Well Odokawa, what will you do now? In spite of the man’s apparent desire to lead a quiet life, trouble just keeps managing to find him. This latest catastrophe isn’t even his fault, really; after …
Jul 19, 2021 • Subscribe
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ODDTAXI – Episode 11
The lines are taut and bait is set; all that is left is to spring the trap. In spite of his professed desire for a simple, solitary life,…

ODDTAXI – Episode 4
The rain hasn’t stopped for hours. When I first woke up, the sky seemed clear enough; but of course, I slept through my first alarm, and thus slept…

ODDTAXI – Episode 6
Oh ODDTAXI, what a tangled web you weave. The lives of its disparate characters are now twisting together in all manner of subtle ways, even as their everyday…

ODDTAXI – Episode 2
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am thrilled to be getting back to ODDTAXI, a show whose premiere impressed the hell out of…

ODDTAXI – Episode 3
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the site. Today I am both eager and nervous to return to ODDTAXI, a show which has so far proven itself to…

ODDTAXI – Episode 9
How did it all come to this? Somehow, the spiraling conflicts of ODDTAXI feel both implausible and inevitable, a thousand quirks of fate culminating in an unstoppable tragedy.…

ODDTAXI – Episode 7
A storm is brewing in ODDTAXI, one whose clouds loom over every soul we’ve met so far. As episodes have stacked up, odd points of connection have emerged…

ODDTAXI – Episode 8
Tensions are rising across ODDTAXI as the Halloween celebrations continue. Out in the streets, Taichi is racing through the crowd with his prize: fresh footage of Dobu up…

ODDTAXI – Episode 13
It’s not that I go to art specifically seeking punishment, or anything like that. I understand the appeal of stories that simply sooth or excite us; these are…

ODDTAXI – Episode 12
Right from her early childhood, Rui knew she was born to be a star. Even her first teachers marked her as someone overflowing with ambition, and since then,…

ODDTAXI – Episode 10
Through the miracles of science, it has become easier than ever to measure our success in the world, and compare it to the wealth of others. Where once…

ODDTAXI – Episode 1
There are so many sociopolitical themes that can be explored through anthropomorphic animals, which can make it easier to have conversations about difficult topics that occurred either in…

An absolutely amazing mystery, crime, drama ride that simultaneously feels very comfortable and very dangerous.

First Impression: ODDTAXI
Odokawa is an odd duck (or rather, walrus) by most any measure. He’ll take an inappropriately long amount of time to think of an answer to a question…

OtakuGeneration.net :: (Show #862) ODDTAXI
Shownotes :: (show 862) :: () :: () :: () :: () With The ODDTAXI, recorded live December 12th, 2021. This week, we watched anime that's more…

The ODDTAXI Ending Explained!
Steve Jones and Jacki Jing break down that finale and why this series deserves its place among the ranks of best anime...ever!
ODDTAXI Voice Actor Interview
One of the surprise hits for the Q2 / Spring 2021 Anime Season has been ODDTAXI. It's a mystery show set in a world where all the characters...

ODDTAXI: In the Woods
A reframing/retelling of the main series that is slightly more condensed, and with a tiny amount of new content/story. Not suitable to watch “instead of” the main series,…

The Slow and the Furriest: ODDTAXI
The anime ODDTAXI begins with a subdued and moody opening that feels mysterious and haunting upon first viewing. As the story progresses, it becomes increasingly clear that it’s…

Tune of the Week(ish): ODDTAXI’s ODDTAXI
ODDTAXI has been the less discussed gem of the last anime season. I’ve been watching it myself and while I don’t buy most of the hype. It’s absolutely…
![Featured image for [12 Days of Anime] Day 1: ODDTAXI](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211225/1640456314.27962.55274.jpg)
![Background image for [12 Days of Anime] Day 1: ODDTAXI](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211225/1640456314.27962.55274.jpg)
[12 Days of Anime] Day 1: ODDTAXI
Was there ever any doubt? One episode into ODDTAXI and I knew that what we had here was a masterpiece in the making, an anime we’d be talking…

The Odd World of “ODDTAXI” – Anime Fusion 2021
I’m back again with more panel materials! This time from our Sunday discussion of the wonderful ODDTAXI anime series. Like our Evangelion discussion, this is mostly a presentation…
ODDTAXI – The Importance of Leaving on a Bang
ODDTAXI certainly lives up to its name. It's an unusual anime with strong Western influences in the narrative.

