We managed to sneak in one last episode before the end of 2020. We are joined by VLord and Sakaki to go over the Wedding Murder Case. This episode was release earlier on our Patreon so be sure to …
Dec 31, 2020 • Subscribe
More like this

Issue #68: Optics
Exploring the Koh-Gaku EPs, Naoko Kawai's number-one double A-side and Ano's viral hit "Chu, Tayousei"

Issue #68 postponed
A quick update on the upcoming newsletter

Episode 68 - Conception
In this episode... no. Just... No. I can't. I can't come up with anything clever this time to describe the anime or ask questions about what we will…

Episode 68 – Hadouken
This is what happens when we let chapters build up. We talk about chapters 484-486. It looks like we got to record another episode a lot sooner than…
OtakuGeneration (Show #68) the Gas-Ron
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 068) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With…
The Mummy Case
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

MHAP 68 - Chap 245
Welcome to the My Hero Academia Podcast! This is a special all guys episode! James, Gary and Nick go through the news and begin their read through of…

Yawara – 66-68 (BD)
Christmas Eve is here again, which means it's CP Day once more—the day where we honour the memory of our much-missed fellow fansubber, ConsiderPhlebas, by releasing a whole…

#68 The Shonen Flop Awards 2022 (The Floppies)
It's time for the most prestigious awards in canceled manga - The Shonen Flop Awards aka The Floppies. We give our picks for the best (and worst) things…
The Ice-Cold Case
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,
The Yufuin Murder Case
湯布院殺人事件 (Yufuin satsujinjiken, The Yufuin Murder Case , 1994) is a not very interesting mystery by UCHIDA Yasuo (内田康夫). The main characters ...

Case 8 – Case Hyphen Closed
We now begin our venture into the anime world by going over the first case that was released on Crunchyroll, The Tragedy of the Red Woman. We go…

Anime Review #68: Rising Of The Shield Hero
The Rising of the Shield Hero is a series that I remember for rather peculiar reasons. I remember being midway through it at the time of the NFL’s…
REPOST – TangleCast 68: Christmas Special
This Christmas Eve, we’re bringing you a quieter, more intimate episode of the TangleCast. Join Peter as he chats with Holly, David, and our editor, Marcelo, about their…
Popcorn Pulse 68: Frail Runner
Being the pop culture savants we are, we decided to do a movie featuring Bill Paxton. Frailty[2001] is the directorial debut of the, somewhat, recently deceased actor who…
The Case of the Photo Finish
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,
The Case of the Seven Bells
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

The Case of the Constant Suicides
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

The Case of the Silver Bullet
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,
The Case of the Creative Crime
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,
The Case of the Floating Crime
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

The Case of the Photo Finish
detective fiction, 推理小説、games,

The Glass Case & Screaming Heart
Interesting post name right? You’ll see. There is a Naruto ending song that I identify very much with. It’s ending number 20, called, “By My Side” by Hemenway.…

The Infuriating Case of Engrish
Even if the industry can be content with it, I won't. I endured both Engrish and bad dubs for decades. One improved, the other did not.

Case 83 – That’s The Tea
Taking a small break from the manga to watch a young man make spaghetti and clean his car. We are joined by Brenda of Secret Histories of Nerd…

The Peculiar Case of Chuunibyou
So, recently, I’ve been watching some sports anime.
The Curious Case of Otomate
Otomate is, like you would expect from a company with “otome” in the title, oriented to make stuff for women…but that’s obviously not the end of the story.…

Case 1 – The Hard Sell
Our first episode of the podcast is up, kind of. On the 71st episode of the SSAA Podcast, the show premiered along with our other affiliate podcast, Just…

Case 51 – The Incredible Ran
After giving everyone time to be able to listen to the mammoth sized 50th episode, we have come back to continue going through volume 17 of the Case…

The Case Study of Vanitas
The Case Study of Vanitas is currently streaming on Funimation....

