Alright time to talk about the “technical” final episode of 86 EIGHTY-SIX. As this episode had some more slice of life elements, a sad death, a very odd battle, some expansion on a character, and L…
Jun 23, 2021 • Subscribe
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![Featured image for 86: Eighty Six – 11 [Here We Go]](
![Background image for 86: Eighty Six – 11 [Here We Go]](
86: Eighty Six – 11 [Here We Go]
Welcome all to the finale of Eighty Six! Or at least the finale of the first half since it sort of has a second cour? But it doesn’t…
86 -Eighty Six- Ep. 11: Here We Go
Summary It is October 30, 2148. Kurena opens her eyes in her Juggernaut cockpit as Theo and Anju say that their Juggernauts won’t move. Shin tells the others…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 11 Review
Episode Eleven Thoughts What’s weird is that I couldn’t help but feel a little emotional watching this episode. Seeing these characters experience things they never got to experience…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #11
Let’s start with the final episode where the surviving members of the Spearhead Squadron continues to run away from the Legions. With only a single Juggernaut left and…
![Featured image for 86: Eighty Six – 8 [Let’s Go]](
![Background image for 86: Eighty Six – 8 [Let’s Go]](
86: Eighty Six – 8 [Let’s Go]
I’m late I’m late for a very important date, that’s right the Eighty Six post is here! Only… 2 days late but the show must go on. So…
86–EIGHTY SIX – 11 (END)
「行くよ」 (Iku yo) "Here We Go" The cliffhanger with teeth.

The GLORIO Chat Episode 86: Eighty Six: 86: Eighty Six
We’re back from a week off to rave about how good anime is this season… just not 86: Eighty Six.
86 -Eighty Six- Ep. 8: Let’s Go
Summary It is August 27, 2148. Shin acknowledges a message from Kino’s group via his PARA-Raid, telling Raiden they looked hard but couldn’t find Chise’s Juggernaut. They talk…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 10 Review
Episode Ten Thoughts There was just something so peaceful about the opening few minutes of episode ten. Maybe it’s because the surviving members of the Spearhead were back…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 6 Review
Episode six Thoughts Ah yes, the #setupepisode. Everyone’s favourite episode, let’s dedicate one whole episode to setting the stage for what’s to come in the upcoming episodes. If…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 8 Review
Episode EIGHT Thoughts You know what, Shin reminds me of Sasuke from Naruto. I do not know why, but that’s definitely the kind of vibe he gives off.…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 5 Review
Episode Five Thoughts We finally got to see a little bit of Lena and what had happened to her father. While we still do not know much about…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 7 Review
Episode Seven Thoughts Whenever I see these timestamps throughout the episode, for example “August 25th, Stellar Year 2148” I cannot help but think of the first season of…

86 – Eighty Six | Episode 9 Review
Episode Nine THoughts Episode Nine is by far, the best episode of the series. Oh my goodness, this episode was just perfect. Everything about it was wonderful, it’s…
86 -Eighty Six-
86 -Eighty Six- is a multimedia franchise that started in 2017 with a light novel series written by Asato Asato and illustrated by Shirabii. The popularity of the…

86 – Eighty Six | Anime Review
I remember going into this anime, I mentioned how I was going into it with extremely low expectations in large part because the whole Military, Mecha genre wasn’t…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #07
Let’s start this episode when Vladilena Milizé tries to convince this officer to send a box full of special ammunition to then 86th District, although he won’t take…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #10
Well everyone, it appears that Shinei Nouzen and 4 other members of the Spearhead Squadron have survived and they’re currently fleeing from the Legions. Then again, it appears…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #03
Hey everyone, let’s start this episode where the Spearhead Squadron are having a fun time at the river. Well, mostly the girls as they want to cool themselves…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #22
Oh boy, looks like we begin this episode with a nasty nightmare as Shinei Nouzen is losing all hope to live now that death is calling to him.…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #06
In Stellar Year 2144, a young soldier named Shinei Nouzen witness a wrecked Juggernaut on a snowy night…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #09
The day has finally arrived as Shinei Nouzen is about to fight his older brother Shourei, a David vs Goliath battle where a battle-hardened Processor will take on…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #14
Well look what we have here, someone tries to sneak up towards the enemy, but fell down towards the hill like an idiot. It’ll be bad if someone…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #20
Well everyone, 86 is back and I’m not surprised that the show is having production troubles with Episodes 22 and 23 airing next year. Just hoping that with…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #08
Well everyone, I have to say that the Republic of San Magnolia are very zealous on committing genocide to non-Albans by making ridiculous missions where there’s 0% chance…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #05
Let’s start this episode with a flashback where a young Vladilena Milizé encountered a Juggernaut, San Magnolia’s Legion in which this machine saved her life, although Vaclav and…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #15
Well, it looks like there’s bad news for the Federal Republic of Giad where they not only suffered a huge amount of losses, but there are reports of…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #01
Well everyone, this is the most anticipated anime adaptation of a light novel by Asato Asato where this is a serious war drama where the Republic of San…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #04
This is how it happened to Kaie “Kirschblute” Taniya’s Juggernaut as she was tipped over by a Löwe-type Legion which led to her death.

