Ehe. I’m still here.
Aug 22, 2021 • Subscribe
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Celebrating Five Years of Blogging
On 31 August 2015 I published my first blog post. Back then the blog was called ‘Kuro Sama Reviews’, and I reviewed anything and everything – from anime…
Celebrating Five Years of Blogging
On 31 August 2015 I published my first blog post. Back then the blog was called ‘Kuro Sama Reviews’, and I reviewed anything and everything – from anime…
Those Final Steps – 10 Years of Anime Blogging
Here I am, finally taking my final steps in the blogosphere on Anime Viking. And I have been okay with it for a long time, no longer trembling…
Four Years of Anime Blogging and at a Crossroads
It has been four years since Anime Viking was created. With each passing year it becomes harder and harder to believe that I was once eighteen years old,…
Lessons from 10 Years of Blogging
I’ve been writing for JP for 10 years now. Over those years, my writing style has changed. I hope for the better! I’ve also gained more confidence, although…
Lessons from 10 Years of Blogging
I’ve been writing for JP for 10 years now. Over those years, my writing style has changed. I hope for the better! I’ve also gained more confidence, although…
Some hard thinking after 5 years of anime blogging: 1000 anime later
It was the heart of winter at the opening of 2017; my high school days had just started to fade bitterly but were not yet “sweet.” I was…
Ten Years of Blogging: A Journey through My Passions
Last month marked the tenth anniversary of this blog. I’ve viewed hundreds, if not thousands, of films, TV episodes and documentaries for it and covered a wide array…
Anime Blogging Echo Chambers
Anime Blogging is a weird hobby. It introduces you to all sorts of perspectives that would never occur to anyone otherwise. This can be good but it can…
5 Years Blogging, Let’s Make It To Ten!! Part 1
Unknown to you but known to me, this blog turned 5 years for 2020 and wanted to celebrate for very reason I started this blog at all.…
Tangle x Cast 3: Diving Into Anime Devotionals
There are Christian devotionals—works that contain daily readings related to and providing teaching about scripture—for virtually every idea and theme you can think of. But are there devotionals…
Anime Blogging 101: Word Selection
Writing focuses on word selection. English overflows with words. Choosing the perfect word is fun, and it is hard. Some words are tired like awesome, cool, and fuck.…
3 Years in Japan
Well, I’ve spent another year in Japan. Despite mentally hitting my three year anniversary a couple of months ago, there’s something about passing the actual date that makes…
Blogging, Traveling, & Anime Watching This Summer
Hey guys! This upcoming summer is my first summer break working an adult job . . . and I chose teaching, which means I have the next couple…
12 Days of Anime Blogging 2019
Guys! It’s that magical time of year. That wonderful snowy time where I blog about anime or loosely related subjects for 12 days in a row! Ok, so…
Anime Blogging after Leaving Twitter – Blogging Frustrations and Feeling Left out of the Community. The Case to Rebuild the Anime Blogging Community
It’s coming to a 1-month mark of finally leaving the dumpster fire known as Twitter. But, of course, interacting with other anime bloggers has been a challenging aspect…
[Patreon Exclusive] Tips and Tricks for Blogging – Tip #3
Having a tough time starting your blog or thinking about starting one to blog about your passions? Blogging can be a fairly fulfilling pastime especially if you’re really…
My Anime OP/ED 3×3, Celebrating Two Years of the Otaku Exhibition
I have spent a lot of time thinking about what to do for the blog’s second anniversary. If I thought one year was a fluke, two puts that…
Boredompost: A spot of anime blogging mathematics
Bored and seemingly devoid of commentage, I decided to work out by extrapolation how many hits per post Jason must get based on how many comments he gets.…
Blogging Confessions from A Small Anime Blogger
Being honest is something that I've been wanting to do for as long as I can remember and yet, for some reason, I don't do it that often…
Anime Blogging 101: Your Voice and Commas
Voice is your unique way of speaking. You use words in ways that make a verbal fingerprint. Verbal ticks like like, um, because, so are as important as…
In Defense of Subjectivity in Anime Blogging
Having any sort of online communal experience is a weird thing. We all experience things in different ways so it can already be a little tough to understand…
Anime Blogging 101: Writing an Informative Essay
I love writing informative essays. I never know what goodies I will find when I set out to research for an informative essay. Informative essays involve all the…
Adapting Something into Anime
One of the biggest things that can cause trouble when creating an anime adaptation is the change in mediums from one thing into anime. Why does that cause…
Some Blogging Delays!
