To begin, I’d like to highlight that the discourse surrounding Metroid Dead has been an absolute cesspool, and I’d prefer not to contribute to that environment. If you believe that it&#…
Dec 13, 2021 • Subscribe
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Metroid Dread
The gameplay of Dread is similarly spectacular. A lot of the DNA from Samus Returns – Mercury Steam's first Metroid project – is present here, albeit with the…

Otafu Susume 52 – Metroid Dreadful (Metroid Dread)
More like Metroid Dread-ful! Mwarp mwarp! OK, jokes aside this game was pants but it make for a great discussion!

Metroid Dread: SA-X Chase Sequences, the Game
Have you ever heard of the videogame protagonist Samus Aran? I spent the last decade thinking of her as only a Smash Bros. character. It wasn’t until this…

My Feelings On Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Are Complicated
Would have gone easier if the best fight scene wasn’t in the third fucking episode.

Samus and (One) More! #SmileFest 2022 Tokyo: “Metroid Dread”
I almost forgot to post this, but we did get samples and prototype images of the upcoming Figma releases from Metroid Dread. I forgot which Good Smile Company…

Stuff From the Office Window Side: Figma Samus Aran (Metroid Dread)
The next couple of posts will be some sort of Metroid-slash-Samus Aran double combo, starting with this one. As I mentioned previously, I will be going on a…

My Resume is Complicated
How the heck do you tell your life story in two pages or less?

Report: China’s Feelings Towards Japan Take a Sharp Nosedive
Are Japanese-Chinese relations getting worse? One survey says yes, showing a dramatic climb in negative sentiment among Chinese citizens.
Dread Journey
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto Desu! – Episode 10 – The Complicated Feelings of Romance
Episode impressions of Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto Desu! Episode 10 as Kanako developed a crush on Hime. However, we discover another part of the story about Sumika.…

(My ambivilance towards) Samurai Champloo: A Review
Samurai Champloo may have its repetitive issues but excels in direction, which is to be expected

My Complicated Thoughts on This One =LOVE Song
Have you ever had trouble thinking whether a song was good or not? That’s what I’ve been going through recently… and it’s been two whole weeks now. To…

My Complicated Thoughts on This One =LOVE Song
Have you ever had trouble thinking whether a song was good or not? That's what I've been going through recently... and it's been two whole weeks now. To…

My Complicated Thoughts on This One =LOVE Song
Have you ever had trouble thinking whether a song was good or not? That’s what I’ve been going through recently… and it’s been two whole weeks now. To…

My Love Mix-Up!, Vol. 1 – It’s Complicated
One of my goals for this year was watching and reading more material that make me uncomfortable and pushing my own boundaries a bit more. Based on the…

Exploring My Feelings on K-Pop
Like all people not living under rocks, I’ve noticed the rise and sustained international popularity of Korean pop, with a fanbase nigh-unmatched in current times. I first caught…

My Complicated Thoughts on the Bunny Girl Senpai Movie
To be honest, I didn’t think I would write another one of these posts where I ramble/rant about an anime I had some problems with. Usually after I…
Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai

My Complicated Relationship With Fanservice and Yuri in Anime
This blog post was incredibly hard to make. I may say some things that you may not agree with, but if you’re really interested in what I truly…
How I Write Reviews – Sorting My Thoughts & Airing My Feelings
Over the last few weeks I’ve slowly been easing myself in the blogging game, and it’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be. When I…

Healer Girl Episode 4: Red Dread
With the provisional license exam behind them our lovable trio’s real journey had begun. Important warning for Kana this episode.
VG Pulse 285: Complicated Simplicity
This week on VG Pulse, we start and end with sad news, but hopefully fill the middle with entertainment! We start off with side notes of the sad…
12 Days of Anime: My Feelings for Kyoto Animation
Yo!! Sirius here. For this 3rd Day, I will be going on a more serious mode and share some personal … More 12 Days of Anime: My Feelings…

Goodnight Punpun – My Mixed Feelings On A Manga Darling
Like with so many other stories, Goodnight Punpun loses its luster as it keeps extending itself further and further.
12 Days of Anime: My Feelings for Kyoto Animation
Yo!! Sirius here. For this 3rd Day, I will be going on a more serious mode and share some personal feelings to you guys. As you all are…

Metroid Fusion – Making Most Out of Linearity
I still remember when I frequent store demos back in 6th generation of video games. They are still around in a way, but no where near as fun…
1999: Towards A New Era
In middle school, Naru appreciated anime, fanfiction, and pretty guys just as much as the next internet-surfing pre-teen, but it was actua...
The Golden Ani-Versary of Anime (1963-2013)
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal, Black Cat, Get Backers, Mononoke, Needless

Kyoto Animation’s love towards mentors
Clockwise from top right: Taki Noboru, Sasabe Goro, Takigawa Masaki, Mikhail Makarovich Nitori & Azuma Ryuji Kyoto Animation is known for 4 things: moe character designs, attention to…

The Complicated Man Who Made 'Rudolph'
Plus: animation news and a Ghibli ad.

