In the deep, dark past, an animator named Itoso Kenji created a one-man show called Coluboccoro . He did the story, the planning, the animat...
Feb 6, 2021 • Subscribe
Barbapapa Around the World, Izumo, One Piece Film: Gold, Onigiri, Yamato 2520
More like this

BEM (2019)
Remakes of classic shows feel risky, since time can divest modern audiences of context, and of course tastes around art styles and technological advancements change the visual landscape…
Galaxycon 2019
Hi folks. It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to let you all know that J.C. and I will be serving as panelists at the first ever Galaxycon…
Dororo (2019)
There are a few gaps when it comes to my knowledge of Osamu Tezuka’s works beyond Astro Boy, which is something I’ve been wanting to fix for a…
PROMARE (2019)
In which I break convention and talk about a much more recent anime release I saw at the cinema.

2019 Retrospective
2019 Retrospective There are spoilers ahead. If you see a show title you haven’t watched yet, you might want to skip that section until you have. Another year…
2019 Retrospective
Another year down, and a whole lot of manga to go over. Can Nik predict what happened during the year? What were the best moments of the year?…
World Trigger, Black Clover, Chainsaw Man, My Hero Academia, One Piece
12 Days 2019, Day 6: Short Awards 2019
Well this is the third year in a row I’ve done this so I guess it counts as a tradition now (technically it’s the fourth but I hadn’t…

Colorless (2019) review
“An extraordinary film that offers a painful investigation of the ungraspable female element that forms a riddle for both man and woman alike.”
#9 — Sarazanmai (2019)
I was on board with Sarazanmai as soon as I heard it existed. If Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon S, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum, Yuri Kuma Arashi) is…
S3E2 - Parasite (2019)
Hello everyone, In this episode of Heroic Purgatory: An Asian Cinema Podcast, John and Jason discuss Bong Joon-ho's award winning and record breaking 2019 film, Parasite. They discuss themes…
E3 2019 Highlights
Its my favourite time of the year and it is my yearly tradition to always take note of the announcements that got me the most excited and will…
Anime Fusion 2019
Hi all. I know this is a bit (very) belated, but J.C. and I will be at Anime Fusion this weekend. We’ve deliberately elected to put on less…

Rin (2019) review
An enjoyable but deeply flawed narrative.
S3E2 - Parasite (2019)
Hello everyone, In this episode of Heroic Purgatory: An Asian Cinema Podcast, John and Jason discuss Bong Joon-ho's award winning and record breaking 2019 film, Parasite. They discuss themes…

2019 Lettering Work
Collage of some manga that I’ve lettered this year! I’ve also gained my first credited work after 2 years with The Knight Cartoonist and Her Orc Editor and…

Dororo (2019) Review
This is review number four hundred and fifty eight. This anime is part of the Winter 2019 lineup, and it’s called Dororo. It’s an anime about a fifty…
2019 Reader Poll
You've seen my list - now let me know what you think about 2019 in anime. Read more The post 2019 Reader Poll appeared first on Lost in…

Sunday Retrospective (2019)
Greetings all! It's the end of the year and I didn't want to leave the blog without looking back at 2019 in memorandum. Sunday went throu...

Winter 2019 Anime
It seems like the time we get between seasons is getting shorter and shorter, which is saying something because I am pretty sure it is always the same…
Fall 2019 Schedule
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Keishichou Tokumu Bu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisaku Shitsu Dai Nana Ka: Tokunana 21:00 ATX (10/06) Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle 22:30 MX (10/07) BEASTARS 22:30 MX (10/08) Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin 17:55 TX…
Fall 2019 Roundup.
Fall 2019 had quite a lot of shows that caught my interest. I enjoyed some more than others so I compiled a comprehensive list of anime shows I…
Otakon 2019: Panels
There is never enough time in the day at Otakon. I decided to focus a little more on panels this year since I did not have Kate to…
S3E2 - Parasite (2019)
Hello everyone, In this episode of Heroic Purgatory: An Asian Cinema Podcast, John and Jason discuss Bong Joon-ho's award winning and record breaking 2019 film, Parasite. They discuss themes…

