This week on The One Piece Podcast, we open the Patreon vault and share some of the amazing One Piece-related work from our crew at MAJI MEDIA! Real It In #1: "Ghost in The Shell" & "The Last Airbender Hosts Sam & Jill discuss the latest One Piece Netflix news and delve deep into The Last Airbender & the Ghost In The Shell live-action adaptations on this first episode of Real It In! This is Real It In — a podcast where each week hosts Jill Knight & Sam Leach take us through the latest news a
Sep 5, 2022 • Subscribe
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Episode 736, “OPP Cross Guild”
This week on The One Piece Podcast, we open the Patreon vault and share some of the amazing One Piece -related work from our crew at …
Episode 736, "OPP Cross Guild"
This week on The One Piece Podcast, we open the Patreon vault and share some of the amazing One Piece-related work from our crew at MAJI MEDIA! Real It In…
Special 4, "Cross Epoch" (Kanzenshuu x OPP)
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we are joined by VegettoEX and Julian of Daizenshuu EX as we hash through Dragonball and One Piece: the…
Special 4, "Cross Epoch" (Kanzenshuu x OPP)
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we are joined by VegettoEX and Julian of Daizenshuu EX as we hash through Dragonball and One Piece: the…

Episode 661, "OPP SpankDown"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach , Ed , Alex and Steve with special guests Kelly (our Editor-in-Chief),…
Episode 736: Winter 2022 Previews #2
This week on Anime Pulse we got more updates on the French Fry war of 2022, knock-off Komi-san, and Super Mario XCOM. Up first IRL news sees Joseph…
Episode 570, "The TENacious OPP"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve & Alex on the show to talk about our tenth anniversary and our…
Episode 570, "The TENacious OPP"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve & Alex on the show to talk about our tenth anniversary and our…

Episode 570, "The TENacious OPP"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach , Ed , Steve & Alex on the show to talk about our tenth…

Futoku no Guild (Immoral Guild)
This anime is a ecchi harem fantasy comedy about a highly skilled adventurer Hunter named Kikuru leading a party of newbies as they go on quests to defeat… :: (Show #736) Summer Season Reviews
Shownotes :: (show 736) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Summer Season Reviews, recorded live July 14th, 2019. This week,…
Episode 708, "The OPP DVD Double Pack"
This week on The One Piece Podcast, we open the Patreon vault and present two episodes previously only available to our patrons! 4'ced To Watch 4Kids #2 "Buggy…
Episode 661, "OPP SpankDown" (with Mitch Gonzales)
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Alex and Steve with special guests Kelly (our Editor-in-Chief), Sam Leach (our Anime Recap host), and Mitchell Gonzales (animator…

Episode 708, “The OPP DVD Double Pack”
This week on The One Piece Podcast, we open the Patreon vault and present two episodes previously only available to our patrons! 4'ced…
Episode 708, "The OPP DVD Double Pack"
This week on The One Piece Podcast, we open the Patreon vault and present two episodes previously only available to our patrons! 4'ced To Watch 4Kids #2 "Buggy…
Episode 661, "OPP SpankDown" (with Mitch Gonzales)
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Alex and Steve with special guests Kelly (our Editor-in-Chief), Sam Leach (our Anime Recap host), and Mitchell Gonzales (animator…

Guild Receptionist Episode 6 Review
This sixth episode focused again on Lululee and her history. Let’s go over it quickly.

Immoral Guild
So here it is: Immoral Guild is a horny anime. How horny? Monstrously.
Cross Game
I FORGOT TO EDIT THE EPISODE! And now it’s a couple days until libsyn resets and I’ll either have an unused month or edit everything in one day.…
Can’t Cross
Author: Ukari (translated with author’s permission, please visit their website to see the original Japanese works!) To say here is far, The post Can’t Cross first appeared on Kowabana.
Cross Game
I FORGOT TO EDIT THE EPISODE! And now it’s a couple days until libsyn resets and I’ll...

