In this episode, Xan reviews the one manga project that Osamu Tezuka hated worked on. Was it a great work or was it meh? Well sit back and listen as he review "Alabaster" by Osamu Tezuka. As he reviews this unusually cruel manga, our host also talks about the memorial stream for Zac Brensky, talks about the latest manga news and wonders what possessed Osamu Tesuka to make this manga. Remember to follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, also if you would kindly, please go to and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode. #spiraken #mangareview #wheelofmanga #shounenanime #alabastermanga #osamutezuka #tezukaosamualabastar  #manga #spirakenreviewpodcast Music Used in This Episode: Background Theme- News Room News by Spence (Youtube Audio Library), Closing Theme- Frustrated by Bad Snacks (Youtube Audio Library) Our Instagram Email Spiraken@gmail.comXan's Email xan@spiraken.comOur Twitter SpirakenYoutube Channel Amazon Store Random Question of the Day: Was Xan too harsh on this manga?

Spiraken Review Podcast