Kaiseki Anime Podcast Episode 079 – Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won’t Lose & ODDTAXI
00:00 Intro 01:25 Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won’t Lose 11:52 ODDTAXI 33:22 Outro You can find Kaiseki Anime Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play.…
Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won't Lose, ODDTAXI
This Week in Anime - Why ODDTAXI is Must-Watch TV
ODDTAXI is the tightly-written noir we didn't know we needed. Nicky and Steve look into why this walrus-starring mystery cannot be missed.

Alright Kids, Out of the Pool, It’s Time For ODDTAXI
Which is odder: being nostalgic for something that never truly existed, or years later finding something that fulfills the illusion you…

Horimiya – Episode 5
Hello all, and welcome back to the show. Today I am eager to get back to Horimiya, which appears to have reached a critical juncture courtesy of last…

Mashle Episode 5
Since there has been many Harry Potter parodies, I expected for Easton Academy to have four dorms like Harry Potter, but it turned out that Easton only has…

Mononogatari Episode 5
This week's Mononogatari episode introduced four characters that before have only been shown in the opening sequence. The first two are Kai and Itsuki, part of Kyoto's big…

MM! Episode 5
This was definitely the craziest episode yet, which is certainly saying something. Going from power level radars to super sayain transformations, this episode was a complete throw back to Dragon Ba…

Texhnolyze – Episode 5
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am eager to return to a long-dormant property, as we at last continue our journey through Texhnolyze.…

Episode 5: ToraDora!
In this episode, Shaun explains one of his favorite anime ToraDora! (exclamation mark mandatory) with all sorts of teen romance, humorous misunderstandings, and one of the best Tsunderes…

Kaiba – Episode 5
Kaiba’s last episode was a tragic story of grief and abandonment, ending with the deaths of all parties involved. The episode before that was another story of grief…
Episode 5- Tropes!
We all know them and love them...or do we? Today, Bees, Aza and Miso rip apart our beloved(?) shoujo manga cliches, starting with a hefty discussion on age…

Bakuman Episode 5
I admit it. Bakuman is pretty awesome. Not only for the great story, or the detail they put into it when they talk about mangka things. I love…

Shirobako episode 5
Time really flies when it is pitch black outside and it is slightly freezing cold. Like I don't know how you people do it up North and in…

Helck – Episode 5
He was there for a day. A day. The fifth episode of Helck has aired. Vermilio and Helck were sucked through a malfunctioning Gate into a portal to who knows…

86 – Episode 5
Well Lena, you’ve done it. You’ve learned the actual names of the 86 serving under you, and have taken one more step towards recognizing them as fully human.…

Kiznaiver Episode 5
After a couple episodes of kind of floundering around, I'm glad that they picked up on the plot with this episode. And boy did they really lay one…
Dorohedoro – Episode 5
Hello everyone, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to be returning to Dorohedoro, a show which has swiftly established itself as…
Toradora! – Episode 5
As teenagers, we should all probably be collectively forgiven for our trespasses in misunderstanding the feelings and identities of other people. Heck, even adults are constantly misunderstanding e…

UniteUp! Episode 5
Oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting to be swept by the sea of emotions this week!

Chise wins a free trip to Tokyo Beach Land and takes the whole team along with her, including Sizumu. Gauma grudgingly agrees as long as he can put…

Seasonal Sampler Spring 2021: To Your Eternity, Oddtaxi, Megalobox: Nomad, and More
Evan and Ink kick off a brand new podcast series, covering the first episode or two of various anime series from the current TV and streaming season. Shows:…
Pretty Boy Detective Club, SHADOWS HOUSE, Those Snow White Notes, To Your Eternity, Fairy Ranmaru
Magical Hat Episode 5
Episode 5: Fight! Restoration of the Golden Domain Email | Discord Download it on Nyaa !

Heroine Tarumono! – Episode 5
m gonna be honest that I'm still frustrated about last week's ending especially now knowing how it impacts this episode! For one, Hiyori, why did you run on…

Dagashi Kashi Episode 5
Kinda a bit late this week, but still lets talk about this episode. I find it really good that they managed to still keep me entertained this week.…

Scarlet Nexus Episode 5
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