Ed’s great; Charles not so much.
Jan 26, 2025 • Subscribe
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Tales of Luminaria: Hugo Episode 2 Review – Battlefield of Farewells
Tales of Luminaria is just a political drama with the slowest romance between Hugo and Leo that would’ve resulted in their biggest make out session but the gay…

Tales of Luminaria – Leo Episode 2 Review: The Noble One
My Luminaria reviews have returned after a year!

Tales of Luminaria – Maxime Episode 2 Review: Is It Really Love?
Macky engages in a courtly romance.

Tales of Luminaria: Press Play, Fast Forward
The title refers to the opening line of this song.

“Tales of Luminaria” Shows a Fierce Battle Between Estranged Bestfriends | #BitesizeAnimeReviews
Leo and Hugo are fighting for their own justice. But who’s right and who’s wrong . . . it’s totally unclear.

Winter 2022 First Impressions – Tales of Luminaria: The Fateful Crossroad
Streaming: Funimation and Crunchyroll Episodes: 2 Source: Smartphone Game Episode Summary: The Empire has enjoyed the benefit of a device called the Piliar, which draws forth mana from…

RPG Review: Tales of Berseria
Honestly I wish I had played this before Zestiria but well it’s too late to change my decisions from 2 months ago. Kanade’s thoughts in blue as usual.

RPG Review: Tales of Zestiria
I want those 28 hours of my life back. ( ´_ゝ`) We had the displeasure of playing this god awful game that I want to erase out of my…

RPG Review: Tales of Arise
Since I had just finished a Bamco game and this one had raving reviews I decided to play my first Tales game. Glad to say I was not…

Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja - Episode 2 - Luminaria Hugs Mira
Luminaria had not seen old man Danblf for thirty years, but she needed to hug his adorable girl version. Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja - Episode 2.

Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 2
Hello folks, and welcome on back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d check back in on the trials of Yuki Yuna and her companions, who most…

Tales of Wedding Rings – 01 (First Impressions) – Childhood Hero
One night Satou Haruto was trying to catch a rhinoceros beetle in the woods when a pillar of golden light appeared, and with it a beautiful girl and…

Review #31 – The Everyday Tales of a Cat God
Name: The Everyday Tales of a Cat God (Nekogami Yaoyorozu)Format: BluRayRelease Date: July 2011Age Rating: 13+Themes: gods & goddesses, slice of life, friendship, comedyLanguage Watched: Japane…

Dead Men Tell Tales – A Review of Shigofumi (2008)
After the excellence that is ‘Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu’, I had decided to catch up to some ongoing shows with new seasons and, due to an itching for…

My Hero Academia Season 1, Episode 2: What It Takes to Be a Hero Review
A blog about reviewing anime, anime episodes, anime movies, books, manga and other things.

My Hero Academia Season 1, Episode 2: What It Takes to Be a Hero Review
For this episode, we learn more about our main protagonist and learn All Might’s secret in the process. Although Midoriya is quirkless, does that mean he can’t be…

JRPG Review: Tales of the Abyss
And so after like 14 years of not watching the anime and being that I’m playing a bunch of Tales games now, I finally decided to jump into…

Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Review
It’s been a while since I did a review of an anime season so I thought I would come back to a show I just loved for my…
Review of My Hero Academia s4 ep74 – The Heart of a Hero
My Hero Academia Season 4’s 74’s episode, “Lemillion,” has aired, and Irina (from I Drink and Watch Anime) and I have reviewed it. It’s Irina’s turn to host the…
Tales of Zestiria 2, Ufotable’s Second Dose of Magic
Adapting a game into an anime is a difficult job, hey sensei? Why do you say that tanteikid94? Well, a game like Tales is usually about 50 hours…

The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 2 Review – Best In Show
The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 2: Naofumi and Mirellia Q Melromarc try to talk sense into some generals. It was a struggle.
The Rising of the Shield Hero, The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2

Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles – A gaming journey
Many years ago, when games were simpler things, the Japanese Role Playing genre got a breakthrough in games for it; a game named Tales of Symphonia. For the…

Tales of Wedding Rings – Episode 1
Tales of Wedding Rings has genuine potential, if it can avoid tripping over its tendency to toss in fan service any time the plot can get away with…

