Chris and Lucas explore the world of live action adaptation of anime, manga, and novel properties.
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This Week in Anime - The Weird World of Live-Action Adaptations
Chris and Lucas explore the world of live action adaptation of anime, manga, and novel properties.

This Week in Anime - The Wheel of Anime Adaptations
Chris and Lucas look at where anime series come from when you get down to the nitty-gritty of adaptation from other mediums.

The Traditional Catholic Weeb’s Corner: Live-Action Anime Adaptations
GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS???? IT’S TIME FOR ANOTHER SHORT, RANDOM MONDAY POST!!!! In August of 2023, Matt Owens and Steven Maeda, who previously worked as a writer…

This Week in Anime - The Amazing Action Anime of Director Sunghoo Park
Director Sunghoo Park's latest anime is a blood-soaked action spectacle that builds off years of stellar choreography and gripping fight sequences.
Two new recommended live action movies this week.
I have added Drunken Angel and Shinsengumi: Assassins of Honor to my recommended live action cinema lists.

The Weird World of Anime Flash Games
Since I've recently been playing around with Flashpoint, I figured it might be fun to try out a bunch of games based on anime.

What about live action adaptations of anime and manga make them worth watching?
The impression I get from the overall anime and manga community outside of Japan, is that live action adaptations are bad. Rightfully so in many cases when it…

This Week in Anime - The Psychosexual World of Belladonna of Sadness
Following the death of pioneering director Eiichi Yamamoto, Nick and Nicky revisit his psychedelic film Belladonna of Sadness, an incomparable piece of art confronting misogyny, classism, and sexual…

This Week in Anime - Why Is It So Hard to Make Anime Into Live-Action?
With live-action One Piece receiving favorable reviews from critics and fans alike, Nick and Steve look back and previous attempts to bridge the gap between anime and live-action…

5 Classic Live-Action Movies/TV Shows For Anime Fans (That Aren’t Adaptations Of Anime)
Clue (The Original 1985 Film) A relatively small cast of quirky off-the-wall characters that are constantly all but (or actually) at each other’s necks? Off-the-wall stupid death/arrest-defyi…

This Week in Anime - The Supersized Laughs of Love Live! Superstar!!
This season's Love Live! Superstar!! sees the idol series downsize the cast from nine to five members but that doesn't mean the series has scaled down its personality.…

This Week in Anime - The Cutthroat World of Shonen Jump Manga
Steve and Nick try to parse what makes for a winning formula in the highly competitive manga magazine, if such a thing even exists.

Hit Manga “Solo Camping For Two” Expands with Live-Action and Anime Adaptations
"Solo Camping For Two," the hit manga by Yudai Debata, has surpassed 3 million copies in circulation. Exciting news for fans includes a live-action drama premiering on January…

Anime of the Weird!
Sometimes the anime world gets a little weird. What we understand about reason, logic, and the laws of physics kind of get thrown out the window and we…

This Week in Anime - Is Love Live! Superstar!! the Best Love Live Yet?
As the first Love Live series to get a third season, Love Live! Superstar!! continues to keep things fresh my reinventing the previous series' formula while making more…

This Week in Anime - Anime Adaptations That Aren't As Good As They Should Be
This week, Nick and Steve talk about sub-par anime adaptations of great books and manga—and end up dunking on The Witch and the Beast, Berserk, and Lucifer and…
Berserk, Berserk, Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, The Witch and the Beast

This anime has a weird name in it
Why they gotta call em Honki People? also no cancel me plz #anime #winteranime #bucchigiri

The Weird World of Joel G’s ENA
The wildly surreal web series offers a unique exploration of the shades of the human mind.

This Week in Anime - Naruto, Live on Stage? Believe It!
Now, for the first time, fans can get a glimpse of the singing, dancing, and air-flipping versions of their favorite characters. Jean-Karlo and Monique check out the first…

Ghost in the Shell – Live Action (Adaptation)
I am not sure if the origins between The Major and Batou and how he got his implants but this movie really did a great a job with…

Live Action Anime Films Suck!
Hello and welcome back to another video today we will be talking about what I believe to be one of the worst forms of media live-action anime adaptations.…

This Week in Anime - Does Chainsaw Man Live Up to the Hype?
The Chainsaw Man anime is finally here! Does it live up to the manga's sterling reputation? Manga fans Chris and Nicky weigh in on the first six episodes.

