Hello, all! Kate here. This month I made a guest appearance on the Oldtaku no Radio podcast! I joined Jared and Ink to talk about the latest series from Gendy Tartakovsky, Primal. This seemed like …
Oct 25, 2021 • Subscribe
More like this
Podcast guest spot: Japan Station episode 12
Japan Station is Japankyo’s official podcast, covering all facets of Japanese popular culture. I had the good fortune to be interviewed there earlier this month, so check out…
Guest Spot: ANNCast!
While you wait for my Year in Review podcast episode, you can hear me on the newest episode of ANNCast talking about Sailor Moon: Sailo...
Guest Spot: Sparkleside Chats
I got to podcast about one of my favorite underrated series, Akazukin Chacha , on the latest episode of Sparkleside Chats with Magical G...
Guest spot: Manga Machinations
While I'm working on getting the new podcast episode finished, you can check out my guest appearance on one of the recent episodes of the ...
Guest Spot - Otaku no Shouzou
I was recently a guest on Chilean podcast Otaku no Shouzou with friend of the podcast Dave Merrill to talk about what being an anime fan w...
Guest Spot: Giant Robot FM
Hi friends! If you love Gunbuster , I have a treat for you: I was a guest on the most recent episode of Giant Robot FM…

Site Updates: October 2023
October's My Unico Fans site updates are up! We've added and translated several things this month and hope you'll enjoy what we've been working on.
Japan Blog List : October 2011 Updates
Here's this months selection of new blogs that have been submitted to the Japan Blog ListTokyo Podcast started in August by Anthony, he's been producing weekly podcasts on…
The Japan Blog List - Japan related blogs which are written in English

October Yuri Game News and Updates
Not as much news and updates this month but there are a few blockbusters.

Guest Spot: "Wakakusa no Charlotte" with Zannen, Canada
Back in April, I was a guest on Zannen, Canada to talk about the little-known 70s shoujo anime Wakakusa no Charlotte ! The episode recently ...
Special Guest Spot: All Geeks Considered: Film Noir
Xan had some free time when editing with Demona so he did a guest spot for " All Geeks Considered Podcast" a podcast about all things geek starring Vinny…
Guest Spot - Warui Deshou Bonus Episode 666: Devilman Crybaby
We were delighted to guest on Warui Deshou with our friends TheSubtleDoctor and Shadon about Devilman Crybaby! This is a more free-form discussion with lots of laughs, but…
Guest Spot - Oh No, Anime! Episode 53 - Devilman Crybaby
Earlier in February we guested on Oh No, Anime with our friends Marc and Patrick, and other guests GrantTheTheif and TheSubtleDoctor to discuss more of Devilman Crybaby! Marc…
Podcast – 17th October 2021
ALL THE ANIME PODCAST – 17th October 2021“Scotland Loves Anime Film Festival 2021 – Jury Deliberation Special”[RECORDED REMOTELY ON 3RD OCTOBER 2021] Join us for a special edition of…

Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 1 with Anime Is Lit
While you wait for this month's episode of my podcast (which will be out probably sometime later this week), you can listen to my guest sp...
Guest Spot: The Lore of Evangelion: Part 1 | Audio Encyclopedia
We were pleased to guest on Oh No, Anime! with our longtime podcasting friend Marc for a series about the Lore of Evangelion. This is a deep-dive into…

Guest Spot: "Dear Brother" part 2 with Anime Is Lit
Part 2 my guest spot on the Anime is Lit podcast on Dear Brother is now up ! This episode is ALL spoiler talk, so make…
Guest Spot: The Lore of Evangelion: Part 2 | Audio Encyclopedia
We were pleased to guest on Oh No, Anime! with our longtime podcasting friend Marc for a series about the Lore of Evangelion. This is a deep-dive into…
Guest Spot - Subtitled Anime "Rakugo Made Us Cry for a Building"
We were thrilled to get the chance to talk about Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju with Giancarlo on the Subtitled Anime podcast! In this episode we get emotional (and…

GUEST SPOT – Shadon on Anime Is Lit Talking Ancient Magus Bride
Shadon joined the folks at Anime Is Lit (along with another guest, Bethany) to discuss the incredible anime Ancient Magus Bride. Direct Download | iTunes | Soundcloud | Google Play | Android | Stit…

Updates and Updates
It's time for that annual post about myself—or at least one about the stuff I’m doing elsewhere. Life is busy, yes, but I sometimes find eno...

