I know what you guys are here for, so let’s get to those first. Final Poll Results Gold Winner The Winner is: The Gold Hyaku Shiki Award goes to Patlabor Silver Winner gets second place. The …
Apr 1, 2022 • Subscribe
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#MechaMarch #MechaMarch2022 #MechaMadness Final Round Voting
Here we are, the final round. You can vote here: Link The Polls will be open for this longer this time until Wednesday, March 30th, at 6 Pm…

#MechaMarch #MechaMadness Round 2/Quarter Final Voting
Hey everyone. I’m here for yet another week’s dose of pain and injury. Or just this tournament. Same thing at this time being. Man, this was a difficult…

#MechaMarch #MechaMadness Semifinal Results
Well, here we are. The results of all of this current semifinal round. It was a much harder match between TTGL and G Gundam this week, but it…

#MechaMarch #MechaMadness SemiFinal Voting
As has been put into this link, but there is some inspiration by the Olympics in this ranking. The winners will go into the gold medal match and…

#MechaMarch2023 Announcement and MechaMadness
The Selection of Shows for Mecha March 2023 I have already discussed the major concept behind this mecha march in my previous post, but a quick summary is…

KONOSUBA Final Thoughts and Majimoji Rurumo Final Thoughts (Rewatch) #TBT
For today’s throwback Thursday, I’m going to look back at two blog posts that are already on my blog, and they’re both related in that they’re comedy fanservice…

#MechaMadness: The Preliminary Begins!
I really don’t have much to say here, so let’s just begin the preliminaries! Click on this link to vote: Link. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. The Results will…

#MechaMarch Show and Tell
So, there was an idea between Irina (yes, that one) and I that we will swap pictures of different mecha designs between each other and then judge each…
Some thoughts on The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor and “comical cruelty”
I picked up the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor web comic a few days ago. I found myself so into the story that well I jumped right into the Web…
Final Thoughts: The Gods Lie
"...I finished the manga in a little less than an hour, I can tell "The Gods Lie" is one that will stick in my mind for a long…
Anime Frontier 2022: Wrap; And Some Additional Thoughts
I was just looking on twitter randomly and noticed Holiday Matsuri. This is the annual event in Orlando, Florida, right before the end-of-year holidays. I can’t find easily…

Final Thoughts: Gleipnir
This seemingly average action/horror is a lot better than its detractors might admit.

Final Thoughts: Horimiya
Romance in anime has been kind of wishy-washy. Horimiya is not.
Final Thoughts: Beastars
"The series focuses on a world of semi-anthropomorphized animals, who are divided into into to two broad categories based on their animal types, carnivores and herbivores."
Final Thoughts: Chuunibyou
"Regardless of what Chuunibyou actually means, one thing that remains constant throughout the show is Yuta's influence over and responsibility for Rika."

Kaginado Final Thoughts
Kaginado is filled to the brim with references, easter eggs, and humor related to the characters. It was like this anime was made only for true Key fans…

#MechaMarch2022: #MechaMadness Tournament Bracket Reveal and Contest
So here we go, here is the bracket of this up and coming users voice tournament: The Contest: So there is going to be a small bit of…

Some thoughts on Tatsuyuki Nagai
After watching 7 episodes of ‘Ano Natsu de Matteru’ I’m bound to say that this is a damn fine show considering its genre and the studio. I…

Some more thoughts I have
I found an excuse not to watch My Dress-Up Darling After watching someone’s review of My Dress-Up Darling up to Episode 3, I was like, “Nope. I ain’t…

Some thoughts on Loving Vincent
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Some Thoughts On Mieruko-chan
There are two different stories in horror: internal and external. In external horror films, the evil comes from the outside, the other…
Some Unsolicited Thoughts: January 2024
And just like that, we’re almost at the tail-end of January 2024. While there were only a handful of major announcements and/or happenings this month, I did want…

