The problem isn't that Bible Black is "too dark" or anything. Its grimdark plot just doesn't save it from being absolutely boring.
Feb 10, 2022 • Subscribe
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5 Reasons To Skip: BOFURI
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BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.
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Purpose? What’s that?

5 Reasons To Skip: Geneshaft
It almost feels like Geneshaft was intended as a parody at some stage of its creation, before going down the edgy route instead.

5 Reasons To Skip: Gangsta
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3 Reasons To Skip: Euphoria
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4 Reasons To Skip: Island
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3 Reasons To Skip: Nisekoi
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3 Reasons To Skip: True Tears
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Kate is just Fi from Skyward Sword.

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