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #13
Let’s start this episode with Raiden Shuga where he’s currently living his ordinary life as an employee of a hauling company in Giad. Glad that he found a…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #02
Let’s start this episode with Lev Aldrecht where he’s really angry towards Shinei Nouzen for pushing the Juggernaut Legion to its limits.

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #19
And now, Grethe Wenzel dropped the elite Eighty-Six soldiers to the battlefield and the lieutenant colonel and her flight crew will act as bait for the Legion, although…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #12
Vladilena “Lena” Milizé, was once an idealistic officer has become the pessimistic handler after learning the hard truth that the Eighty-Six soldiers are being killed off indiscriminate…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #21
Well everyone, just to let you know that this will be the last episode that’ll be aired for this year as 86 will have its two final episodes…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #18
Well everyone, it’s time for Lt. Colonel Grethe Wenzel to show something interesting to everyone, one that wasn’t touched by the Legion as it was kept deep underground…

86 -Eighty Six- Episode #17
On this episode, we’ve witnessed the most brutal attack by the Legion as the Republic of San Magnolia is about to fall sooner or later. For the Eighty-Six…
86 –Eighty-Six–, Vol. 11: Dies Passionis
By Asato Asato and Shirabii. Released in Japan by Dengeki Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Roman Lempert. And so we go back to…

Goodbye | 86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 9 Review
I will start with this. This episode to me felt quickers than most this season. After a certain amount of time I was shocked that the episode was…

Free | 86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 10 Review
It is crazy to believe that there is only one more episode of this season left. With this episode of 86 starting off peaceful and ending in a…

Despair | 86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 8 Review
It was a rough beginning but, I am seeing this show is coming more and more into its own every episode. As I personally will say that it…
86–EIGHTY SIX – 07
「忘れないでいてくれますか?」 (Wasurenai de Itekuremasu ka?) "Will You Remember Me?" The calm before the storm
86–EIGHTY SIX – 19
「いっそ このまま」 (Isso Kono Mama) "Stay This Way Forever" Upping the ante in more than one way.
86–EIGHTY SIX – 14
「よろしく」 (Yoroshiku) "Glad to be Here" I am (not) OK.
86–EIGHTY SIX – 17
「忘れません」 (Wasuremasen) "I Won't Forget" History may not repeat, but it sure as hell rhymes.
86–EIGHTY SIX – 03
「死にたくない」 (Shinitakunai) "I Don't Want to Die" It's all about the little things.
86–EIGHTY SIX – 05
「私も一緒に」 (Watashi mo Issho ni) "I'm With You" Just when you think it couldn't get any worse.
86–EIGHTY SIX – 15
「おかえりなさい」 (Okaerinasai) "Welcome Back" We all know what's coming next.
86–EIGHTY SIX – 21
「もうこれしか」 (Mou Kore Shika) "All That's Left" It's going to be one hell of a wait.
86 -Eighty Six- (anime)
86 -Eighty Six- is a TV series that aired in Japan and streamed internationally in 2021-2022. It is an adaptation of the light novel series of the same…
86–EIGHTY SIX – 10
「ありがとう」 (Arigatou) "Thank You" Standing on the precipice.