Some Blogging Delays! Hey gang. Things are pretty nuts right now getting my new home set up. I’ve had deliveries, installers, and the like over this week. If…
Connection and Blogging
I’m not a particularly social animal. By nature not by circumstance. As such, the social component of blogging, although very important to me, has never been the *most*…
Most Emotional Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 3
For the third day of the 30 Days of Anime challenge, I’m revisiting the most emotional anime that I reviewed from each of the last five years. You…
A Look Into Yandere Love Part 3
yandere girls, anime rants yandere, shion sonozaki, megumi shimizu
Anime Blogging 101: Using Adverbs and Respecting Readers
Adverbs add detail to verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Many grammar wonks tell us to cut adverbs unless they are necessary. I mostly agree (see what I did…
On Negativity in the Anime Community and Blogging
These days it seems most of my anime-related interactions on social media can be divided into 4 general categories. Strangers telling me they are sexually attracted to drawings.…
Spring 2020 anime season rankings (and thoughts on anime blogging)
3,112 words later, I’m finally finished with my Spring anime season reviews, and what a promising season it’s turned out to be! I ended up reviewing 9 anime…
My Top 3 List of Things That Should be Adapted into Anime
Despite not having watched anime in over a year, I'd actually like to get back into it...if only something worth watching would actually com...
OPLA! #3: “Seven Years” (with Nic Louie)
This is OPLA! Our limited-run series One Piece live action podcast series. Each week our hosts bring you interviews with some of the talented individuals behind Netflix’s One…
Nier:Reincarnation shutting down after 3 short years
Although it was painfully inevitable it looks like Nier Reincarnation will finally shut down after 3 years. I feel like this blog has become some kind of collection…
OPLA! #3: “Seven Years” (with Nic Louie)
This is OPLA! Our limited-run series One Piece live action podcast series. Each week our hosts bring you interviews with some of the talented individuals behind Netflix’s One…
How I Got Into Anime
As a child, I was a fan of Sailor Moon, but it wasn’t until I discovered Naruto on Cartoon Network that I became fully immersed in the world…
Getting Into Anime & Manga Studies
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting School is starting back up again, and I thought it would be fun to share with you all a short post about…
Bloom Into You Volumes 3 and 4 Review
With Touka set on doing what her sister could not — have the student council perform a unique play at the school festival — Yuu’s friend Koyomi has…
Bloom Into You Regarding Saeki Sayaka, Volume 3
Capping this weird, and horrible and amazing year off is the volume that I have been waiting for since April, when I raved about the Japanese edition. At…
Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, Vol. 3
By Hitomi Iruma and Nakatani Nio. Released in Japan as “Yagate Kimi ni Naru: Saeki Sayaka ni Tsuite” by Dengeki Bunko. Released in North America by Seven Seas.…
Alice & Zouroku Episode 3 – Back into the Fire
Alice & Zouroku Episode 3: Zouroku Kashimura demands that Sana apologize for raining pigs down on his place of business.
Chihayafuru Season 3 Episode 15: Falling Into Traps
I suppose you can call this episode a cool off kind of episode. The last arc was intense and full of all sorts of high level drama in…
Greetings!! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything other than The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window and Tackt Op.Destiny, so I wanted to talk about an open…
Blogging in Quarantine Times
For context, I’m writing this in the first week of May and I’ve been at home for a couple of months now. I just wanted to have a…
12 Months of Blogging!
I can’t believe that it’s been 12 months since I started this blog. I decided to start writing after I had the suggestion of a friend that it…
Blogging is a Paradox
…I swear, aside from Manga March posts, all I’ve done lately is blogging about blogging… (This series of thoughts started in Scott’s comment section.)
Do Blogging Breaks Work?
Ironically, I originally published this on 100 word anime. This post about blogging breaks is now painfully ironic. Ouch. You know guys, when you’ve been around the blogosphere…
Crunchyroll Moves Into India, One Piece: 10 More Years?, and More Made In Abyss | Today's Anime News
Let's talk some Speculation, more speculation, and also a birthday...with a side of speculation. ► Support me on Patreon: ► Follow me on Twitter: 00:00 - INTRO 00:32 - Mayumi…
Of life, the universe and anime blogging : the carnival
My big boss said I should do it, and so I am. I'm listenning to my big boss way too much lately and here I am writing my…