In the Meta-World Satoko meets a mysterious entity who promises to give her the power to achieve her wish – the power of looping. Satoko is, understandably, very confused and that confusion t…
Feb 26, 2021 • Subscribe
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Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 17 Review
It seems Higurashi has taken to opening each episode with a murder and this week we see Takano executing the gang. As we try to decide if that’s…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 6 Review
Keiichi’s relationship with Mion continues to grow as he spends time at the diner and even goes on a sorta date with her. But that’s ultimately turned on…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 9 Review
With a new arc, comes a new person of interest and for the next four epiosdes it seems we’ll be focusing on the sweet and sour Satoko Hojo.…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 5 Review
The opening shot of this week’s episode places us back to mid-June 1983, a much simpler time with laughs, happiness and no murder. Much like the series’s first…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 12 Review
This week’s episode opened up with one of Higurashi’s biggest no-nos – someone (presumably Teppei) messed up Oyashiro-sama’s shrine. This leads to some of the Hinamizawa vil…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 4 Review
I don’t even know where to start this review – what an absolutely insane episode that was! But I suppose the beginning is the best place to, well,…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou Episode 2 Review
After watching episode 1 of Higurashi New, I wasn’t entirely sure I’d stick with it. As I mentioned in my review, I wasn’t completely sold on the slice-of-life gags…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 8 Review
After slipping and revealing her true self in last week’s episode, this week we learn that Rika has gone missing. The class works to try and find her,…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 14 Review
As if the last episode wasn’t traumatic enough, Higurashi’s first episode of 2021 is a real punch in the gut. Previously, we only had a brief yet harrowing…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 20 Review
With each school day that passes the relationship between Rika and Satoko only worsens. Where Rika is now lauded as an almost idol amongst her classmates, Satoko continues…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 13 Review
Goddamnit. I really though they had it in the bag. Ok, I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s start from the beginning. Hinamizawa village comes together to protest in…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 7 Review
This week’s episode opens with Keiichi and his merry band of idiots entering the forbidden storehouse. Once they begin poking around, Keiichi is surprised to find the storehouse…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 10 & 11 Review
The full extent of Satoko’s abuse becomes shockingly clear, along with the group’s inability to do anything to stop it. After enlisting the help of their teacher and…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 15 & 16 Review
We left off Higurashi Gou with Rika discovering a sword remnant she can use to kill herself and resolving to save Hinamizawa within five loops. In quick succession we watch…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 18 & 19 Review
Higurashi Gou’s newest arc takes us back in time to answer the question – what made Satoko snap? We see the village settle and life go on after…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 22 & 23 Review
Now with the power of looping at her disposal, Satoko does everything she can to change Rika’s mind about St Lucia’s. But Rika refuses to give in, and…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 24 Review (Final)
At long last, here it is – the final episode of Higurashi Gou. The episode opens with Eua questioning Satoko on her uncle’s change of heart. Satoko resolves to…

Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 15 & 16 Review
We left off Higurashi Gou with Rika discovering a sword remnant she can use to kill herself and resolving to save Hinamizawa within five loops. In quick succession we watch…

Higurashi: When They Cry - GOU GN 1
Does Higurashi: When They Cry: GOU need to exist? Not really.

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 21 – A Terribly Long Dream
Since Gou is my first foray into the Higurashi saga, I’m as confused as Satoko for much of the cold open, which consists of a Hanyuu-like woman saying…

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou (Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou is a sequel to the anime from over a decade ago. It’s done by a completely different animation studio who have a…

Higurashi When They Cry: GOU Anthology Comic Manga Review
This compilation is best when it abandon's the usual Higurashi setting and tone for something completely different.

