opening jars and containers that we were certain we’d secured. I loved her dearly, but I admit that there were times when I fantasized... The post Lovely Muco!, Vol. 1 first appeared on Manga Bookshelf.

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