AniTube Rewind 2019
2019 coming to a close and I wanted to try my best to capture what happened within anitube and anime altogether this year. ❤ ❤ ❤ Major thanks to: Dakota Broskie,…
SDCC 2019 recap
We discuss San Diego Comic Con International 2019
Monthly Update | March 2019 – Vacation / Hiatus, Midseason Musings for Winter 2019, Spring 2019 Anime, etc
It's The Monthly Update! This time posted before the middle of the month!
A Magical 2019 Pt. I (4th Day of Anime 2019)
This is the yearly rankings post. Just to make it faster for myself, I’ve left the month that I finished at the end of each entry of these…
Floating Catacombs 2019 Roundup
Merry Christmas!It’s been another successful 12 Days of Anime Blogging under this URL, and I’m a lot more proud of my blogging this time around. Although I didn’t…
AMP Short Reviews (2019)
In today's update, allow me to make a jump to the past and highlight for you some of the short film reviews I wrote from AMP back…

Katsuhiro Otomo, Akira, Bibliography, Otomo, Animation, Manga, Steamboy, Japanimation,
Fall 2019 Premiere Digest
Fall rolled out a buffet table full of new shows, some that wowed us and some, uh… not so much. Now that we’ve finished our premiere reviews, let’s…
Top Manga of 2019
I think I mentioned somewhere in these ramblings that I became a Clippers fan the moment Kawhi...
Top Anime of 2019
I’ve gone on a terrible journey into a downward spiral of shoe fandom, and let me say...
Summer 2019 Premiere Digest
We've viewed, we've reviewed, and now we're ready to digest! Let's see how this hot batch of fresh new titles shaped up. The post Summer 2019 Premiere Digest appeared…
Top Manga of 2019
I think I mentioned somewhere in these ramblings that I became a Clippers fan the moment Kawhi signed and Paul George was traded there, and with that has…
Reading Log: September 2019
September came and went in a flash, I’m not even sure where the time went this month! I feel like I read quite a lot of good stuff…
Spring 2019 Anime Preview
Well, I never did get around to typing up my first episode impressions for Winter, and here I am already again doing another rundown of the already upon…
Anime Openings of 2019
It’s the second anniversary of my anime music playlist post… So it seems the proper time to give a modest update with the songs added from shows that…

One Night (2019) review
A great narrative, offering a nuanced and rich exploration of interpersonal dynamics, that ultimately fails in giving this rich tapestry of interpersonal conflict a fitting finale.
Top Movies of 2019
Koreans have had a good 2020 so far! Setting aside the injury to Son Heung-min, they have...
Fall 2019 – Week 2ish
Getting restarted is hard folks… But I’ve managed to write a little about each of the shows I’m watching this season. Some great, some good, some… not so…
Reading Log: November 2019
November went by in a total blur and I don’t feel like it should be almost Christmas again. I still have books from my birthday to read and…

Zekkyou (2019) - First Impressions
Romaji: Zekkyou/ZekkyoJapanese: 絶叫Drama: The Voice Calling Your Name (English novel title) / Scream (literal title) Director: Naruhide MizutaWriter: Aki Hamanaka (novel), Natsuko IkedaNetwork: WOWOWActors: Machiko Ono, Ken Yasuda, Manami…

2019: the 1960s show
Japanese animation, anime, cartoons, manga, 1960-1990, Tezuka, Miyazaki, Ishinomori, Matsumoto, Yamato, Gatchaman, Star Blazers, Captain Harlock

Masquerade Hotel (2019) review
A pleasant narrative that provides an interesting mystery, a nice exploration of hotel-philosophy, and offers an engaging dynamic between the two leads.
Reading Log: April 2019
Another month, another reading log. I’ve managed to keep these going for four months now so I’m feeling pretty proud of myself. As always the rules I set for…
Top Movies of 2019
Koreans have had a good 2020 so far! Setting aside the injury to Son Heung-min, they have taken over the local US awards show, I don’t remember the…
Reading Log: March 2019
The third times the charm or something like that! We’re now into April and I’m still sat here writing this log, so things are going well. As always…
Reading Log: December 2019
We’ve hit the end of the year, so it’s time for a final reading log update. Here’s what I’ve been reading and here are the rules I set…