DanMachi IV – 14 – Towards the Sunrise
As she and Bell take turns keeping watch, Ryuu begins to experience flashbacks to when she met Alise and was part of Astraea Familia. It’s a reminder of…

Mushoku Tensei II: Jobless Reincarnation (Episode 17) – My Older Brother’s Feelings
Rudeus has discovered that Norn has shut herself in her room. It’s the worst thing imaginable to him so he’s determined to get to the bottom of it.…

Otafu Susume 16 – Ecchi Manga With Feelings (My Dress-Up Darling)
My Dress-Up Darling, an ecchi manga with feelings! Who would have thought a fan service manga would make my wife cry.

A Couple of Cuckoos – 08 – Family’s Complicated
While Erika is out shopping, Nagi is preoccupied with her words on the beach about his “fate changing” if he knew who she was trying to reach through…

Twin Peaks: A Complicated Yet Delightful World
January sixteenth, year two thousand twenty-five, David Lynch passes away at the age of seventy-eight due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. For a while it was known Lynch…
Adachi & Shimamura – 05 – Running Towards Sparkly Things
Throughout the episode Adachi is on edge until she achieves her objective: ask Shimamura to hang out with her for Christmas. Because she knows it will sound like…

When I Fly Towards You | Simply Beautiful.
"When I Fly Towards You" is a heartfelt Chinese drama about high school friendships and love, highlighting personal growth and authenticity, making viewers reflect on their own school…

Kinokoinu Episode 2 Review – Affections Towards Hotaru
A sudden love triangle?

Manhwa Review | Surge Towards You by Cheongyeon
Cheong-ho is a prolific athlete. He’s an Olympic-grade swimmer, but his position is constantly questioned with his diminishing records. His condition would be better as an alpha if…

“Hollow Hunger” — Overlord and a Complicated Viewing Experience
I’m coming in hot this time, Overlord has caused me more frustration than anything I can remember watching in the last few years. Four…
Mixed Feelings: Vinland Saga (Review)
A while ago I finished Vinland Saga, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to write about it. That is, until now, because I’m not sure what else to…

Wataoshi 03 – Rae’s true feelings
Turns out Rod (ore-sama prince) does get his chess game with Rae.

Mixed Feelings on Tokyo Ghoul
Recently I finished watching all four seasons of Tokyo Ghoul, and for once I actually had the desire to write out my thoughts. I have a lot of…

Wataoshi 12 – Claire’s true feelings
Claire and Rae still aren’t talking so Manaria once again steps in to encourage(?) Rae to take action.

WHAT A LEGENDARY EVENT! Become a member! - Discord - Twitch - Facebook Page - Twitter - Click here to Subscribe - One Piece Manga Chapter Reactions! -…

On the Dread Tendrils of Moe - The Great Moe Conspiracy
Ladies, gentlemen, friends, comrades all. It saddens me to be the bearer of grave news; several months after Taikutsu Remedy bravely decla...

A Lesson in Self-Care: My feelings about Cells at Work! CODE BLACK
Hello all and welcome back to Otaku Thursday! Today I’m going to skip the cute chitchat and get right down to the heart of things. Today, I’m going…

Analysis: My Feelings on the End of the Story of Ash and Pikachu
As many of us know the Pokemon anime started 25 years ago with a perpetually 10-year-old boy named Ash Ketchum. He sets off on his Pokemon journey from…
#MechaMarch 2020: Wrap Up and Towards The Future!
A Massive Thank You To EVERYONE! Once again, thank you all recent and longtime followers for following along with me on this recent Mecha March 2020 journey and…
Chihayafuru Season 3 Episode 20: Towards The Future
Oh wow, the tournament saga is over. I can’t help but feel a little sad by the result of the last match, but somehow completely fulfilled at the…
Towards a Historiography of Gundam’s One Year War
Gundam could be considered reader-hostile considering the lengths it makes fans go to in order to reach its stories.

The Drops of God: Towards a Classier Foodgasm
Hot off the announcement of an upcoming multilingual live-action series, Rebecca looks at the manga that caused a sommelier sensation.