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Sunday Select: 7 “Political” Anime series
Discussion of 7 anime series with political topics
Sunday Select: 7 Random Uplifting Anime Series
7 uplifting series to help you recover from the Holiday stress
Sunday Select: 7 Psychological OVA Series
7 psychological OVA anime
Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime Series of 2009
Welcome to Anime Rants one and all. This list of my 7 favorite anime from 2009 does not include movies, specials, ONAs, or shows that continued from a…

Sunday Select: 7 Best Anime Series for Summer!
Summer is a widely loved time of year for people of all walks of life across the globe. Personally, I can’t stand summer in the climate where I…
Sunday Select: 7 Vampire Anime
vampire anime, anime with vampires

Sunday Select: 7 Anime Monsters
Read about 7 kinds of monsters in anime

Sunday Select: 7 Inspirational Anime Series (And Blog Update)
Here's a quick update about Anime Rants, and a list of 7 very inspiring anime!

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime Redheads
This Sunday at Anime Rants, I’ve compiled a list of seven of my favorite anime characters with red hair. This doesn’t include characters with more orangish hair (for…
Sunday Select: 7 Amazing Anime Couples
Hello and welcome! Presented here are seven of my favorite anime couples (among about twenty). For each entry, the anime source will be noted, and one or more…
Sunday Select: 7 Random Anime Movies
7 anime movies you might not know

Sunday Select: 7 Anime Anti-Heroes
Presenting seven antiheroes from selected anime series
Sunday Select: 7 Homosexual Anime Couples
Welcome to Sunday’s Select Sevens at Anime Rants! Today we’ll look at some LGBT+ pairs in anime. These aren’t necessarily my personal favorite couples or the best or…

Sunday Select: 7 Human Anime Villains
Tired of monsters? Here are some of anime's best human villains!
Sunday Select: 7 Favorite 2013 Anime
top 2013 anime, best 2013 anime

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Characters with Dark Brown Hair
Welcome to Mono’s Anime Rants! For a while now, I’ve been doing Sunday posts organizing my personal favorite anime characters by hair color. I originally planned to do…

Sunday Select: 7 Non-Anime Animated Series to Write About
Although I should definitely be working on catching up to other post series on my blog, I’m here to share something new today. I’ve made an important decision…
Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime of 2011
Welcome to this week’s Sunday Select, where we’ll look at my seven favorite anime series from 2011. Movies, OVAs, or anime continuing from previous years are not included.…

Sunday Select: 7 Humorous Himbos in Anime
What is a “himbo”? Almost everyone who watches modern media is familiar with the character trope, but not everyone knows it by name. The common definition you’ll see…
Sunday Select: 7 Unusual Pets in Anime
anime pets, cute anime animals
Sunday Select: 7 Wonderful Dogs In Anime
anime dogs, dogs in anime,
Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime Plot Twists
shocking anime moments, anime plot twists
Sunday Select: 7 Non-Binary Anime Characters
lgbt anime characters, non-binary anime characters, agender anime characters

Sunday Select: 7 Frustrating Shonen Anime Tropes
“Shonen” or “shounen” is a Japanese word meaning “boy,” as in a male child. A shonen anime is one that is geared toward young boys. While shonen is…

Sunday Select 7: Anime Characters Who Turned Evil
Not every admirable or interesting anime character will stay on the “good side.” Some will inevitably sink into the darkness, becoming evil or villainous. For this list, I’ve…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Blue-Haired Anime Characters
Take a look at 7Mono's favorite anime characters with blue hair!

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Purple-Haired Anime Characters
Take a look at 7Mono's favorite anime characters with purple hair! Do you recognize any of them?

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Pink-Haired Anime Characters
7Mono's top favorite anime characters with pink hair!
Sunday Select: 7 Anime with High Educational Value
educational anime

Sunday Select: 7 Anime Characters Who Turned Good
Just as not all heroes will remain heroic, not all villains will remain villainous. There are various examples in anime of a character who was once working with…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Yellow Haired Anime Characters
Mono's personal favorite anime characters with yellow hair. Armin, Kurapika, Saber, and more!

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Green-Haired Anime Characters
A list of my top favorite anime characters with green hair!

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite FMA:B Characters
Glad you could make it! This week’s Sunday Select will list my top seven characters from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. While this is not my very favorite shounen…
Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime of 2001 and 2003
best 2001 anime, best 2003 anime, noir, fruits basket 2001, Tokyo Godfathers, Spirited Away, Kino's journey, Wolf's Rain

Sunday Select: 7 Male Anime Characters with Childhood Trauma
There are a plethora of interesting anime characters that suffered from childhood trauma. In fact, there were so many to choose from that I divided the post idea…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime Characters with Orange Hair
Welcome to the latest list in my series of favorite anime characters according to hair color. This time we have orange hair– or at least, orange-tinted hair. You…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime Characters with Orange Hair
7Mono's favorite anime characters with orange hair! Emma, Kyo, Kaguya, and more!

Sunday Select: 7 Female Anime Characters with Childhood Trauma
Many of us suffer from kind of psychological trauma. There are different types and subtypes of trauma, but broadly speaking, trauma refers to an intensely disturbing experience. Sometimes,…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Ani-Songs 2019
Thanks for coming to Anime Rants! These are 7 of my favorite songs from anime that aired in 2019. There are others I wanted to include that I…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Ani-songs 2018
Welcome to Anime Rants! For today I’ve made a list of my top seven anime songs from 2018 anime. There were so many to choose from! I had…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Ani-songs 2020
Hello and welcome! I’ve put together a list of my favorite anime songs from 2020. Note that this does not include several shows from 2020 that I have…

Sunday Select: 7 Shonen Anime Tropes That Are Good, Actually
Shonen, or anime aimed mostly at young boys, is the most popular form of anime. Personally, I am not very interested in the majority of standard shonen fighting…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Anime Characters with Light Brown Hair
Welcome to Anime Rants on this fine Sunday. I’m almost done with my long-running series of posts exploring my favorite anime characters grouped by hair color. There aren’t…

Sunday Select: 7 Favorite Characters with Black Hair
Hello and thanks for stopping by Anime Rants! Today we have my list of favorite anime characters with black hair. A short description or bit of background information…
Sunday Select: 7 Things Blogging Made Me Realize
About blogging and anime