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 15 – Scratch Off
After coming so close to a good ending only for a crazed Ooishi to kill everyone, Rika is buoyed by her friends to try five more loops before using…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 22 – Tainted Love
Older Hanyuu lets Satoko basically fumble her way through the first few loops, no doubt trying to determine how far the “child of man” can get in trying…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 20 – Hard Time
Rika continues to bask in the spotlight of adoration at St. Lucia, to the point Satoko feels compelled to confront her in the main hall. Rika’s cronies come…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 04 – Chin Up
After his last encounter with Rena, Keiichi is hesitant to return to class. How can he pretend everything’s normal and peachy after what she said, and after his…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 14 – Parting Gift
In the previous episode Rena informs Keiichi that they’re the only two survivors among their circle of friends, but this week we have the dubious honor of watching…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 18 – Oyashiro Sleeps
At an undetermined point in time, the usual gang plus Hanyuu in the flesh witness Takano about to be arrested by commandos in the forest after firing a…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 12 – Rotten Tatami
Keiichi proves he can amass a grand army of protest against the CWS’ dithering on Satoko’s case, but he soon learns that numbers aren’t everything. He’s on the…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 09 – Never Make Her Cry
We reset back to before everything turns to shit, but as we’ve learned from the previous arcs, there’s plenty of shit lurking just beneath the shiny happy surface…

Higurashi: When They Cry
Despite poor animation, Higurashi brings a unique and potent horror experience that will stick with you for days or weeks on end.
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 10 – Leaving No Marks
Keiichi wakes up from a dream of beating Satoko’s Uncle Teppei to death with a metal bat, only to find Satoko is late for school. Keiichi doesn’ have…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 16 – Escaping the Doom
In the fifth and final loop before Rika calls it quits, Satoko wakes her up in bed as usual, but she has a heavy fever and hurts “all…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 07 – Four Bad Kitties
Keiichi enters the storeroom with Shion Tanako Miyo, which not only contains an ornate statue of Oyashiro, but also a wide variety of very suspicious “ritual tools”. Clearly…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 23 – Out of Character
Satoko’s century of loops have made any game—particularly involving memory—a cakewalk, wielding an ability to predict that the others call “prophesy”. She’s taking the same …
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 11 – Tearing Fate Apart
Keiichi can’t snap Satoko out of her panic attack no matter how hard he tries, so Rena steps in, and eventually she stops screaming. But when Chie-sensei returns…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 08 – The Safest Place
Suddenly, not long after talking to Keiichi, Rika is missing. The class calls her name around the school grounds. Keiichi prepares to search the outhouse, but Mion asks…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 13 – Fate Pushes Back
Thanks to the support of Sonozaki Oryou and other adults, most of Hinamizawa and parts of neighboring towns have come out in support of Keiichi’s efforts to save…
Higurashi When They Cry – Gou Episode 3 Review : Demon Deception – Part 3
Wow, three episodes in and the series is already popping off! This week’s episode opens with the ending of the Watanagashi festival. Rena tells Keiichi a bit about…

Higurashi: When They Cry – SOTSU
Higurashi: When They Cry – SOTSU is currently streaming on Funimation....
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 06 – There’s Something About Shion
Turns out Shion doesn’t have the power to draw allies to her; Hinamizawa just happens to be super tight-knit, and an attack on one of them is treated like…

Higurashi: When They Cry -Gou- Second Cour: Ch-Ch-Changes!
One of the few true rules of anime it seems is that sequels to popular shows never end up working. Like the Disney films before them, there just…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 19 – A Dream that Cleaves
At the bookstore, Rika declares her dream of experiencing a new way of life she’s never known, specifically high society at the fancy St. Lucia’s Academy. She wants…
Higurashi: When They Cry – New Episode 1 Review
While I am a massive fan of horror anime and manga, it may come as quite a shock that I’ve never watched the original Higurashi When They Cry (2006). I…

Higurashi: When They Cry New Review — B-
Where in the world did this come from? (not the punch, that was well deserved)
Higurashi: When They Cry – NEW – Episode 1
Higurashi NEW is an almost absurdly faithful remake of the 2006 series’ first episode, from the scenes to the music, with a new coat of paint on top.…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 05 – Two Not of a Kind
This week the timeline resets back to June 12, long before everyone starts murdering each other. In fact, until the very end of the episode there’s barely a…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 24 (Fin) – Down With the Ship
Satoko did not predict her uncle would be reformed to the degree he was as an effect of her loops, but she’ll still use him “to his utmost…

Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou – 17 – The Dice Roll for Thee
After a cold open in which Takano shoots Rika and her friends, we cut to a different version of the scenario in which Takano tells her she was…
Higurashi: When They Cry -Gou- First Cour: And Those Other Stories….
This blog is not new to Higurashi, a show that remains one of the more infamous shows of the fan-sub era. Full of horror, terror, and oozes of…