「Episode 01」 An excellent first episode straight on Target!
Jan 8, 2023 • Subscribe
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UniteUp! Episode 9
This week's spotlight was on how JAXX/JAXX came to be!

UniteUp! Episode 6
It's finally time for our boys debut as PROTOSTAR! …except, they are not immune to the protagonists' fate of their launch being interrupted by a freaking Typhoon!

First Impression: UniteUp!
Akira may be a bit of a curmudgeon (as far as perky 17-year-olds go), but he’s a good son and devoted friend. He’s just been a little bit…

UniteUp! Episode 2
UniteUp continues its strong momentum into episode 2, introducing us to two fellow online singers, Banri Naoe (EVAN), Isuzugawa Chihiro (SUZU).

UniteUp! Episode 4
UniteUp returns with our trio participating in a commercial shoot with LEGIT.

UniteUp! Episode 5
Oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting to be swept by the sea of emotions this week!

UniteUp! Episode 3
This week we got to get to know a little bit more about LEGIT!

UniteUp! – Episode 1
UniteUp! combines beautiful animation with a well-paced debut to provide one of the best idol anime premieres in the genre.

UniteUp! Episode 7 & 8
Here are my thoughts on Episode 7 and 8 of UniteUp!
![Featured image for UniteUp! Episode 10 – 12 [FINAL]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230418/1681816368.57608.90773.png)
![Background image for UniteUp! Episode 10 – 12 [FINAL]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230418/1681816368.57608.90773.png)
UniteUp! Episode 10 – 12 [FINAL]
m not gonna lie, the last three episodes were not very good— which was not a great way to end the show.
![Featured image for UniteUp! Episode 1 [First Impression]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230108/1673221810.50788.82858.png)
![Background image for UniteUp! Episode 1 [First Impression]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230108/1673221810.50788.82858.png)
UniteUp! Episode 1 [First Impression]
It goes without saying, I was NOT expecting this show to have this strong of a start!
RX-78-01 01 Gundam
General Information Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit Lineart N/A
Orient – 01
「武蔵と小次郎」 (Musashi to Kojiro) "Musashi & Kojiro" That thicc Bushi poppin’.
Oooku – 01
"Episode 1" Through the looking glass
Dorohedoro – 01
「カイマン」 (Caiman) "Caiman" I was prepared for this premiere to be great, appalling, or anything in between.
Helck – 01
「勇者ヘルク」 (Yuusha Heruku) "Helck the Hero" It's tough being the manager
Horimiya – 01
「ほんの、ささいなきっかけで。」 (Hon'no, sasaina kikkake de.) "A Tiny Happenstance" Whew.
Plunderer – 01
「伝説の撃墜王」 (Densetsu no Gekitsui-ou) "The Legendary Ace" Never underestimate the power of numbers.

Bikkuriman 01
NYAA ANIDEX MEGA BITCHUTE (shiteater) Bikkuriman 01 [9618022C] shiteatersubs presents Bikkuriman episode 01 in Japanese with English subtitles. Translated by: FrenzyEdited by: shiteaterbubibin…
Sakugan!! – 01
「FATHERS&DAUGHTERS」 A father-daughter story about traversing the unexplored labyrinth.
Deaimon – 01
「和と一果」 (Nagomu to Itsuka) "Nagomu and Itsuka" A sweet story with a tinge of comedy in all the right places.
SSSS.Dynazenon – 01
「怪獣使いって、なに?」 (Kaijuu tsukai tte, nani?) "What's a Kaiju User?" It’s such a treat to hop in this time capsule and go for a ride.
Gibiate – 01
「神隠し」 (Kamikakushi) "Spirited Away" "GiBiA-VIIIIIRUS!"
Jigokuraku – 01
「死罪人と執行人」 (Shizaijin to Shikkounin) "The Death Row Convict and the Executioner" I had a tickle in my brain telling me this one was going to be good.
Cue! – 01
「はじまりのはじまり」 (Hajimari no Hajimari) "The Beginning of the Beginning" Hopefully, this can become an inside look into the daily life and struggles of being a VA.

