This list may contain SLIGHT SPOILERS. Though I’ll try to make it as short and spoiler-free as possible. This list is made while taking both Manga and Anime in consideration. ATTACK ON TITAN …
Jul 22, 2021 • Subscribe
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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, My Hero Academia, Princess Jellyfish, Attack on Titan, Bungo Stray Dogs
My Top 5 ‘Ms. Fanservice’ Anime characters
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This list is 100% SPOILER FREE. JUJUTSU KAISEN The women of Jujutsu Kaisen’s are strong-willed, memorable and fully fleshed-out characters with goals that are solely their own, unlike…

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This list is made while taking both the anime/manga in consideration. Attack On Titan POSITIVES : One of the best plots in all of animanga. Incredible soundtrack and…

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My Top 5 Anime Arcs
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My Top 5 Anime Arcs
5. Ryoka Invasion (Bleach) Manga Chapters 70 – 178/Anime Episodes 21 – 63 The Ryoka Invasion was a conflict between the Ryoka and Gotei 13. The Ryoka, Ichigo…
My Top 5 Anime Mullets
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Bungo Stray Dogs, DRAMAtical Murder, Kamigami no Asobi, Shiki, Yona of the Dawn

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My Top 5 Anime Perverts
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