Sweet Spot
Here's an almost totally unknown work from director Sugii Gisaburou, the 1991 OVA Sweet Spot . Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tel...
Tree in the Sun, Lupin III, Lupin III: The Secret of Twilight Gemini, Nine, Nozomi Witches

October Updates: The Wonderful and Weird World of Decades-long Storytelling
Hello, all! Kate here. This last month, I have been down a rabbit hole of my favorite American soap opera, revisiting stories and my all-time favorite couple (from…
Spiraken State of the Podcast October 2018
Greetings Faithful Listeners! Xan and the many other podcast hosts from Spiraken Review Podcasts have returned from our slight Hiatus energized and revitalized. So Since it has been a…

Hey guys~ So, I’m sure you’ve noticed that we’ve been fairly slack in updating and posting, but I assure you, this is all for good reason!
The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - Guest Episode: Parasyte with the Manga Mavericks Podcast
Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode! This month’s Guest Episode is a ...

Doki Doki News: Live-Action Pokemon, ACNH Updates, and Guest Host Christina Kelly!
Our special month-long promotion of Doki Doki News concludes today with our good friend, Christina Kelly, who joins us as our final guest newscaster. You’ll recognize her voice…

GUEST SPOT – TheSublteDoctor on Anime is Lit Talking Mob Psycho 100 // Part 2 of 2
Doc guests in part two this awesome episode of Anime is Lit to talk about one of his favorite anime of all time, Mob Psycho 100. —————————̵…

GUEST SPOT – TheSublteDoctor on Anime is Lit Talking Mob Psycho 100 // Part 1 of 2
Doc guests in this awesome episode of Anime is Lit to talk about one of his favorite anime of all time, Mob Psycho 100. —————————— WeR…
The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - Guest Episode: Cat's Eye with the Zannen Canada Podcast
Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode! Valentine’s Day may be over, but...

Site Updates!
We've made several updates to the Italian section as well as other language releases!

Blog Updates
Heya, folks! Small update. In an effort to future-proof this blog and focus on ease-of-accessibility, I’ve made some housekeeping improvements. I’ve removed the “Resource Compilat…

Site Updates!
Now that the major holidays are over, we're back in business! Check out the updates to the site!

Blog Updates
Hey hey everyone! You may have already noticed, but I’m in the process of updating some things here on Blerdy Otome. I made a few changes over the…

Site Updates!
Another round of updates for the My Unico Fans website! March was a busy month, but we could get in a few updates. Interview translations, character profiles, and…

Site Updates!
We're back with more updates on the site! Check out the Unico related additions. Spanish and Korean voice actors, coloring books, and more!
The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - Guest Episode: Dear Brother with The Anime is Lit Podcast
Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode! This month on the podcast, celeb...
Venus in the Blind Spot
A collection of horror stories by Junji Ito. Continue reading →

Welcome to Centre Spot Translations
Just saying hello
Japan’s Most Dangerous Ghost Spot
1. Is it the Memorial Forest? 12. >>1 Is it really that bad? It doesn’t seem that way. 2. Yagiyama The post Japan’s Most Dangerous Ghost Spot first…
Wicked Spot, Volume 1 / ウィキッドスポット
Sal Jiang’s newest manga, Wicked Spot, Volume 1 (ウィキッドスポット) is a classic case of a story beginning in one place and ending way far away from there in…

Life Updates & Thoughts
Before we begin, this is going to be a very personal post. Please feel free to skip this one/click away if it becomes too heavy for you. Hello,…
Changes in Updates.
I recently realised that despite my ample amount of ‘free’ time, even before the coronavirus situation, my current upload schedule was not working for me. I usually have…

Bunch of Updates!
I’ve been quiet on this blog for a while, and by the end of this post you will understand why. (It’s all good news, don’t worry!)

New Site Updates!
Hey hey Blerdy Tribe! It’s been a bit hectic on my end, so there haven’t been as many posts lately (sorry). But, I have been hard at work…
Updates for 2017
As you might be able to tell I have let the maintenance of this site slide this year. So much for my new year's resolution in January. Anyway..…
The Japan Blog List - Japan related blogs which are written in English

May Updates: Passion
Hello, all! Kate here. Lately, I’ve been thinking about my passion as a anime fan. My love for the medium has remained ever strong, but I realized I…

June Updates: Summertime
Hello, all! Kate here. I don’t know about you, but I hate the summer. June is only mildly bearable, and then it goes downhill from there. And yet,…

Life Updates & Thoughts
Before we begin, this is going to be a very personal post. Please feel free to skip this one/click away if it becomes too heavy for you. Hello,…