SK8 the Infinity – 12 + Final Thoughts
It’s ADAM’s world, and we’re just living in it. This post will have to double as an episode 12 recap and a series review, because I’ve run…

The Dragon Prince Season 7 Review and Series Final Thoughts
This is going to be the most unprofessional review I have ever written. Since I only watch three episodes per day, I’m literally posting this minutes after finishing…

#MechaMadness: Tournament Preliminary Results
So yeah, here is the preliminary results of this tournament. It was really hard putting this together and finding some kind of answers there as well. I also…

#MechaMadness: a #MechaMarch2022 Tournament
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Winter 2021 Final Thoughts
Yeah, I know, would you believe it? For Great Justice lives! Everything looked on the upswing heading into 2021, and a truly stacked season—arguably the most stacked season…

SSSS.Dynazenon – 12 + Final Thoughts
“In this world, there’s three important things you’ve gotta keep. Promises, love, and…” What a finale! Dynazenon pulled out all the stops for this one, including all…
Fall 2019 Final Thoughts
It’ll be New Year’s in less than an hour but it’s still technically 2019 here in the U.S. and by golly, if barely squeezing in our final thoughts…
Summer 2019 Final Thoughts
Summer 2019 was one of the most stuffed anime seasons for the shounen genre in ages. Here at For Great Justice, we…mostly didn’t follow it. But hey, if…
Spring 2020 Final Thoughts
As 2020 rolls on, the question isn’t “what anime will air next?” but “will us two dorks live long enough to see it all through?” That’s the plan,…
Summer 2020 Final Thoughts
The winds of change are coming. No one knows what the next month will hold for us. Hell, we didn’t even know what this past week held in…
How long has it been since I’ve had the blog all to myself? [checks notes] Almost 5 years, apparently. How the time flies. Anyways, quite a bit’s happened…
Final Thoughts: Fairy Tail
Sharing my final thoughts on the series that pretty much started it all for me: Fairy Tail.

KONOSUBA Final Thoughts (Rewatch)
I am so glad that I rewatched KONOSUBA. When I rewatch anime, I often want to prove myself wrong. Most of the time, I am surprised by how…

Fluffy Paradise Final Thoughts
I was really excited for Fluffy Paradise! At first, I deemed it as the cutest anime I’ve seen. But, as the episodes continued, it just felt too sweet.…
Final Thoughts: Demon Slayer
“My biggest gripe with the series as a whole really comes down to Tanjiro as a main character.”
#MechaMarch 2020: Wrap Up and Towards The Future!
A Massive Thank You To EVERYONE! Once again, thank you all recent and longtime followers for following along with me on this recent Mecha March 2020 journey and…
Some Thoughts on Youjo Senki (Tanya The Evil)
Saga of Tanya the Evil, Youjo Senki, anime discussion
Some Thoughts on Youjo Senki (Tanya The Evil)
Saga of Tanya the Evil, Youjo Senki, anime discussion

(Some Early Thoughts) The Wheel of Time TV
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Some Thoughts on the Winter 2020 Anime Season
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Some Blogger Thoughts: The Lovecraftian Nightmare of the Internet
I feel like there is something that a lot of bloggers or content creators on the internet discuss. Or this could be for people on social media or…

AnoHana and Hello! Kiniro Mosaic Final Thoughts #TBT
I forgot to post a Throwback Thursday post, but better late than never. Let’s call it a Flashback Friday post but keep the #TBT for consistency. Anyway, I…

D-Frag! and GJ-Bu Final Thoughts #TBT
Today is Thursday, and you know what that means? It’s Throwback Thursday time! In this blog post, I’ll be talking about my final thoughts on D-Frag! and GJ-Bu.

Final Thoughts on Just Because (But Mainly the Final Episode)
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Just Some Thoughts 2024-11-27
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Rapid thoughts on some 2020 anime
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Some Sequel Thoughts (2045 Part 2 and T&B 2)
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Final Thoughts: The Golden Sheep Volume Two
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