Hello, everyone! I’m gonna be Real 100 with you guys: I’m gonna be a little busy for the next little bit. I’m writing this part the on Thursday before it happens, but………
Dec 5, 2021 • Subscribe
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Killer vs Hawkins! One Piece Chapter 1,029 BREAKDOWN
I know, I know- “generic title.” It’s a GREAT chapter- but very much a “basic” one. Simply here to finish up a battle. But again: Pretty epic. Because…

Pirate Hunter vs Wildfire! One Piece Chapter 1,032 BREAKDOWN
Kind Of feels like all Yamato’s been doing is running, lately…….. Hello again, my wonderful readers! Alright, let me be “Real 100” with ya- this chapter is one…

Sun God vs Light! One Piece Chapter 1,093 BREAKDOWN
Huh…….. I don’t really have a lot to say up front, I guess. Like; I’m OFFICIALLY starting this post Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 8:06 pm, yeah? I made…

5 Supernovas vs 2 Yonko! One Piece Chapter 1001 BREAKDOWN
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Sabo vs The Rulers Of The World!! One Piece Chapter 1,085 BREAKDOWN
This post is a Re-Upload of an old post I did on my New Site- “Pirate King Seraph” with Webresolvers. If you want to see more- as well…

Alber The Survivor! One Piece Chapter 1,035 BREAKDOWN
Do you get the reference? The naming scheme comes from the current arc of the Dragon Ball Super manga- the “Granolah The Survivor” arc! I’ve missed explaining the…

Momonosuke’s Battle! One Piece Chapter 1,055 BREAKDOWN
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“Late Bloomer.” One Piece Chapter 1,028 BREAKDOWN
THAT was unexpected. Or, considering what I missed while I was away; I guess it was actually foreshadowed weeks ago. I had thought this may have secretly already…

Bartholemew Kuma: The Origin!! One Piece Chapter 1,095 BREAKDOWN
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Bartholemew Kuma: The Origin!! One Piece Chapter 1,095 BREAKDOWN
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BIG FIST ENERGY! One Piece Chapter 1,047 BREAKDOWN
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This Fight Ends NOW! One Piece Chapter 1,048 BREAKDOWN
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Granolah The Avenger vs Gas The Jealous! Dragon Ball Super Chapter 79 BREAKDOWN
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One Piece Chapter 1018: It’s currently 16,000 vs 9,000
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The Secret Ingredient to SANJI | The Anatomy of One Piece
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“Connect!” Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 BREAKDOWN
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SANJI GREATNESS ON FULL DISPLAY! - One Piece Episode 1045 REACTION Become a member! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xIqX93EXRtB4z58AbCarg/join Discord - https://discord.gg/enRG5QR Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/thekingofrecons Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/OuterHeavenRecon/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/YoshidaShoyou Click here to Subscribe -…

Bardock’s Resolve!! Dragon Ball Super Chapter 83 BREAKDOWN
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Raging Gas!! Dragon Ball Super Chapter 80 BREAKDOWN
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Hermit vs Killer! Edens Zero Chapter 195 BREAKDOWN
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Episode 429, "4 Kids vs. Sanji"
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After months of credible leaks, a new trailer for #DragonBallSuperBroly has dropped confirming the appearence of a particular character! Major animators appear, and I am SO EXCITED! Twitter…
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Episode 40, "One Piece Live And Super"
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OtakuGeneration (Show #170) Naruto vs. One Piece
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 170) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Naruto vs.…

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One Piece Chapter 1099 Afterthoughts & Chapter 1100 Predictions
One Piece Chapter 1099 Afterthoughts & Chapter 1100 Predictions Become a member! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xIqX93EXRtB4z58AbCarg/join Discord - https://discord.gg/enRG5QR Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/thekingofrecons Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/OuterHeavenRecon/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/YoshidaShoyou Click here to Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xIqX93EXRtB4z58AbCarg One…

Evolution vs Stabilization! My Hero Academia Chapter 358 BREAKDOWN
The title will make sense later on. It’s one of those titles. But it’s CERTAINLY better than “1001 Ways To Say” X Y & Z(first time I ever…