Bungou Stray Dogs is an anime from 2016 based off of an ongoing manga from 2012. The anime version was brought to us by Bones. The same studio behind Soul Eater, Boku no Hero Academia, Kekkai Sense…
Dec 18, 2020 • Subscribe
Soul Eater, My Hero Academia, Bungo Stray Dogs, Blood Blockade Battlefront, Mob Psycho 100
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Episode 175 - Bungou Stray Dogs
This week; after a week’s hiatus, Shaun wants to jump right back into the thick of it with 5 episodes of an anime with quite a dedicated fanbase:…
Bungou Stray Dogs S4 – 01
「孤剣士と名探偵」 (Ko Kenshi to Mei Tantei) "The Lone Swordsman and the Famous Detective" A cinematic flashback
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 4
Episode 9… Akutagawa’s errands. I wonder what those are. Getting called by Dazai-san? Oh no, he has to go shopping for Dazai… just because he really desperately wants…
My Favourite Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Leshy from Raving Otaku gives us the lowdown on why Bungou Stray Dogs is their favourite anime. If you’re not already a fan, you probably will be after…
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 7
Yay! Episode 7! Special… Episode 18. I know there’s something about preschool because someone messaged me about that. But they’re really cute. Atsushi wants a ball and Kunikida…
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 3
Yay! More short episodes! Also why does Dazai narrate when technically Atsushi is the main-er main character? So. Yosano gets some screentime with Ranpo. It’s funny because I…
My Favourite Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Leshy from Raving Otaku gives us the lowdown on why Bungou Stray Dogs is their favourite anime. If you’re not already a fan, you probably will be after…
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 6
Episode 15 of this. And it features Dazai. Not really sure what exactly, though. Dazai is doing badly at work as usual. Sometimes I wonder why he still…
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 2
This is … another episode! Yay! I wonder what shenanigans will happen this time? Episode 4: Flower gazing. Atsushi gets to find one. So he has lots of…
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 5
More funny short episodes! Episode 12… Oh no, Dazai and Chuuya… at school? Middle school? Lol. Dazai’s spouting nonsense and sounding like some sort of chuunibyou. I mean……
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! – Episode 1
I’m so excited for this manga spin-off adaptation. It’s basically just cute chibi characters doing fun things right? Also strange scenarios. I love BSD more for the characters…
Top 7 Anime Quotes: Bungou Stray Dogs
Bungou Stray Dogs holds a special place in my heart. I absolutely love the characters’ personalities. None of the episodes felt as though they were acting as fillers. …
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 44 - 10 Second Anime
Five of the Armed Detective Agency attempt to escape a frame job. The Military Police Hunting Dogs run them down. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 44
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 38 - 10 Second Anime
Fukuzawa recalls the case and circumstances of meeting Ranpo before establishing the Armed Detective Agency. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 38
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 45 - 10 Second Anime
The Port Mafia rescues Kunikida's group. Atsushi, Kyouka, and Dazai find ways to defeat the true mastermind: Fyodor. Bungou Stray Dogs — Episode 45
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 39 - 10 Second Anime
Ranpo solves the stage-play murder mystery his way, but the young detective has drawn the attention of the Gifted. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 39
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 43 - 10 Second Anime
The Armed Detective Agency investigates a series of murders. Ranpo suspects the case is a trap and tries to prevent it. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 43
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 41 - 10 Second Anime
Ranpo vows to get Kunikida out of prison by proving he did not commit his alleged crime. Archrival Poe helps. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 41
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 40 - 10 Second Anime
Ranpo finds himself in a trap for Gifteds, but is he the snared prey or the trapper? Fukuzawa has the answer. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 40
Bungou Stray Dogs Original Sound Track 2 – Review
Album Title: BUNGO STRAY DOGS Original Sound Track 02 Anime Title: Bungou Stray Dogs Artist: Taku Iwasaki, Masatomo Ota, PON
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 46 - 10 Second Anime
Akiko reveals through flashbacks her sordid history with the Port Mafia boss, Dr. Mori, during wartime. Bungou Stray Dogs — Episode 46
Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 42 - 10 Second Anime
Ranpo solves the mystery of the murdered author, but a new plot against the Armed Detective Agency begins. Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 42
Who is Fyodor Dostoevsky? Bungou Stray Dogs Anime Rant
Hello, friends! Thanks for stopping by Anime Rants. The following article provides information about the anime character Fyodor from Bungou Stray Dogs. It should serve as a recap…
Seasonal Anime Watching: Bungou Stray Dogs S4 Episode 4
New Bungou Stray Dogs episode is here!
