In this episode, Xan reviews a collection of 12 stories from one of the greatest manga series of all time. So enjoy as he reviews Lupin III: Greatest Heists by Monkey Punch and collected by Ryuichi Endo. As our host discusses this manga collection, he also references his earlier review of Lupin the III (which you can listen to here ) and talks about the latest manga releases.  Remember to Like, Share and Subscribe. Follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, subscribe to this podcast and our YouTube channel, Support our Patreon and if you would kindly, please go to and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Also join our discord and  Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode. #spiraken #mangareview #wheelofmanga #seinenmanga #lupiniii #monkeypunch #lupinthethird #lupiniiigreatestheists #comedymanga #sevenseasentertainment  #podcasthq #manga #spirakenreviewpodcast  Music Used in This Episode:  Closing Theme- Lupin the III theme Remix by various Artists ( Lupin III OST)   WHERE TO FIND US Our Instagram Our Email Xan's Email Our Patron or Our Discord Our Twitter Our Youtube Channel Our Twitch  Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Day: What are your plans for the holiday?

Spiraken Review Podcast