Cross Game
Synopsis: In Cross Game, baseball was probably the furthest thing from Kitamura Kou’s mind. Aside from partaking in the occasional pickup game or two, Kou preferred to live…
Cross Account
A manga about a simple teenager with a huge social media following befriending a popular teen actress who is hiding her identity. Continue reading →
Cross Game
Synopsis: In Cross Game, baseball was probably the furthest thing from Kitamura Kou’s mind. Aside from partaking in the occasional The post Cross Game appeared first on Anime Instrumentality…
Cross Purposes
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

Cross Game
Cross Game is a baseball anime where underdog high school students try to climb their way into Japan's national high school baseball tournament.

Guild Receptionist Episode 8 Review – Healing
This episode dealt with the topic of healing, as it fell on Lululee’s shoulders to heal Alina. It was also about Lululee beginning to heal from her trauma.
Episode 797: Lu Over the Guild
This week on Anime Pulse we got lopunny being the best Pokemon, a follow up to the men who harassed some statues at the Ghibli park, and being…

Futoku No Guild
You know it. With that kind of title that baits us horny viewers, it is obvious what this series is going to be about. That’s right. With a…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Episode 649, "White Cross Blue Nose"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach , Ed , Steve & Alex with Sam Leach (Anime Recap host) and Jo…
Episode 649, "White Cross Blue Nose"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve & Alex with Sam Leach (Anime Recap host) and Jo (our Discord moderator)as we go through One Piece Chapter 997, “Flames” along with a…
Episode 649, "White Cross Blue Nose"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve & Alex with Sam Leach (Anime Recap host) and Jo (our Discord moderator)as we go through One Piece Chapter 997, “Flames” along with a…
Futoku no Guild - Episode 5 - Hitamuki Pants
Hanabata got drunk off mana and became incredibly affectionate with Hitamuki. Can she get married anymore? Futoku no Guild - Episode 5

Guild Receptionist Episode 9 Review – Employee Training
In the ninth episode of Guild Receptionist, Alina must take the new employee training course even though she’s been employed for three years already.

Guild Receptionist Episode 10 Review – Classic Tsundere
This episode made me realize that Alina fits into the archetype of the tsundere. Like any true tsundere, she started aggressive, but is slowly softening toward the male…

Dropping the Cross
Lately, much of my time has been going towards learning how to write screenplays and research on the subject of the story, which explains the lack of posts.…
Arte – 06 [Trade Guild]
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OPP PSA: Best Wash Your Hands Collection
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we are doing our best to spread awareness of good hygiene during the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) outbreak. During this…

OPP PSA: Best Wash Your Hands Collection
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we are doing our best to spread awareness of good hygiene during the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) outbreak. During this…
OPP PSA: Best Wash Your Hands Collection
On this special episode of The One Piece Podcast we are doing our best to spread awareness of good hygiene during the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) outbreak. During this…
Futoku no Guild - Episode 2 - Bunnies Punch Hitamu
Hitamu keeps trying to fight monsters, but even cute bunny monsters still pummel the beginner fighter. Futoku no Guild - Episode 2
Futoku no Guild - Episode 8 - Hitamuki Shares Persimmon
The townspeople love Hitamuki. They give her freebies and extra service. She could afford to share persimmons with Kikuru. Futoku no Guild - Episode 8
Futoku no Guild - Episode 10 - Enome Hanabata Unfair
The short Resumisu belatedly noticed how over-represented top-heavy girls were at the guild. Futoku no Guild - Episode 10
Futoku no Guild - Episode 1 - Slime Attacks Hitamu
New adventurer Hitamu wanted to fight slimes better in round two. She was disappointed in her performance. Futoku no Guild - Episode 1
Futoku no Guild - Episode 4 - Maidena Does Splits
Kikuru took the least athletic party members on a physical fitness session. The girls are limber but have no stamina. Futoku no Guild - Episode 4
Futoku no Guild - Episode 6 - Enome Rejects Kikuru
Arienai! It's the worst thing a young guy needs to hear from a sexy MILF bombshell that he has no chance with her. Futoku no Guild - Episode…

Chrono Cross / クロノ・クロス
Chrono Trigger is a stunning masterpiece with beautiful pixel graphics, engaging gameplay, fantastic music, memorable characters, and a well...

Liella! Cross Talk 01
T/N: Check out the original interview in the LoveLive!Days Liella Special, available for purchase on Amazon JP here. Credits – TLC: xIceArcher; QC: PokéFanOne, Yujacha As the three…