Bungou Stray Dogs in Yokohama [Part 1/2: Dead Apple]
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Bungou Stray Dogs 4th Season lived up to my expectations
I had been a fan of Bungou Stray Dogs since the start so I started this series with above average expectations.
Mushitarou and Yokomizo: Why They Matter (Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4)
Bungou Stray Dogs’ fourth season has almost finished airing. At the time I am writing this article, there is only one episode left. When I watched episode 11,…
Bungo Stray Dogs [ Review ]
Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD) is an adaption of the 2012 manga series of the same name, being written by Kafka Asagiri and illustrated by Sango Harukawa. This 12-episode…
[OWLS Blog Tour: “Movement”] Maybe There is an “I” in Team: Bungou Stray Dogs
It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve written an OWLS post. April seemed never ending to me! Something exciting: I’m nearing my one year anniversary with…
Manga Review: Bungo Stray Dogs
Don’t worry. Its spoiler free. I loved the Bungo Stray Dogs anime. It comes in high on every list of the best Seinen anime- for good reason. It…
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 4
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 4 is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5
Bungo Stray Dogs is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Bungo Stray Dogs – Beast – MangaFirst Impression
Bungo Stray Dogs – Beast is a reimagining of the Bungo Stray Dogs story and I am having a great time with it!
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5 Review
I’ve been following Bungo Stray Dogs since I first saw it way back in 2016. Every season has been entertaining, but it got even better over time. Season…
Bungō Stray Dogs: Wan! GN 1
It's the characters you love in a brand-new way: going on mini-adventures in a chibi art style!
Anime Review 187 Bungo Stray Dogs
This review will cover 3 seasons of Bungo Stray Dogs and Dead Apple Movie. If someone asked me what is my favourite Studio Bones show from the last…
[Review] Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple
As you may or may not have heard, Crunchyroll brought the Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple film over the states as part of their Movie Night series. I was lucky…
Bungo Stray Dogs 4 ep. 49 – A Mediocre Man
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs: A Novel Portrait of Good & Evil
How does one sanction evil? The end goal of any traditional story of good versus evil is to battle to a point at which good has triumphed and…
Bungo Stray Dogs 4 ep. 47 – A Good Day
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs 4 ep. 48 – A Closed Room
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Winter 2023 Impressions: Ningen Fushin, Bungou Stray Dogs S4, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save the World Short Synopsis: A band of Isekai misfits form an adventuring party. Mario: Welcome to 2023 with…
Bungo Stray Dogs, Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save the World, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Bungo Stray Dogs 4 ep. 46 – War
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs 4 ep. 45 – Masterminds
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs 5 ep. 54 – Mastermind
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs 4 ep. 39 – Fools
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs 5 ep. 59 – Consequences
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Bungo Stray Dogs 5 ep. 61 – Unfair
OMG OMG OMG, Bungo Stray Dogs 4 is here! I'm a pretty big fan of the franchise, can you tell? Read the post and you'll see!
Skimming Through the Pages: A Quick Refresher on Bungo Stray Dogs
After a several-year break, it's time to get reacquainted with the characters and stories of Bungo Stray Dogs.
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 4 Episode 13 Review
Is there some grand order in the universe? Something like fate? Some will say the world is ruled by a God who favors order and enforces preset plans.…