Tales Of Eternia
Didn’t think I would be so quick to watch another Tales series after my very recent stint with Tales Of Phantasia. This time, Tales Of Eternia. Yeah, am…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Tales Of Phantasia
How long has it been since I watched a Tales series? Oh, not that I cared anyway. So when I stumbled upon this old retro Tales Of Phantasia,…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Tales of Ise
Tales of Ise is referenced throughout early Japanese literature. If you hadn’t read it, you won’t catch some of the meaning Sei Shonagon, Lady Nijo, Murasaki Shikibu, and…

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 6: Velvet Crowe
Review: This entry picks up right where the previous one left off, with Velvet preparing to face off against Oscar. The action in this episode is intense, and…

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 8: Rayfalke Spiritcrest
Review: Alright everyone, Edna is here. The best character has been introduced, you can all go home now. The show can’t get any better than this. Okay, all…

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 10: Alisha Diphda
Review: After we see Sorey and Mikleo working to purify Marlind’s water source, we get to meet the Seraph who was the drake from the previous episode. In…

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 11: The War
Review: I have to give credit where credit is due: the anime handling of the “war” between Hyland and Rolance feels much more fluid and serious than the…
A Review of My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
Save for a rant-filled, canceled post from this past summer, I have never formally written on the topic of My Hero Academia. That might seem sacrilegious given my…
Holiday Review #13: TALES OF THE KINGDOM
Mostly I'm just glad that this year brought us yet another beautiful and subtly queer manga from Asumiko Nakamura. TALES OF THE KINGDOM ( O...

RPG Review: Tales of Vesperia -Definitive Edition-
So after playing Tales of Arise I got sucked into the Tales universe after another crazy Steam sale where these games, normally $50, were like $8 lol. I…
Holiday Review #13: TALES OF THE KINGDOM
Mostly I'm just glad that this year brought us yet another beautiful and subtly queer manga from Asumiko Nakamura. TALES OF THE KINGDOM ( O...

REVIEW: Havira Senki (Tales of the Butterfly)
An endangered race of small humanoid butterfly people find themselves in a big fight for survival and freedom, as they leave the protection and control of humans for…
![Featured image for [Review] How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Part 2](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220413/1649894078.34537.62991.png)
![Background image for [Review] How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Part 2](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220413/1649894078.34537.62991.png)
[Review] How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Part 2
A sadly common scene in Realist Hero Now that we’re fully into the first and second weeks of the new spring season, I’ll be finishing up my winter…
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom, How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Part 2

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 12: The Lord of Calamity
Review: The first portion of Tales of Zestiria the X wraps up with plenty of blood and action to satisfy any action fan. Alisha’s fate manages to be…

My Hero Academia REVIEW Dump 2
This post is a Re-Upload of an old post I did on my New Site- “Pirate King Seraph” with Webresolvers. If you want to see more- as well…

My Hero Academia REVIEW Dump 2
It’s happening again. I’m ready for this series to just…………. be over already; ready to close the final volume and leave this series on my shelf for good-…

Miyako’s Night Tales Review
Focused on Miyako and the characters she meets due to her eccentric nature, Miyako's Night Tales is an engaging and interesting manga.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero: The Hero Chapter – Ep. 2
But…there’s four more episodes…

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 7: Each One’s Feelings
Review: Well, after two weeks (or is it technically three?) we finally rejoin Sorey and his friends as they stare down the barrel of a giant tornado. From…

Review: Tales of Zestiria the X, Episode 9: The Plagued City
Review: This episode presents a familiar scene from the game: Alisha and company need to reach the infected town, but the bridge has been washed out, thanks to…

Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 2
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re continuing with the journey of Togo, or “Washii” to her new friends, as she and her companions…
There was good shojo manga to be found this year, ones that relied not on webnovel buzzwords but on good old-fashioned drama and trauma. TAL...
There was good shojo manga to be found this year, ones that relied not on webnovel buzzwords but on good old-fashioned drama and trauma. TAL...

DLC Review: Tales of Arise -Beyond the Dawn-
Where the FU** is my Alphen x Shionne proposal and wedding scene?? Hello?! tfw not “Intended for Certain Audiences”.

Phantom Tales of the Night Volume 1 Review
If the mean-spirited tone isn't a turn off, Phantom Tales of the Night is a story with fantastical body horror & art style to enhance it all.

Tales of ChoHakkai Released!
Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally able to once again perform a full game release on Christmas. This time, it’s…
Tales of Arise DLC?!?
What?! Bandai-Namco just announced news that Tales of Arise is getting a random expansion DLC that takes place a year after the games ending, complete with 20+ hours…