Welcome to episode 236 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra is joined by James(@that1welderguy) from @Dr_Stone_Pod and @devilbatpod and Solomon (@KingSolomander) We have a bit of podcast news, just a reminder that the podcast is going biweekly (1:18). We discuss ep 16/129 The Hellish Todoroki Family Part 2 (5:24), and ep 17/130 The Wrong Way To Put Out A Fire (15:38), take listener thoughts (28:50) and discuss our spoiler thoughts (34:00). We talk about Chapter 378 "The Story of How We All Became Heroes Part 4" (37:15) and take listener thoughts (45:04). Then we talk about Chapter 379 Hopes (49:03) and take listener thoughts (1:04:43). Then we round it out (1:16:07). And a big thank you to our patrons Trainee: KCG,Zachary, That1Welder Guy, Jenna, Kendra, The Real Jory, and Robert. Pro Heros: Yuriko and Morgan James' Podasts: Kicking Stones Podcast Deal With the Devils: Solomon's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sidequestfirst Kendra's other Podcast: The View From the Top https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/view-from-the-top/id1452919177 MHAP Patreon @MHAPOD myheropod@gmail.com
Feb 2, 2023 • Subscribe
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