Case 3 – Off The Radar
Sorry for the delay everyone but now we are back and we are not alone. Our friends from the AniManga Podcast, Jammer and Dominic, are going to be…

Case 7 – Cracking The Code
We finally reach the end of Volume 4 of the manga. We go over the Code Sheet Case as we cover Files 36-39 of the manga. Download here

Case Closed: Zero the Enforcer
I know I just reviewed a Case Closed/Detective Conan movie, but I told you guys I am a super fan after all. I eat this stuff up. This…

EP 68: Kids of the Slope w/ Religiously Nerdy
This episode I am joined by Ellie, Tobi & Toyin to discuss Kids on the Slope. This was the 1st anime done by Studio Mappa and this year…

Episode 68: Cardcaptor Sakura – Volume 6
Lucy and Robin dig into Cardcaptor Sakura volume 6! Will an Evil really befall the Earth, or will Sakura be able to prevent it?
Episode 68, "Five Minutes To Conan"
On this episode of The Unofficial One Piece Podcast we have a News and Manga Chapter 571 recap both done by Steve. A little bit of Piece Together…
Episode 68, "Five Minutes To Conan"
On this episode of The Unofficial One Piece Podcast we have a News and Manga Chapter 571 recap both done by Steve. A little bit of Piece Together…

Episode 68: 4.44: Magical Girl Exdeath
In this episode of Boku No Stop! we discuss episodes 10-13 of Flip Flappers. What can we say here at the end? A lot of things, as evidenced by…
![Featured image for Episode #68 (S9E6) – Akira [アキラ] (1988)](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230616/1686902922.62958.97402.jpg)
![Background image for Episode #68 (S9E6) – Akira [アキラ] (1988)](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230616/1686902922.62958.97402.jpg)
Episode #68 (S9E6) – Akira [アキラ] (1988)
Konner Hudson and Michael Hale of the KMP Podcast Project return to Japan On Film to join Perry for a discussion on the groundbreaking Akira. We talk about…
![Featured image for The Case Study of Vanitas: Second Season PV [Case Study of Vanitas]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211229/1640804915.28162.55506.jpg)
![Background image for The Case Study of Vanitas: Second Season PV [Case Study of Vanitas]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211229/1640804915.28162.55506.jpg)
The Case Study of Vanitas: Second Season PV [Case Study of Vanitas]
I haven’t forgotten the second season of the Case Study of Vanitas is airing next season and I’m looking forward to it enough that I’ve abstained from looking…
The Case of the Bland Otome Heroine
Why are otome game heroines such blank slates?

Kizumonogatari Analysis | GITM Podcast Ep. 68: The Cinema Of Humanity
Introducing The Monogatari Series to Get In the Mecha! The Monogatari Series sits towards the top of my personal favourites list, due to its unique approach to cinematography,…
478 – One Shot 68 – The Right Way to Make Jump!
On this episode we thank our Ko-fi supporters, give our choices for anime adaptations, give impressions on the Netflix Yu Yu Hakusho, and discuss the use of AI…
Anime of the 2010’s I loved #68: Vinland Saga
Bad plot description: Kid goes out of his way to not listen to any of the good advice his dad gave him.

The Case Study of Vanitas (1)
Author & Artist Jun MochizukiReleased December 2016 by Yen PressTranslation: Taylor EngelEditor(s): unlistedGenre: Action, Mystery, Drama

The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story
Are you a murder mystery buff? Then The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story should go on your “to-play” list immediately.

The Curious Case of Okitegami Kyouko
From now on, you will live as Okitegami Kyouko — a detective.

Case 4 – Picking Up The Pieces
As we said before, the game is far from over. After a long hiatus, One Podcast Prevails returns with some old guests from the Animanga Podcast to talk…
The Curious Case of Interspecies reviewers
Just to be straight with all of you, this isn’t going to be a post on Interspecies Reviewers. I have not watched the show. I wanted to but…

Case Closed: The Crimson Love Letter
Case Closed is a favorite TV series of mine. I have been a major fan ever since Adult Swim played this one on tv way back in the…