This Anime is Weird #anime #animeseries #otaku
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This Anime is About Weird Twins
This Anime is About A Bizzare Pair of Twins Migi and Dali are twins. However they disguised themselves as one person named Hitori. They trick a couple into adopting…

This Week in Anime - Is Strong World Peak One Piece?
Suffering from One Piece withdrawal while the anime series is on hiatus? Netflix added One Piece Film Strong World to its line-up last month and it works as…

This Week in Anime - The Psychedelic Horror of Mononoke
Mononoke remains a unique entry in anime horror, keeping its cards close to its chest and starring an otherworldly, stoic protagonist.

This Week in Anime - The Ghost of Digimon Future
Digimon superfan Jean-Karlo gushes about the newest Digimon series, Ghost Game and how it revitalizes the franchise with its unique designs and spooky vibes.

This Week in Anime - The Trashy Treasures of BASTARD!!
Jean-Karlo and Steve check in on the first half of this anime throwback. Buckle up for the might, magic, and mammaries of Bastard!! They really don't make them…

This Week in Anime - The Legacy of Akira Toriyama
This week, Nick and Lucas talk about the recent, ongoing, and not-yet-released works of the late, great Akira Toriyama—as well as the potential future of his most popular…

This Week in Anime - The Adolescence of Revue Starlight
Chris and Steve attempt to decipher the theatrical teenage emotions of Revue Starlight the Movie. Also: the giraffe is scarier in this one.

This Week in Anime - The Legacy of Buichi Terasawa
Join Chris and Steve as they dive into Space Adventure Cobra, Goku Midnight Eye, and other Terasawa's works that made him one of the legends in the industry.

This Week in Games - Sega Wants More Adaptations And Tekken's New Blood
Sega's looking into taking Persona and Like a Dragon to the big and small screens. Tekken 8 gets its final new character with Reina.

Knights of the Zodiac (live-action movie)
Despite its flashy visuals and charming cast, this version of Knights of the Zodiac fails to win over skeptics.

This Week in Anime - The Sugar-Sweet World of Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
There's still room in the anime scene for poignant teen romances and Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop has that in spades.

One Piece Live Action vs YYH Live Action
Clip taken from my full video on the topic, here on the channel. SUPPORT US ON PATREON: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK:

This Week in Anime - The Boys in Toyland
Coop and Chris explore the world of marketable plastic goodies and how anime can turn out to be a half-hour toy commercial.

This Week in Anime - Caught Up in this Season's Whirlwind of Romance Anime
This week, Lucas and Nick sit down to talk about the surprisingly vast number of romance anime this season—and struggle to decide which are actually worth watching.

The Art of Adaptations in Anime Pt. 2: Story Changes
For the second part on manga adaptations, I will be comparing how changes in the story can sometimes help or hurt an adaptation. When adapting something to an…

The Art of Adaptations in Anime Pt. 1: Director’s Focus
Most of the anime in the past 20 years has been an adaptation of some other piece of media. Whether the source material was a manga, light novel,…

This Week in Anime - Cashing In
Chris and Lucas dive into the Sargasso Sea of marketable plastic goodies and the all-consuming monster that is capitalism in the anime world.

This Week in Anime - Does Stone Ocean Live Up to the Joestar Bloodline?
The next installment in the popular franchise is set in none other than a Florida prison and stars Jolyne, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo. Does Stone Ocean…

This Week in Anime - The Anime Movie Magic
Lucas and Steve discuss the new and old trends of anime in movie theaters.

This Week in Anime - In the Evergarden of Good and Evil
The conclusion of Violet's story is here; love, loss, and picking up the pieces of war. Nick and Steve look to see if the gorgeously rendered finale sticks…

Ghost in the Shell live-action trailer thoughts
So the Ghost in the Shell live-action trailer has hit, and as with all trailers most of the internet has already decided how good the movie is. This one’s pretty…

This Week in Anime - SonyFuniCrunchyKadoRoll
Lucas and Coop dissect the SONY/Kadokawa deal and try to sort out what's going on with Crunchyroll.

This Week in Anime - Cramer
The prequel film raises the production a bit for Farewell, My Dear Cramer while expanding Nozomi's backstory. Come for the training montage, stay for the pre-game kidnapping.

This Week in Anime - Fan Anime
The new Berserk animation has been disavowed, but is this the only case of publishers coming down hard on fan creations? Steve and Chris dive into the world…

This Week in Anime - On The First Day of Anime Christmas...
Nick and Steve secretly decide what anime the other will watch from their backlogs. These stocking stuffers include classic (and infamous) anime series like BECK, Guilty Crown, Key…

This Week in Anime - On the Last Day of Anime Christmas...
Discover the stranger side of anime with Tatami Time Machine Blues, Lupin the 3rd: The Mystery of Mamo, and whatever the heck Flying Phantom Ship is.

This Week in Anime - On the Grid
Chris and Coop can't contain their excitement about Gridman Universe—even as they wonder why it took so long to get an official release.