NouKoume 01
She’s the cutest of the cast, all others are uglos. This was surprisingly fun to watch. So much crazy and randomness, made me laugh quite a bit~ But…
Pet – 01
「The Crushers」 (Tsubushiya) "潰し屋" Dark themes, criminal organizations and... mind tricks? I feel this is going to consume both your mind and your time this season.
Gleipnir – 01
「僕の中には」 (Boku no Naka ni wa) "Something Inside of Me" “You have to be assertive! No, not INSERTIVE!”
Arte – 01
「弟子入り志願」 (Deshiiri shigan) "I Want to be an Apprentice" The hope of this anime season lies in the spate of seinen manga adaptations on the schedule.
「マッシュ・バーンデッドと鍛えぬかれた筋肉」 (Mash Burnedead to Kitaenukareta Kinniku) "Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods" They call him Mash because he mashes creampuffs onto his face.
Overtake! – 01
「走る男」 (Hashiru Otoko) "The Man Who Races" “I know this track. I've raced it a thousand times.”
Revenger – 01
「Once Upon a Time in Nagasaki」 The Urobutcher getting up to what he does best.
Kakushigoto – 01
「かくしごと / ねがいごと」 (Kakushigoto / Negaigoto) "Secret / Wish" “Keeping secrets has left me in despair!”
Nekopara – 01
「ようこそ、ラ・ソレイユヘ!」 (Youkoso, Ra Soreiyu e!) "Welcome to La Soleil!" Elon Musk approves of this show.
SHY – 01
「シャイなので」 (Shai Nano de) "I'm Shy" She's shy - and don't you forget it
Listeners – 01
「リヴ・フォーエヴァー」 (Rivu fōevuā) "Live Forever" Recalls many others of its kind but has a spark that I just can't put my finger on.
Ranking summary for the weeks of 2020 01/06, 01/13, 01/20, 01/27, 02/03
Ranking summary for the weeks of 2020 01/06, 01/13, 01/20, 01/27, 02/03 The following rankings have been updated to reflect the available data through the weeks mentioned above.…
Ep 01 - Banayalasis
Welcome to episode 1 of Anime is Lit, where we get hyped and nerdy about why anime is awesome. We talk about the art and storytelling in anime…
Kyoukai Senki – 01
「起動」 (Kidou) "Activate" Not the Code Geass sequel I was expecting.
Sabikui Bisco – 01
「八十万日貨の男」 (Hachijuuman Nikka no Otoko) "The Man Worth 800,000" Get ready for the oddest and most inventive dystopian action show of the season.
Sakura Trick – 01
Holy damn, what budget could the director spend here? Apparently not much (I’d say twenty bucks) because the animation quality of this train wreck oozed of hentai animation…
Chainsaw Man – 01
「犬とチェンソー」 (Inu to Chainsaw) "Dog & Chainsaw" A blind review.
Futsal Boys!!!!! – 01
「夢、キックオフ!」 ("Yume, Kikku Ofu!") "A Dream's Kickoff" If Haikyuu!! and Kuroko no Basket had a child, this ain't it. But hey, it's awesome in its own way.
Ousama Ranking – 01
「裸の王子」 (Hadaka no ouji) "Naked Prince" Now that’s what I call NoitaminA.
Kyokou Suiri – 01
「一眼一足」 (Ichigan Issoku) "One Eye, One Leg" A premiere of slight zags as compared to expectations, provided you come in not knowing much.
Kemono Jihen – 01
「夏羽」 (Kabane) "Kabane" If you choose to pick up this year’s anime adaptation of Kemono Jihen, keep in mind ‘tis no light series you’re diving into.

Well everyone, Studio Trigger is back with a spin-off to SSSS.GRIDMAN. Instead of an Ultraman-like hero, it features the titular mecha Dynazenon and it looks glorious!
Dungeon Meshi – 01
「水炊き/タルト」 (Mizutaki/Taruto) "Hot Pot/Tart" It may be my first of the season, but to say this premiere was a long time coming is an understatement.
Mou Ippon! – 01
「いっぽん」 (Ippon!) "Ippon!" I didn't think I wanted to learn anything about judo until I watched this premiere.